Chapter 121

Eugene spoke more for his own reassurance rather than expecting answers. The situation after their escape had become complex. No one feared exposure. The shelters they had built and the accumulated stores of various treasures allowed the vampires to feel relatively safe, and they could always flee if necessary. No longer naked and disoriented, but strong and confident.

The real trouble arose if they had to stay in place and continue living. Living in warm houses under reliable roofs also had its drawbacks. They were accumulating obligations to the locals. Right now, they faced significant expenses related to previous orders. Specifically, in the Forest, a herd of cows had already been driven in, ordered by Gennady; feed needed to be purchased for them.

The existing horses also needed feed, and soon goats were expected to arrive. Just simple goats. They had decided to buy them in the fall, even earlier than deciding to buy cows. Domestic animals were a good source of additional blood. And when the question arose of who could be kept in the forest, they decided the goats would do well there. The shrubs would provide them with fodder, and captives would take care of everything else.

In the next two weeks, they needed to pay immediately for two herds, for the feed, and for the people. What people? Just ordinary convicts! Maria had exhausted her ideas for what else she could do to the vampires to learn something new. Only experiments on the surrounding world, animals, and people remained.

It was precisely for experiments that it was decided to buy several convicts, those whose penalty was commuted to life in the mines. The royal representative received a small reward and promised, for a corresponding remuneration, to select a dozen hardened killers from the first batch being sent to the northern mines.

"How much money do we need in total?"

"For the most immediate needs, around thirteen hundred silver coins," Oksana stood up from her chair, "These are the most immediate expenses. Or we risk losing our reputation as reliable partners."

"Asking how much we have is pointless?"

"I have none. The runaways scraped everything out. As far as I understand, the Triumvirate has about a dozen silver coins in their pockets, and the scouts have another twenty or so silver coins at their disposal."

"Kostya (Konstantin)! What can we sell?"

"For that amount? Nothing."

"Not even artifacts?"

"Most of them are prohibited for private ownership, you know yourself."

"So they must be worth a lot!"

"And that means they won't sell quickly," Konstantin parodied Alexander.

"Armor, weapons?"

"Their price dropped after the battle. There are still plenty in the city warehouses."

"Our share of the loot?"

"Less than two hundred silver coins and not before summer. The rest we took in armor and weapons."

Leonid looked at those who were speaking.

"But now it's war, armor and weapons should be worth a lot!"

"They are indeed valuable, but outside the duchy. Thanks to you, we have a surplus here, two armies perished at the bridge!"

"Borrow from the baron?"

"Are you out of your mind? In this world, only the church can lend!"

"Rob someone?"

Everyone pondered. Sergey was the first to snap out of it.

"If we don't touch honest caravans, only city bandits are left. But we won't gather more than three hundred from them."

All that remained was to sum up and make a decision, which Alexander promptly did.

"Sergey, rob the bandits in the city. I allow killing only those who killed for robbery. Gennady, get from Leonid the armor and weapons he will take for you, and sell them at any cost. Kostya, all the protective amulets we have are for sale. Eugene, organize a small clearing of the forest, we'll sell the wood. We'll take out a loan for everything else from the church bank."

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