Chapter 37

- Don't be afraid, my dear, it's all about organization. We'll make sure these rats are the first to attack. If we're lucky, they'll even get killed. And we'll attack later and kill those soldiers who are still alive.

- And we have weapons, - Krapivin pulled out a good-looking dagger from under a lapland.

As it happened, he was the first to know about the vampires' ability to use magic. He was a smart, but completely urban dweller, and he had tried to start a fire using local means, but had failed miserably. When he finally became enraged, he shouted at a pile of brushwood, "Burn already!" - and the brushwood burst into flames.

Having experimented a little, he found out that the main thing in this case is personal desire and intention, not words. Sharing his knowledge with others, he began to make himself a weapon from the first dense branch he found.

Krapivin transformed it into a dagger, slowly but surely changing the atoms and then building them into a crystalline lattice of metal. The resulting weapon was of a distinctly Gorean type, and resembled the only daggers he had ever held in his hands while vacationing in Dagestan. But the quality of the weapons exceeded all imaginable expectations, which was much more important than their appearance.

- That's right, we have clubs, we are stronger and faster than ordinary men, blood will give us strength, plus magic. Let's send these bastards and those who support them on the attack. We go after them and finish them off.

The decision was made unanimously, except that the head of the sanatorium did it only because he did not want to stand out. Later he went to talk to Alexander, but did not find him, because he was hunting. He didn't try to convince the others, only outlined to the young man's companions the plans for the attack. Postponing the conversation until later, he simply forgot about it later. In the morning, when the demur rose, there were again not enough clouds in the sky.

This day was much calmer than the previous one. Semyon, who had been appointed camp duty officer, was frankly bored. A clear day was not a novelty, and it could not be called completely cloudless. The sky was periodically covered with rather large clouds and for a few minutes a saving shadow fell on the ground. No one was yanking and calling the duty officer, the vampires were sleeping peacefully after a hard night's work.

Sitting in the center of the camp and covered with a blanket, he experimented with cones. More precisely, he was throwing them, naturally using magic. At a distance of more than a meter from the person magic stopped working and lost all power.

But the object, like a cone, was quite successfully accelerated with its help and continued its flight, even when the magician's power dissipated. It was only necessary to imagine something like a railgun or a slingshot, and then everything worked perfectly.

It was the different ways of sending cones into flight that the duty officer was engaged in. Applying little effort to acceleration and throwing, he was not afraid of starving before the time. Such innocent amusements required almost no energy expenditure.

The other thing was that it was quite unknown what kind of expenditure of force was required to do it with something more serious in weight than cones, and over a distance of at least a couple of hundred meters, rather than to the nearest tree.

Like everyone else, he was aware of the discovery of the soldiers on the tract. At first this news cheered him up. Unlike most, he had drunk human blood and remembered his feelings from it well. Human blood was not only more energizing, but it gave an unparalleled pleasure when ingested.

Euphoria, elation, wild joy. The main difference was the pleasant bonus that the vampire received from the blood of bipeds - not only the entire memory of a human, but all the feelings he had experienced in his entire life. Probably no drug could compare to that. Animal blood was simply satiating, but human blood made him thirsty and thirsty.

Semyon had no idea how to get human blood. There were a lot of soldiers, and the chances of defeating them... well, certainly not at a push. It required thinking, and thinking well. That's what the temporary duty officer was doing, thinking of ways to defeat the people and get their blood... Now he was throwing cones.

By evening the sky was finally covered with clouds. And those who woke up before sunset were able to get out of their shelters at once. The general meeting decided to conduct an additional reconnaissance. Two scouts were immediately sent to the military camp, and two more were to check the rest of the tract adjacent to the vampire camp.

Alexey Gennadyevich went to look for Alexander, who had not attended the evening meeting, hoping that he would be there. Luckily for him, everyone was gathered around their dugout, apparently plotting some kind of mischief.

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