Chapter 39. Karl: Who are you yelling at idiot, get on the boat?!

In the square, after seeing Burgess roar, his body began to grow uncontrollably! 

The clothes expanded directly, and the skin all over the body began to glow, and the already exaggerated muscles ushered in a huge increase again! 

In just a moment, Burgess's body became incomparably tall, over ten meters tall, and was on par with the giants! 

At this moment, he has lost his human appearance. It has dark brown skin, long white hair, and a mouth full of fangs. It seems pretty intimidating... 

What's even more surprising is that their exaggerated forearms are actually two or three times thicker than their thighs, obviously full of explosive power. 

Just by looking at him, with this punch, let alone the giants, even if Oz came, perhaps he wouldn't be able to sustain it! 

And this is the true form of the Behemoth! 

When Burgess ate the fruit, after a brief period of adaptation, he began to try to use this inexplicable extra energy in his body. 

But I didn't expect that under the accident, this product would directly use the beastly form without measuring strength! 

"Wihahahaha, great, this power is amazing!" 

"This body is very useful. Is this the legendary fruit of Behemoth? I didn't expect it, Wihahahahahaha, it will really let me get it!!" 

"My punch, how many mountains can't be brought down?" 

"I think in the future, when I go to sea, who would dare to challenge me, those idiots in the navy will suffer a lot? I'll knock them all down with one blow!" 

Burgess, who took the form of Behemoth, reacted to the brief confusion and fell into extreme emotion. 

After assessing his huge, exaggerated arms and fists, he began to point towards the mountain not far from the city. 

It looks like he'll run over it and use it for boxing! 

"Oh my God, Burgess, you idiot, can you stop making trouble and almost step on me?" 

"If you want to cause trouble, I will accompany you and fate will decide together with Senriku to destroy you!" 

Just as Burgess was transforming, the unhappy voices of Laffitte and Van Augur came from below, and it looked like they were going to hit him if they didn't agree! 

There's no way to know who made this guy move over his head, shapeshift without saying hello, and almost stomped on these two... 

However, before the two could make a move, in the square, Karl took a step and walked towards Burgess. 

Until then, several people in the camp noticed Karl's face becoming more and more sullen... 

"This kid is going to take a good beating, the vice captain is angry." 

Laffitte seemed to enjoy the evil of others, and smiled rather maliciously like a Cheshire. 

Ever since he saw the relationship between Karl and Blackbeard, he had a strong sixth sense. Not only did the first mate have a very high status on the ship, but his strength was outrageous! 

What nonsense! The owner of Conqueror's Haki, and dare you say he's weak? 

Wouldn't it be easy to abuse a little Burgess? 

In fact, it's true, Karl is quite upset now! 

Burgess, do you dare interrupt me and pretend to be the center of attention in front of me? 

I can't stand it! 

Still, hitting the mountain? Think you're the marine hero Garp? 

When he got closer, compared to Burgess, who was over ten meters tall at the time, Karl's stature was too small. 

However, no matter how big the body is, in the face of absolute strength, it's just a show! 

Karl didn't say a word, his legs were filled with energy, and then he jumped into the sky in an instant. 

"Vice-captain? How...?" 

Looking at Karl, who suddenly appeared in his line of sight, Burgess, who was still chatting with himself, was clearly confused and couldn't understand the situation. 

However, before he could finish his words, Karl hit directly and slammed into his big Behemoth face! 


Even the Armor Haki was not used. With such a simple blow, Burgess's big face slammed into a ground creating a large hole, making him scream in pain! 

Then, before he could react, Karl turned around in the air, threw his leg back, and kicked it over the other half of his face... 

The few people below could only see that Burgess's huge figure suddenly flew away, lost its center of gravity from Karl's kick, and crashed into a building not far away. 


In front of him, a huge thick smoke rose in an instant, and Burgess's huge figure disappeared from everyone's sight. 

"Okay, clean up here, make sure there's no one alive, we should go." 

After doing all this, Karl clapped his hands to wipe off the dust and gave an order to the other three who were still stunned. There was no emotional fluctuation on his face and he didn't say a word. 

As if the person who just punched Burgess wasn't him at all... 

"¡Yes... yes, Vice-Captain!" 

Hearing this, the three of the new nakamas came to their senses, responded quickly, and then headed off to deal with what Karl ordered. 

No way, his vice-captain is too strong, not even an indifferent guy like Van Augur can stay calm, he even felt a chill in his heart... 

Still, no one pities Burgess, interrupting the vice-captain? Are you still pretending to be the center of attention? So why don't you take the initiative to find another place to shout? 


"Yes, this time it went quite well for my pirate group, we finally have a full and straight crew, how good! It's time for a feast, Zehahahahaha!" 

Obviously, Blackbeard was a little unhappy with the arrogant Burgess. After seeing Karl take care of him, he didn't care about that guy anymore and brought the topic to the banquet. 

The number of members increased tremendously, and four people joined at once, and the overall strength of the team ushered in both a qualitative and quantitative increase in power. Not to mention, these newcomers who boarded the ship basically had the same style as Blackbeard. 

This made him very excited, and he was about to return to the ship immediately for a big feast! 

A pirate group that doesn't organize banquets doesn't have a good captain, Blackbeard said. How can a pirate not celebrate a banquet? 

This is the consensus of the pirate world: to be the "ultimate goal" of the pirates! 

Afterwards, several people shot together and, under the influence of Blackbeard's Observation Haki, eliminated the pirates who were still in the field one by one and then left there. 

To avoid future problems and to be completely clean, Karl and Blackbeard will not leave any flaws that anyone can expose. 

In this way, Blackbeard and Karl led the three newly boarded ships into the harbor. 

As for Burgess? Let him chase them. For this type of person, a good beating and he becomes an obedient child. 

If they are not reprimanded in time, it is too easy for them to become arrogant? 

So far, this trip to Saraka Island has come to a successful conclusion. 

Blackbeard and Karl's goals have also been fully fulfilled! 

However, when they were about to reach the port, there was still a distance between them, and the two saw from afar that another ship appeared next to the large ship... 

In front of the ship, there were two giant pythons pulling the boat! 

@ DragoCoffee, I just don't understand how there is a reader as wonderful as you, with this there are already 42 power stones