Chapter 40

- Don't worry so much, Leshenka (Alexey Gennadyevich). So what if the freaks didn't understand you!

Olga Viktorovna chirped around her boss, trying to cheer him up.

- So what if they didn't understand why it was necessary. Who needs them themselves, you bloody bastards.

At these words, the boss, who was sitting in complete prostration, perked up.

- Say it again!

- Damned scum...

- Not that, - he waved them away, - Who needs them! Who needs them! Exactly! Gather our people now.

In five minutes people were sitting around him.

- As you've seen for yourself, no one wants to attack. But we've already discussed this. We have to attack. Fate is giving us a unique opportunity. Right now, the army is divided and there's a very small force right next to us. We don't need a large force. We can manage on our own. All we have to do is find trustworthy companions and we can sneak out in secret. Take the wagon, the weapons, the clothes.

Everyone liked the idea, even the cautious head of the sanatorium supported it. People went around the camp, thinking who could be involved in such an endeavor. In the end, in half an hour a very motley crew was assembled.

A few men from different departments who could be trusted and were personally indebted to the deputy general, a couple of people who simply supported the idea of the attack and got wind of it, a few girls from the accounting department who came here on the orders of the chief accountant, not of their own free will (but who cared about that, the main thing was that they were afraid of their boss and did what she told them to do), loyal companions, and a guard with a gun.

There are already more than twenty vampires. And in the nearest military camp there were a little more than fifty sleeping, weak, almost unable to see anything in the darkness. Alexey Gennadyevich had no doubts about success. And after a successful attack it was possible to talk to all those who were against his power in a completely different way. Completely!

Taking from the unsuspecting Oleg a few axes for household work, a small detachment disappeared in the darkness of the forest and after a short time materialized near the camp of the Orod detachment.

- Do not be afraid. We are stronger and faster. Now we just run the distance from the forest to the wall and it's done. The main thing - drink blood at once, - Gennadyevich encouraged his army, - They are sleeping there. Victory will be for us!

Having arranged his army for the attack, he gathered all the courage in a fist and shouted loudly:

- Forward!

The men who trusted him ran to the attack. At that moment, he did not realize that shouting loudly to warn the enemy was a great folly. Perhaps it was this foolishness that decided the outcome of the case.

No matter how sleepy the soldiers in the camp were, they couldn't miss the loud shout from the forest. Following the shout, men emerged from the forest. Naked. And they were running towards the camp. Some of them had axes in their hands, others held weighty clubs or sticks, only one man was clothed and had a sword in his hand. The soldier standing on the tower did not hesitate for a second.

Taking up his bow, snatching an arrow, he put it on and took aim... oh gods, how fast those strange naked men were running! The arrow snapped off the bowstring and plunged into the chest of the axe-wielding man who had almost made it to the wall. Instead of dropping dead, the man looked at his chest and pulled the arrow out of his body, then glanced at the place where it had come from. The second arrow had struck almost the same spot as its friend.

Screaming furiously, the man climbed over the wall and rushed towards the tower. Already climbing it, he received a third arrow. Out of his mind, he sent a powerful stream of flame at the soldier. And then, chopping the flaming carcass with his axe, he tried to get to the insides.

Unfortunately for him, he spent too much energy on the flames, making them too hot. In an instant, the man's body wasn't just set on fire, it was well fried. There was no more blood in it.

There was a commotion throughout the camp. Soldiers with weapons in their hands jumped out of their tents and met the attackers, lining up in front of them in some semblance of a tight formation. They, in addition to their strange appearance, which consisted in the complete absence of clothing, also behaved strangely, trying to touch the enemy, and shouting something in an incomprehensible language. The fight broke up into separate fragments.

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