Chapter 31

- Sanya (Alexander), come out," he called softly.

A commotion was heard from the hole, and soon its source appeared.

- Hello. What do you want?

Leonid hesitated.

- I this ... well, to thank you wanted to ... it ... in a word more you thank you Sasha. If it weren't for you, we'd all be fighting and drinking each other's blood right now.

Leonid extended his hand and shook the hand extended to him in return.

- And another thing. Gennadyevich is stirring up water there," the guest began to whisper, "You be careful. He doesn't like it very much that you ignore his authority so much.

- And you?

- What about me?

- What's it to you what we're doing? - Eugene appeared from the dugout.

- If anything, I'm on your side. This asshole does and says the wrong thing.

Nodding to all at the same time, Leonid left.

- But he touched on an interesting topic.

- Don't pay attention to Gennadyevich, you know his obsession with power and obedience. He'll get over it.

- I'm not talking about that, Seryoga (Sergei). What if we drink our blood?

The trio of men looked at each other.

- Quite interesting, and really, what will happen? - Eugene looked carefully first at one, and then at the other interlocutor.

- What is there to think about, - Sergei stood up, went to their improvised warehouse, took a knife there and, coming back, cut deeply into his palm and quickly, before the wound healed, brought it to Alexander's face.

Realizing that his buddy was placing the utmost trust in him, for most likely his entire life after this would be as good as in the palm of his hand before the one who drank his blood, Alexander did not simply put his hand to the wound. Instead, taking his friend's wrist, he brought his hand close to his lips and licked the almost healed wound, showing how much he appreciated the trust placed in him.

The blood cheered him up. Strongly. Stronger than human blood, and much stronger than animal blood. Once again, the idea that different blood had different degrees of "energy" and nutrition was confirmed.

But Sergei's life was not his. To be more precise, the blood showed all the memories from the life of its owner, but in the case of the vampire it was exactly from the moment they found themselves in this world. Past life memories were not available. It was amusing to watch himself from the outside through his friend's eyes, but it all lasted less than a second.

- Well? - Two pairs of attentive eyes stared at him.

Instead of answering, he took the dagger and slashed his palm. Sergei grinned and repeated Alexander's actions, licking off his friend's blood rather than touching it with his hand. Then the blood was exchanged between Sergei and Eugene. For a while everyone was silent.

- So our bodies were not in this world, - Eugene was categorical, - otherwise we would have gotten a full memory, not the last two days.

- Well, I wouldn't be so sure, though it's hard not to agree with you," Sergei scratched his ear. - Let's go to bed. Dibs, I'm at the entrance, in case I want to wander at night.

The men were about to climb into the dugout, when their attention was attracted by the sounds of running, approaching them. Soon the cause of the sounds, a girl of about 14 years old, appeared. When she ran up, she stopped and stared intently at her friends.

- What do you want?

- Why did it smell like blood in here?

- We were experimenting.

- Are you sure?

- Not really, - Alexander laughed, - Why are you interested?

- My mom sent me. We live in a hut over there, - a careless wave of the hand in the direction of the forest, where she came from, - We smelled blood here, so my mom said, run and check - what is there, because the smell of blood is strange. So here I am.

The girl twirled uncertainly on the spot, looking at one or the other.

- Tell your mom we're fine. We were just doing another experiment.

- All right... And tell me, is it true that there are elves here?

Alexander laughed.

- It's true!

- That's great, - she was genuinely happy, turned around, and already running away, said, - And also, thank you. You saved us.

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