Chapter 17

To begin with, fires were built. The flames found in the soldiers' possession made it possible to do so quickly. Sentries were sent out and a reconnaissance of all the surrounding territories within a kilometer radius was organized, one could only wonder how the director managed to do it so quickly and competently. Branches and small trees were chopped down to make tents.

They were rather clumsy, but they gave protection from the sun. Taking into account that they were placed in the forest between the trees, one could not worry - the rays of the local sun would not reach the people. Though it remained to be seen whether the local star was dangerous for them.

But the local food was safe. And in every sense. It did not quench hunger, but only dulled it somewhat. All the provisions that the soldiers had with them were divided and eaten during the first rest break. It also became clear that the vampires needed water.

Luckily Maria and Olga, who had been busy cleaning Eugene's clothes, found a small spring just a few hundred meters away from the camp. That small spring, which was in the immediate vicinity of the camp, was thoroughly polluted within half a day.

By evening, the company had gathered together. Having drunk the blood of humans, they had worked harder than the others and had done a lot more than the others. As it turned out, having knowledge of something and being able to apply it were different things.

Their bodies didn't have the right skills. Having pure knowledge about something and not being able to put it into practice the way the previous "owners" of the knowledge did - it was more exhausting than physical work. Everyone sat somewhat devastated and exhausted.

The general silence was broken by Eugene, who asked his wife about the progress of his assignment about the clothes.

- Well washed and cleaned everything. Now it's drying. But how and with what to darn the holes - neither I, nor Masha (Maria) have no idea.

- What, nothing like thread and needles?

- Uh-huh. The vigilantes didn't bring any. And the soldiers left it in the vanguard's pack. There's just the stuff we need for routine shoe repairs.

- That could be a problem. We'll need clothes.

His wife laughed merrily.

- When it becomes a problem, then talk about it. Right now, I'm wondering if we shouldn't disband all our clothes for rags.

- Why would you do that?

- Well, we are vampires...,- Olga smiled slyly, looking at her spouse.

- So what of it? Are we going to scare the locals with our naked asses?

- You'll live to see the locals first. Vampires are afraid of the sun.

- Well, we built the tents to protect us from the sun in the first place.

- The local sun is called Demur and the moon is called Mur.

- I don't know!

His wife gave him a tongue-lashing.

- Still, we'll need rags, too. Let's not try to mend things torn by weapons, but leave them as they are for now.

- Okay, all right. By the way, won't the things that are drying have legs attached to them? - Eugene was concerned, remembering that the women had several times participated in conflicts, chasing away one or the other person who demanded to let them dress.

- Whoever puts on their legs, we will break those legs. I personally promised everyone.

Knowing the character of his wife, Eugene calmed down. When she said something in such a tone, she was afraid even he. Her words and deeds did not disagree, and people instinctively felt that if this woman said that she would hit, then she would hit, not just threaten.

Alexander silently stood up and began to take off his clothes. Only now, after a full day's work, did he realize how privileged he was. All day long he was the only one who wore clothes, the others were naked.

Alexei Gennadyevich had tried to get himself some clothes three times and all the times he had been openly sent away by Olga, who had earned herself a reputation as a boorish and feisty woman.

- Leave it, - Eugene looked at the boy seriously.

- It's not a matter of standing out so much among the others. It's not worth it.

- Maybe it's not a matter, but it's definitely worth it. Think about it. This director of yours.

- Deputy Director.

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