Chapter 38. The three fruits are consumed, Behemoth awaken!

"Good boy, isn't this guy a witch doctor since he tries all kinds of rare herbs?" 

Looking madly at Doc Q, Karl suddenly said this. 

Needless to say, research of this kind on poisons and viruses has reached a high level and self-destructed to such an extent that it still refuses to stop. 

In a sense, he's a match for witch doctor! 

"Stronger, my opportunity is here. As long as this fruit exists, I can definitely create a virus that scares the whole sea!" 

Doc Q gently stroked the tall horse next to him, his eyes were anxious, and his excitement couldn't calm down at all. 

Stronger is the name of your sick horse. Obviously, staying with Doc Q every day will inevitably be affected by his partner's poison. 

However, it can be clearly seen that Doc Q's medical skills defy logic. It's all like that, and he can still maintain his life and his mount's life on his own! 

"If there is a King of Hell in this world, it is estimated that he will be angry that these two do not finish going down to the most found. Why aren't these two guys a glitch in the matrix?" 

Observing this man's condition, Karl shook his head without speaking. 

However, Doc Q's ability, whether Karl or Blackbeard, is still quite recognized. 

Although the things you study are scary, they are also scary for others. 

Now that Doc Q has already boarded his ship, after that, isn't this a good tool to strengthen the Blackbeard Pirates? 

When the time comes, let alone the World Government and the Navy, the entire world will be plunged into great fear! 

Of course, the premise is that you can actually study it... 

"Wihahahahahaha, this Behemoth fruit, I'm keeping it, don't bring any of you with me!" 

"Whoever steals from me, will see me very angry!" 

At that moment, Burgess's harsh, exaggerated voice came. 

I saw this guy and he excitedly received the Behemoth Fruit directly in his hands, with a look he is not willing to let go... 

Obviously, the temptation of this fruit for him is too great, it is tailor-made for him! 

He simply likes these kinds of higher power-type abilities, such as the Mythic Zoan skill and the legendary giant beast. 

However, the other people present didn't pay attention to this stupid guy at all, and didn't even turn their heads back, making it clear that they wanted to embarrass him... 

Nonsense, who will steal from you? 

Don't you see how obsessed Van Augur and Doc Q are with the Speed fruit and the virus fruit? 

Not worse than him! 

Even if he took the initiative to change it, no one would take care of him, maybe he would be anxious! 

"Zehahahaha, it looks like you've all chosen!" 

"In that case, eat them and then it's time to leave with us!" 

Seeing that his team's strength was about to usher in a wave of improvements, Blackbeard was overjoyed and immediately urged everyone to eat the Devil Fruit. 

Hearing this, several people were not hypocrites and immediately devoured the fruits... 

Looking at this scene, Karl was a little uneasy. Devil fruit, isn't it so hard to eat? Others are eager to spit it out after taking a bite. What's going on with these guys who eat without wasting anything? 

Is there such a way to eat? 

But think about it and know that this is the skill they dreamed of. I didn't expect that on this trip to Saraka I would be able to obtain such a magnificent fruit skill! 

Who cares about taste? Even if it's unpleasant, it has to be said that it's delicious because of the sheer strength you'll get. It's so extraordinarily wonderful! 

"Oh, it's a shame, I missed this opportunity. I didn't expect to have such excellent skill. The two captains, they really gained a lot of strength..." 

"The ability of my zoan white dove, how can I have the ability to even compare myself on the boat in the future?" 

On the other side, Laffitte was leaning with his cane quite tightly, with great resentment, his face soured to such an extent that his teeth almost fell out... 

The fruity ability of the three people is outrageously powerful, which makes Laffitte, who is a normal white pigeon zoan user, quite jealous! 

But he had no choice but to blame himself for eating early. 

"Laffitte, don't be jealous. With your 'cunning' nature, you are definitely well placed on the ship my crew!" 

"I think you and Karl, there will be a lot of common themes! Zehahahahahaha!" 

Blackbeard had a bad expression on his face and wanted to say something. I couldn't stop looking at Karl, who obviously meant that he is cheating and likes to fight with tricks without rules! 

"Teach, when it comes to betrayal, there's no one like you, don't talk about me, don't forget whose plan it is." 

Karl glared at the ecstatic Blackbeard, who was delighted and came to mock him again. 

This son of a bitch! 

"Zehahahahah, sure, sure, in terms of ingenuity, he has to be the chief of staff... Um, a first-rate military general, how can she be treacherous, Zehaha!" 

Under Karl's murderous eyes, Blackbeard forcibly suppressed the four words "chief of staff dog", and his hair almost fell out from fright... 

This kind of daily bickering was normal for both Karl and Blackbeard. But in Laffitte's eyes, he was surprised! 

Crew, how dare you talk to the captain like that? 

Even the communication between the vice captain and the captain shouldn't be like this! 

What is the situation of this vice-captain? It seems that his importance and status in the team is the same as Blackbeard's! 

No wonder Laffitte is shocked and strange. After all, looking at the sea, there are countless groups of pirates... 

I can't say them all. In most teams, the captain is the supreme, the most respected, and the guy the crew never dares to disobey, not even the first mate! 

Casual jokes and arguments like this? Outrageous! 

However, Karl and Blackbeard naturally don't know Laffitte's thoughts, and even if they did, they probably wouldn't care... 

What a joke, no one knows Karl's importance better than Blackbeard himself! 

All this is because of him at the moment, not to mention this way of getting along, even if he is offended by Karl's words, Blackbeard won't care! 

After about five minutes, the three people who ate the fruit clearly felt the changes in their bodies and began to adjust to the feeling of this power becoming a part of their bodies. 

"It looks like it's done." 

"Clean up the traces here, we should go..." 


Seeing the three people sitting on the steps stand up, Karl was about to open his mouth and order them to clean the place, so he wanted to leave and return to the ship. 

But at that moment, a sudden roar directly interrupted Karl's words! 

I saw that, between the three of them, Burgess raised his throat and roared to heaven. Obviously, the big beastly and uncontrolled type roar wasn't Burgess's original voice! 

It is... the roar that really belongs to the Behemoth!