Chapter 119

- He raped and almost killed a child! - Alexander's voice traitorously broke into high notes, and he jumped up from his seat.

- Yes. But you can't kill him for that! People are against it. Everyone is outraged!

- What if it had been your daughter?

The young vampire calmed down and sat back down, waiting with interest for an answer to the question.

- But what does that have to do with my daughter? You can't compare us and them!

- I beg your pardon," Konstantin said from the corner of his voice, "who are we and them?

- Vampires and humans! We are different! We can't be compared. We are the chosen ones. It's obvious!

Seeing that he was not understood, the director began to speak hastily.

- Well, look at it this way. We are stronger, faster, tougher. Finally, we are smarter and better educated than these savages. We should rule them! And use them as we see fit. We are exceptional creatures in this world, it should belong to us and as an experienced man I will give you advice - it is better to declare it at once! Give up your unnecessary humanism! They are slaves! We are not!

- Did I understand you correctly, you don't consider the local people as... people? - The triumvir looked bewildered, he expected a lot from the former leaders, but such statements were something out of the ordinary.

- That's right Kostya (Konstantin), that's right. What kind of people are they? Pure animals! And we should behave with them accordingly!

There was silence for a while, interrupted only by the sounds of some fiddling in the street.

- Alexey Gennadyevich! I want to remind you of the rule that we observe all the laws of our world and strive to observe the laws of this one. And so it will be until we invent our own laws.

- And also, - Konstantin approached the speakers, - Your speeches are too reminiscent of fascism.

- What fascism? God be with you! Are you really comparing us and them and equating them?

- Yes, we are! And now I speak on behalf of the Triumvirate, - Alexander even seemed to become taller, - As long as we are in power, we will suppress any attempts to oppress other intelligent species of this world, just on the grounds that they are different from us and can also serve us as food! The basis for transferring any intelligent species to the rank of "second-rate" will not be their difference from us, but their actions and deeds directed primarily against us! Do I make myself clear?

Alexey Gennadyevich stood there and gulped for air. He had not expected such a rebuke. Not at all.

Suddenly a wild, inhuman scream sounded from the street! Abruptly jumping up, those present rushed outside.

- What happened? - Alexander turned to the guard standing calmly at the tower door, not even making an attempt to leave his post.

- Krapivin's balls have been cut off," he said melancholically.

- What?

- You're supposed to be protecting him," the former deputy squealed.

- Yesterday we had to protect him. Today there was no order.

- Is that how you understand the orders given to you?!

But he had no time to get an answer to his question. Satisfied Olga came up to them and handed Alexey Gennadyevich something in her bloody gloved hand.

- Here!

He took something bloody, not really understanding why and what he was given. Only when the blood from the object was absorbed into his skin did he realize what he was holding in his palm.

- How exactly do we leave?

The incident with Nettles, who was lying there and holding his groin, was the last straw that overflowed the cup of patience of the former leader. It was no longer possible to tolerate such a thing. It remained to leave, slamming the door loudly and preferably not to get problems on his head and ass. The new leaders not only led everyone to death, but also considered the local people as equals. Food for equals! God forgive them, they don't know what they're doing!

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