Chapter 30

Everyone nodded in agreement.

- I'm even glad that you're not against using force if necessary. Our man, - Olga smiled contentedly, - And don't try to wriggle out of it. We don't have a single leader for everyone right now. Even my Zhenshka (Eugene) doesn't cut it, and for most of them, you're not only one of their own but also respected... - seeing an attempt to disagree, she made a soothing gesture with her hands, - Respected, respected - don't argue, I talked to the girls. You're valued!

The conversation then turned to discussing the urgent problems of their small group. The girls wanted to improve the interior of the dugout and had many ideas. They had to discuss and then go and implement them. This continued until darkness fell.

This time, the camp didn't fall asleep quickly. After twilight fell, it was decided to send people hunting. The population was divided into dozens and sent out for free hunting. All vampires had enough strength to deal with the fiercest predators they might encounter.

But in these mountains, there were also goblins, so people were divided into dozens rather than groups of three, which would have been more logical. Dividing the trophy weapons among everyone made such a dozen a formidable force in these parts and guaranteed the hunters' safety.

Only children were exempt from hunting. People had to be additionally instructed on moderation, as nearly three hundred people could quickly make the area uninhabitable, destroying all animals, including mice. The only downside was that they couldn't defend the idea of centralized blood distribution. Alexey Gennadyevich insisted that each group should feed on what they could procure themselves.

After some arguments about the impracticality of this, Alexander gave up. He only managed to defend the children - and even then only by promising that he would personally procure blood for them if their parents couldn't. If the chief had his way, he would have sent the children hunting with the adults. In the two hours spent hunting, the vampires were satiated and gained a lot of new emotions. Now the whole camp buzzed like an agitated beehive. People exchanged their thoughts and emotions, unwilling to go to sleep.

A small group rallied around Alexander did not follow Alexey Gennadyevich's instructions, and only two went hunting. The rest were busy arranging the dugout. Maria lined the floor with another layer of leaves and turf, working some kind of magic. The men erected a hut over the entrance and got a fairly spacious anteroom where two more people could fit.

Next to the dugout, another small hut was erected, in which all the clothes and weapons were stored. Despite Alexey Gennadyevich's resistance and his assistant's hysteria, all the weapons used in hunting were returned to Alexander. Giving up the idea of ​​shared blood turned out to be impossible, as the deputy director couldn't provide any arguments as to why trophies should belong to everyone rather than to those who obtained them in battle.

Olga literally worked magic on the rabbit skins. When it became known that they had some abilities for certain magic and could do quite diverse things around them, she, as soon as she had free time, began normal tanning of the skins, starting experiments first with the rabbit ones.

By now, the girl had about twenty skins, and even the most fastidious tanner wouldn't find fault with the tanning. Next, she wanted to work on that bear skin she had previously given to Alexander and "save" it.

Having dinner with the wild boar brought by the hunters, the friends listened to how other vampires returned to the camp from the hunt. It was necessary to go and make sure that everyone had procured blood and hadn't forgotten to bring it for the children.

Various emotional conversations kept reaching their ears. The people got very excited because of the evening outing and discussed it in every way. Who caught whom, who learned what, who drank how much. Fresh blood invigorated people and demanded an outlet for energy.

Sergey, sitting near the dugout and watching the flying insects, approached when he realized that someone was coming towards him. The sound and smell left no doubt about it. He began to like his new abilities. His old and new friends were already resting in the dugout, although they were still awake.

And he was thinking about repeating Alexander's actions from yesterday and going for a night walk. There was something he wanted to check, but he couldn't decide to wander alone in the forest. The guest turned out to be Leonid, Oleg's friend with whom they always discussed history and especially war together.

At work, he held the not dusty position of deputy head of the personnel department and always helped the security officers with hiring or firing matters. Approaching the dugout, he greeted Sergey.

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