Chapter 118

Only other vampires acknowledged them as equals. Humans were mere dust underfoot and food, nothing more. And now, those whom they considered equal in at least something showed that they didn't consider them important. The trial and the verdict were passed without discussion. The shock of realizing that you're not even considered was so great that no one dared to protest the sentence.

— Tomorrow night, we'll have to talk to the triumvirate. We need to express our viewpoint. This can't continue.

— Sasha (Aleksander) left immediately after they tied Maxim to the post. Apparently, he wasn't happy with the decision!

This statement from a former guard, now a construction laborer, sparked some discussion. It was decided that most likely "our people," as the assembled called the company's employees, were in the minority in the current leadership and their opinions were not valued.

— Well, they deserve it. They brought these vacationers to power themselves and now they suffer from them.

The chief of the transportation department, Vidov, who made this statement, stood up and listened to something happening upstairs.

— But it's all in vain. It's too late to talk to them. We should just leave.

— Andrey Leontyevich! How can you say such things? Where would we go?

— Anywhere, as long as it's far away from these fools!

The attendees fell silent. The idea of leaving the community and going away was increasingly voiced at their small gatherings. Yet, some herd instinct kept them closer to their kind. Although everyone understood that they could survive easily now in any conditions. Some adaptation to the world had occurred. Living in the forest? Easy! Catching a hare and drinking its blood? Easy! Not standing out among the locals? Easy!

The last one, of course, had obvious problems, but no one believed in them. Those were all insignificant minor rough patches!

— Tomorrow, I'll talk to Alexander and try to appeal to his decency and dignity.

Alexey Gennadyevich stood up, indicating the end of the meeting.

— I'll definitely talk to him! It's time to decide.

As soon as everyone woke up, a meeting of the council of leaders was held. They discussed their immediate plans regarding the baron. The triumvirate couldn't decide how to use the information about the bride and began thinking collectively. But even with added heads, the problem remained unsolved. The options were known, but which one to choose?

Sergey assured them that she wouldn't poison the baron right now, so they unanimously decided to wait and think more. As they began to disperse, Alexey Gennadyevich approached in his gentle manner and asked to speak with Sashenka (Aleksander). Alexander just shrugged and invited the man to come in. Konstantin, who had initially wanted to leave the room with everyone else, changed his mind and quietly settled into a corner.

With dissatisfaction directed towards him, Alexey Gennadyevich hesitated to speak.

— Dear... Oops! — Alexander laughed, — I'm starting to sound like a local!

But his visitor didn't find this funny and stared at him wolfishly. Ignoring this look, Alex sat down.

— I don't have much time to play guessing games. Sashenka (Aleksander), I understand, you're young. Full of enthusiasm. You've taken on an important and responsible position. You might think the whole world is at your feet. And it's my duty, as an older comrade, to enlighten you and protect you from inevitable mistakes! — the former chief began from afar.

The only thing left for the triumvirate was to show with their appearance that they were listening attentively to the former chief. Although his fingers began to beat on the table, it cost him to open his mouth.

— Your court was a shock to everyone. People will not tolerate such a thing. Execute one of us for a crime against the locals... no no, — he waved his hands, seeing that the interlocutor wanted to interrupt him, — I don't deny Maxim's guilt. But still, he just couldn't...

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