Chapter 48

There were quite a lot of people who wanted to take part in the attack. And, unfortunately, not only armor, or at least just clothes, but also weapons were not enough for everyone. They were given pointed sticks, about one and a half meters long. Primitive spears from the Stone Age, but with a slight magical reinforcement of the tip, should have been fine. When Semyon showed his experiments on the cones, several people expressed a desire to have several such spears so they could throw them.

The returning squad of volunteers brought good news and agreed to participate in the attack.

The idea was fully justified. When the camp realized that they were losing men, scouts were sent into the forest. It was one such scout who was noisily captured by Sergei's team. The noise, shouts, and sword strikes did not go unheeded, and soon the vampires were being pursued by a seriously outnumbered squad.

As had been agreed, the volunteers did not break away from the pursuers, but kept them at a distance, always giving them hope for luck, and leaving fresh and clear traces. But those who commanded the pursuers were not fools, and they soon turned back. The group then accelerated its movement, not forgetting to keep a closer watch, and coming to the river, went straight up its bed to the bridge on the road. And then Sergei with all impudence ordered to go straight along the path.

The only deviation from the plan, and that was a minor one, was the action on the prisoner. They did not kill him, but dragged him to the camp. Alexander only sighed sadly and ordered him to be placed with those who were already languishing in captivity. Killing people did not inspire him at all, but keeping prisoners was not in his immediate plans.

In the meantime, Leonid, who had familiarized himself with the plan of attack, criticized it completely. Initially it was supposed to be a simple frontal attack by the forces of vampires in armor, and when the clash would take place, unclothed and poorly armed vampires would attack from the rear. Then the eternal Russian "avos" was included.

The main bet was on strength and speed. Leonid pointed out that this night it was not worth attacking at all - they will be waiting for them. But since there were no options, it was necessary to use bows, and not break into a frontal attack like rhinoceroses.

Having talked to Leonid, Alexander waved his hand, recognizing his complete ignorance of the issue, and appointed him to command the attack. There was nothing more to wait for and the detachment left the camp, having made a good detour and coming out on the road much further south than it was necessary. When they reached their destination, each took the position assigned to them by their new commander along the way.

Since the goblins were only using blowpipes, there was no need to cut down the forest around the camp for a decent distance. There were about fifty meters from the wall to the edge of the forest, and the campfires were about twenty meters away from the wall. This was more than enough for a solid defense against the goblins.

The main forces of the attackers were concentrated on the side opposite to the one from which the camp had been attacked last night. A trio of vampires blocked the path on each side.

All the others, namely the poorly armed and unclothed ones, were placed as Alexander had planned, and had exactly the same task - to engage only when the main group entered the camp. In all, nearly seventy vampires took part in the attack.

The enemy camp looked prepared for the night invasion. There were more fires burning than the night before. The watchtowers were manned by two men each. In a word, it was clear they were expecting an attack.

- Spare the arrows. We don't have many of them, - Leonid instructed the shooters, - The main thing is not to kill them, although it is desirable. The main thing is to gather them near the wall, but make them hide behind it. Then at the beginning of the attack, we can first crawl almost to the line of fires, and then a sharp throw to run to the wall and swing not only it, but also the soldiers behind it. As a result, we will be both in front of them and behind their backs - they will not be able to defend effectively in formation. The main thing is to gather them at the wall.

- We understand, Len, - Semyon was fed up with this circular briefing, - When to start?

- And if we understand, then let's start.

The girls and Semyon took the bows. When they came to the edge of the forest, they looked around and outlined the first-priority targets.

- The first shot - on command. The next two - when ready, then we wait for the command.

Leonid waited until the bows were drawn and waited a little more time.

- Fire!

Semyon's arrow went into the roof of the tower, Olga's flew too far away. But Maria's shot was the top of the sniper's art. The guard on the left tower snored with an arrow in his throat.

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