Chapter 47

The valiant sentinel thought about it and came to the conclusion that additional prisoners were needed to understand the situation inside. When Oleg saw that three soldiers went along the path to the main camp, he took advantage of the situation and intercepted them on the way, and then brought them to the vampires' hideout.

- We have only one option left. We must attack the orodians.

Alexander had already calmed down outwardly and stopped running around the dugout shouting curses, though he was still shaking inside. He had already taken a huge risk by taking additional prisoners and clearly showing the Orodians that the forest was inhabited by hostile creatures, and the disappearance of the three messengers would force the vanguard to use its strength to destroy the threat. After all, the troops intended to camp for several more days.

If the sun were not so deadly to vampires, and if they could exist under it, it would not be so fatal, they would simply move to a new place. But who's to say that they'll be able to settle there and luck will be on their side, just as it was when they arrived here?

- So we attack them. This night, a diversionary force will return in the morning. We'll recruit more volunteers and attack.

Everyone was silent, it was obvious that the idea was hard for them to accept. They understood that it was necessary, but some anger and aggressiveness were not distinguished and did not want to go to kill other people.

- Oleg, as a punishment for the initiative - go build a prison. We already have six prisoners. And if there's enough food for them, there's nowhere to keep them.

- How am I supposed to build you a prison here?

- That's not my problem. We're not gonna kill the prisoners, and we're not gonna let them go. Build it any way you want, but make sure it's ready by morning.

All his friend could do was nod.

- And maybe... shall we use them? - Semyon suggested it.

- We won't kill prisoners unless it's absolutely necessary.

- Why not?

- Because we're human beings, Semyon!

The idea of attacking the human camp did not arouse enthusiasm at all. The awakened vampires were immediately invited to the next general meeting, where they were told that they had to either risk moving or risk attacking. And that their new leaders, who had taken the place of their misguided predecessors, were also determined to attack.

Even though they were the ones who were against it only a short time ago. Additional troubles were created by the fact that the new leaders were in their place exactly on the same principle as Alexey Gennadyevich's team - having arbitrarily appointed themselves to it.

This fact and did not fail to take advantage of the former deputy general director, who was now actively setting people against the idea of attacking, and stressed that the decision is made by those who should not lead.

Judging by his appearance, he had quite recovered from the horror of defeat and the guilt of those killed during the day. Especially since of the five killed, only the loss of the former chief accountant was important to him.

The other four had been brought in for the attack from the outside, and the girl accountant had participated in the attack under compulsion. True, the former head of the sanatorium also left the camp of his supporters, moving into the hut where his former colleagues lived. But this loss was not so great - this rat will surely return to the place where he will be better.

Now Alexey Gennadyevich was actively speaking, begging not to repeat his mistakes. And he was listened to. People did not like the idea of attacking. Alexander didn't want to attack either, but tried to show that it was a forced measure.

In the end Olga Viktorovna couldn't stand it, she threw another tantrum and the degree of discussion grew. The squabble started, which was stopped by Alexey Gennadyevich, who demanded a vote for the first time. Which simply showed what was already obvious. The majority had doubts. It was also unpleasant news for the former leader that he was supported by a minority.

Alexander, despite the lack of significant support, decided that that was enough democracy for today.

- Here's the deal. We'll attack anyway. But I will not force anyone to attack. All those who wish to participate in the attack - now run to the hunt, after it we will gather near my dugout on the outskirts of the camp. The rest let them prepare for the move.

Interrupting any attempts at further discussion, he ran off to the hunt, leaving Konstantin in charge.

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