Chapter 18

- I don't care if he's a deputy deputy! This man clearly has a desire to lead. Honestly, I don't know what got into his head and where such a desire for power comes from, given the circumstances. But he wants it with every fiber of his being, - Eugene switched to a whisper, so that even sensitive hearing, acquired after moving to this world barely distinguished the sound of his voice, - But for us he is a lousy option.

- He's a very good organizer.

- I don't care. He's a bad man, and we're gonna have a very bad time with him. At the meeting we showed him what he is and then we gave him the power. Now everyone recognizes him as a leader and obeys him. But he doesn't understand the situation and he's going to be bad for everyone.

- He really knows how to organize things very well, - Gennady felt it necessary to insert his five kopecks.

- It was in that world. I organized everything well there too, I had my own company, I made good money. But here I am, frankly speaking - lost. And this Alexei Gennadyevich of yours is lost, though he doesn't show it. But Alexander doesn't. Sasha is doing the right thing.

- I'm at a loss too, Zhenya (Eugene).

- I don't care, the main thing is that it doesn't affect business. So stay in your clothes.

- Why? - several pairs of eyes stared questioningly at the speaker.

- For the soup. Clothes among the naked is status. A privileged position above the rest. Clothes must be earned!

Everyone nodded understandingly. Right. In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the world of the naked, the clothed man is the leader. Even if he's nothing.

- And if tomorrow will be a clear day, and we are vulnerable to sunlight, we will all be very bad, - Konstantin raised his voice and began to enumerate, - There is no water in the huts, we can not go out for it. We have not taken care of hunting...

- Don't carp, you know that in these places clear days are rare, and probably it is fortunate.

The memory of the Baron's vigilantes, all of them locals, held many interesting things, and one of them was the fact that the northern provinces of the Kingdom of Elur were in the clouds.

Some old imperial maps had labeled the Nalim Mountains and the area east of them as Cloudland, at least that's what one of them had been told by his grandfather. The vigilantes and soldiers themselves were illiterate.

On the other side of the Nalim Mountains, in the kingdom of Orod, the situation was radically different and most of the year the inhabitants basked in the hot northern sun.

- Okay, time to settle in for the night. Today was the strangest day of my life.

Alexander's words brought smiles to the faces of those present. It was hard to imagine a stranger day, and it was scary to imagine what was ahead of them. For now, what lay ahead was their first night in the new world.

A couple dozen goblins walked confidently down the road. Night was their time and there was no fear of nasty humans getting in their way. People prefer to spend the night behind strong walls rather than walking on the roads.

So the group of hunters moved steadily along the human highway, rather than following the usual paths parallel to it. Iyh, who was walking first, stopped abruptly and fell to the ground. Wych ran up to him, spoke to him, and waved to the rest of the group, ordering them to come up. It turned out that there had been a collision at this location.

The ground held many footprints. Nothing special. Humans too had some nobility and they too sometimes fought amongst themselves. This was near and dear to the underground dwellers, not plowing the earth, really.

Killing one's own kind was a worthy and noble occupation, the true calling of the strong. The troop was about to move on when the rat made a stand and squeaked and pulled his leash toward the forest. The goblins followed their tracker.

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