Chapter 122

Orders have been given. The meeting is over. The vampires began to get up. Olga slammed both fists sharply on the table and jumped up.

- Fool! She could have left the gloves off and tasted the bastard's blood! And none of this would have happened!

- Why didn't you? - The husband looked calmly at his wife's hysterics.

- I didn't want to see that scum raping the girl and how he felt! - The wife yelled in his face.

- As if almost all the soldiers from whom you drank blood did not rape. It didn't embarrass you then!

- Calm down! - Alexander punched his fist and wanted to defuse the situation asked, - How did you tear off his gloved hands?

- Illusory claws imagined... - the woman was sitting on the chair and obviously blamed herself more than all the others in the room taken together, and repeatedly.

- Olga. This situation is not your fault.

- But I could have prevented it.

- What you could have done doesn't matter. Let's live for what will be, not what was!

- Thank you, Sash (Alexander).

- Thank you.

Sergey coughed, demanding attention.

- It's actually an idea. Prevent.

- Explain.

- We should make a rule. Drink the blood of all vampires from the bottom up. The rank and file give a couple drops of their blood to their superiors. They give a couple drops to their superiors, and it goes all the way to the top, which is us. And then we give blood to the members of the Triumvirate. You to each other. Everyone is vetted for loyalty. And such situations, when because of betrayal in our ranks, the existence is put on the brink, no more repeated.

It took some time to evaluate the idea.

- It reminds me somehow of the not-so-great pages of history....

- Big Brother is watching you!

- It's okay. The purpose of the ritual is not to enslave people. I'm willing to give a few drops of my blood to any vampire. My survival depends on them and I trust them! Why not make it a law? - We either trust each other and try to stay together in this world, or it's all for nothing and we have to scatter. It's every man for himself!

The Triumvirs looked at each other.

- Good.

Thus was born the first law of vampires and their first ritual. The vampire below would reach out his hand to the vampire above him and cut it, and the latter would lick up a few drops of his blood. Absolute trust in each other. Absolute devotion to a common goal.

The man tried to tolerate the pain and not make a sound. Though his internal organs were screaming in terrible agony. A dagger in the stomach, that's very painful. He never thought he'd end up like this. He himself, of course, stabbed people to death in back alleys, but he didn't try it on himself. We should play dead. Maybe then there's still a chance.

The men who broke into his house through the window were very skillful. The well-known leader of one of the gangs had been daggered in the belly and thrown back to the bed from which he had recently jumped. The attackers slowly and without fuss began to go through his belongings and take out valuables and money. Here they opened one cache. Here's another.

"Shameful goblins! Somebody's done it!"

The men opened a third cache that no one but the leader knew about.

- It's all here. Let's move on.

As they passed the bandit, one of them leaned over and stuck two fingers in the wound. And then stuck a dagger in the heart of the former gang leader.

- Give the loot to Lena and catch up with us. We're going to Baldy's house.

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