Chapter 16

- What I'm about to say is unbelievable, but please believe me and take my words as seriously as possible.

He managed to capture the crowd's attention, though in such a situation it didn't require any special effort. Dressed in a strange costume for their time, the man attracted attention by himself, without even needing to say anything. People stood quietly, ready to listen.

- We're not just vampires, not just naked and taken the hell out of here. This is a completely different world. It's not Earth. I don't know - whether it's a parallel world or something else. Whether we're individually delusional or experiencing a mass hallucination is completely irrelevant at this point. It's a different world around us.

People stood and looked at him, waiting for him to continue. Even Olga Viktorovna and Alexei Gennadyevich were silent and did not try to say anything, neither about vampires nor about the other world.

- I came across a battlefield between several humans and drank the blood of the dead. With the human blood, everything happened just like with the wolf blood, I gained their knowledge and memories. We are in the kingdom of Elur, Duchy of Kas, Barony of Savoyardi. There are other races of sentient beings in this world besides humans. But no one has ever heard of vampires. The mountains you can see to the west are called the Nalim Mountains or Nalim. They are the border between the kingdom we are in and the kingdom of Orod. Further north lies the Great Northern Tract. It runs to the rich mines in the very north of the kingdom, the Zalon Mines and the fortress of Zalon. The forest to the north and east is not inhabited by humans at all. It is called the Cursed Forest, and as the locals believe, it is home to all sorts of evil things. No one has seen it, but the path in the north is laid along the mountains, as it is a safer place than through the forest to the east. The mountains are inhabited by goblins and they are a danger. If you see a small furry creature on two legs, kill it at once or it will kill you.

Alexander himself did not know why he was telling people all this. Although he understood that such a monotonous enumeration of simple facts acts on them in some way hypnotically and they do not give in to panic or hysteria. So instead of dividing his blood drop by drop among all of them, he went on and on speaking.

- The kingdom of Orod and Elur are at war and very soon an Orodian army will pass through these parts, from north to south. Their goal is to capture the capital of the duchy before winter. By the way, it is now the beginning of September.

Having stopped talking, he looked around the people and decided not to continue, but to give them a chance to digest the information they had received. But quickly changed his mind. We should forge iron while the iron is hot - no hysterics and no attempts of the director to show who is in charge here.

- It is more important than ever to build temporary shelters from the weather and the sun. We have the tools to cut wood now. We need to build simple shacks. Don't try to make them too elaborate. They are temporary and they should only give protection from the sun and heavy rain. We'll probably have to leave this place in a couple of days.

- Why should we trust this milkman?!

"Here we go. You didn't think it would be this smooth, did you, Alexander?"

Olga Viktorovna came forward.

- First he tells us about blood and calls us horrible god-damned creatures. Now he says that we are in some strange place, not on Earth at all. Next he says we're the spawn of hell and we have to kill people to live!

Help came from a completely unexpected place. Alexei Gennadyevich interrupted his protégée.

- Olga Viktorovna. Sweetheart. Let's not start now. We are in another world or somewhere else, it doesn't matter. To build huts and make fire, to find food - these are priority and archival tasks now. I'm sure they're already looking for us if we're at home. If Sashenka (Alexander) is telling the truth.

- What truth? What truth? That one.

- Calm down, my dear. Let's put it off for later, and now you and I need to organize people for the construction.

The woman paused for breath and exhaled noisily. No matter how hysterical she was by nature, she loved power with every fiber of her being and understood even more than her boss wanted to tell her.

- All right, Alexei Gennadyevich. We'll deal with this upstart later. Right now we really need to take care of people.

The next hours piled up in one heap. Alexander had worked so hard and intensively only in the army.

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