Chapter 49

The second volley was fired almost simultaneously, but no one hit. The third shot was fired without hurry. Olga, having drawn her bow, aimed for a long time, and when she finally released the bowstring, she hit the guard's hand.

Maria stood holding a bow with an arrow with its point in the ground and was looking for something in the camp without making a shot. Semyon, seeing that after the second hit the available targets had disappeared, drew his bow and shot an arrow into the center of the camp. This earned him an angry look from Leonid.

Shouts from the guards brought all the soldiers to their feet. Like last time, they came out of their tents in varying degrees of dress and readiness. This time they didn't have to line up and fight at once, and they ran to the wall. That's when Maria's third shot found its victim: a young boy crouched on the ground, clutching his shoulder with a plumage sticking out of it.

- Stop!" Leonid hissed, seeing that Olga was pulling the bowstring again.

The commotion in the camp quickly died down. The tentmaker did not eat their bread in vain. And although the squad in the defense of the camp could never be called exemplary in discipline, they were not new recruits.

Only helmets and eyes protruded above the top of the wall. Behind the formation of soldiers who had prepared for defense walked the tens and stood the archers. The knight was yelling about the need to watch the rear, which everyone had forgotten about when the attack began.

- Aim for the dozens and the archers. Two arrows, volley at will.

This time the fire had yielded its maximum harvest - three archers were out of action with various wounds, and one of the dozens was scratched.

A light breeze carried the smell of blood to the vampires lurking on the ground. Leonid was about to command another volley when the enemy made his move. The enemy mage randomly sent a "fire arrow" into the forest. The spell, of course, did not hit anyone, but hitting a tree, a clot of magical flame lit a fire and highlighted the figures of the standing archers.

As soon as the Orod archers saw any targets, they immediately began firing. Semyon was surprised to find an arrow in his hand. Pulling it out and starting accelerated regeneration, he signaled that he would be fine soon.

Another "fire arrow" flew. This time it was impossible to repeat the success with the detection of the enemy hiding in the darkness of the forest. Leonid decided not to hurry and waited.

Three more times the mage threw spells into the forest, but each time to no avail. He could hear the half-captain suggesting to the commander to make a sortie, assuming that there were few enemies. The knight responded with a very unflattering comment on his mental abilities.

If Leonid had communication with all of his subordinates, he would have waited longer, there was enough time before dawn. But realizing that those unaccustomed to this kind of business might get nervous, he decided to hurry up.

- Three arrows at his discretion. Maria, at least send one arrow at the mage.

No one got hit this time. A couple of arrows stuck in the shields. One hit the helmet, another bounced off the knight's armor.

The mage, or rather his actions, were the best of luck. After he realized that he was being aimed at, the man first fell to the ground, then created a "stone wall" in front of him, and then, realizing that because of it he could not see anything, hid behind the back of the knight, who did not fail to tell him everything he thought.

- Maria, another arrow at the mage.

Leonidas was just praying for a hit. But miracles don't happen, or their limit was exhausted by the archers for today. The mage in response let another "arrow" into the forest. The knight ordered him not to waste his strength and sent him behind the carts.

Thus ended the first round of the battle.

The soldiers did not show their noses from behind the walls, the sentries on the towers hid behind shields, the mage went to the center of the camp. Leonid realized that this was a chance, and waved his hand to Alexander, indicating that it was time to move out. Twenty fighters crawled along the ground towards the line of fires, which were already burning quite weakly.

- As soon as they freeze, fire one arrow each, and I'll give the command to attack. Then your target is just the mage. Try not to let him get out from behind the carts and don't shoot any of us.

His heart was beating frantically, it seemed that its pounding could be heard in the camp... The assault squad froze, the archers launched arrows and the signal to attack was given. Well, what a signal... shouted a motherfucker.

The vampires' run to the wall was magnificent. The bodies that burst out of the prone position were rushing towards the target with great speed. Before the enemy soldiers realized what was happening, the vampires were already in the camp.

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