The Killers

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Incidentally, because of my half-beast nature, my sense of smell is highly developed, so I was able to recognise one of the men following me as the one who fought and killed Veneg. The Chief Guardian had a very strong regeneration, but the slashing wounds on his corpse were so many that he lost almost all of his blood, was exhausted, and then killed. It was strange, so I examined his corpse a bit, and realised that the wounds had been inflicted by some kind of Shingu, whose ability was blocking regeneration, leaving microscopic particles of metal in the wound, emitting 'Death Energy', as my schizophrenia called it. To get regeneration going again, the quickest thing to do would be to simply cut out the affected piece of flesh. My regeneration from that Teigu shouldn't be lost, but it might slow down a lot.

So, the spy that was following me was the one who was able to kill Veneg, this spy looked like a cute black haired girl, with red eyes. You can see that espionage is not her main speciality, most likely she is a liquidator sent to this city to kill revolutionaries.

But my second stalker was a spy, without my keen sense of smell, I wouldn't have realised she was spying on me. The second spy was also a girl, but I could not see her appearance, for she could change it. There was an old man, a little boy, a man, an old woman, but they all smelt like one person, or rather like a young girl, from whom there was a slight odour of sweets and lipstick. Most likely this girl is a revolutionary girl, and she has some sort of Teigu or Shingu disguise.

While I was wandering around the city centre, I was being followed by these two, apparently they were here and walking around looking for each other, and when the girl with the disguise noticed that someone else was following me, she switched to her.

On the one hand, I had already found out where I was, and I could leave the city, where the Imperials and revolutionaries would soon be fighting, but on the other hand, those who had killed the Guardians were here, and it would do me good to get to know the people I would soon have to kill.

≪Not kill, sexually enslave. You're not some maniac who'd kill that red-eyed cutie. ≫

- And your version, like it's not maniacal at all?

≪It's acceptable and not so radical. ≫

- If they're gonna follow me around so brazenly, I'm gonna follow them around. - I decided to mock the spy with the disguise, and started to stare at her and follow her around, which attracted the attention of the imperial spy.

The girl tried to change her disguise, going into the crowd of people and coming out of it in a different guise, but I still smelled who she was, and continued to follow her and stare at her, the spy went around the city, every chance she got, changing her disguise, she could not return to the base with a tail, so she kept trying to get away from me. Towards evening, in the guise of a cat, she went into some back alley, and turned into a rubbish bin, which I continued to stare at silently anyway. The imperial spy stared at me for a while, but because I had been following 'different' people and not only people, but cats as well, sometimes communicating with my schizophrenia, and now I was just staring at the rubbish can, the imperial spy thought I was just some kind of a psycho, because all my recent actions said so. With a disappointed sigh, she went back to her base, leaving me to stare at the rubbish bin.

Soon an invisible poisonous paralysing gas began to fill the alleyway, which made me yawn a couple of times before I could develop an immunity to it; after the poisons I'd poisoned myself with before, this gas was too weak for me. The cloaking spy tried to knock me out with the gas, and after failing, her disguise began to fade, apparently the constant changing of guises had sapped her energy, which was now running out, revealing a beautiful red-haired girl with some kind of suitcase in her hand, apparently it was her Teygu disguise.

≪The redhead! It's a jackpot! ≫

- I don't really like redheads, and this one has almost no breasts.

- I have breasts! - shouted the girl, 'Who are you talking to, psycho?

- I'm talking to a schizophrenic, I have a voice in my head, and he likes redheads, although he's not very picky, and on top of that he's a sex maniac, he wants to sexually enslave all the girls. Okay, you disappoint me, I'm going to go look in someone's window. - I calmly turned to leave the alley, and then a large needle, smeared with poison, stabbed me in the neck.

- I had a neck ache. - I calmly continued walking, even though my spinal cord was damaged.

≪Oh, she's attacked us, we can defeat and enslave her. ≫

- I don't like redheads, I'm not gonna enslave her. - And there's nothing to kill her for... almost nothing, her trying to kill me doesn't count.

≪He doesn't like redheads, there's something wrong with you, maybe you don't like busty blondes either ≫

- No, busty blondes are classic, I like them. - I was talking to myself, and the red-haired spy followed me for a while, thinking that I was going to collapse from the poison, but realising that I was fine... or rather, that I wasn't fine, if I was talking to myself, she decided to go back to the base, though she probably didn't take into account that I could find her by smell. By scent I found the base of the Imperials, who had settled in the building of the trading company 'Suekuni', which was all made up of Imperial spies. Using invisibility I was able to overhear their conversations, Akame, the girl who had bumped into me, told her colleagues about me and my strange behaviour. The colleagues were the same killer kids from Shingu, plus, their teacher-commander from Teigu. This squad here is looking for revolutionaries, recently, about a week ago, they searched the saltworks where the revolutionaries' base used to be, but they didn't find anyone there, just skeletons of all sorts of monsters, which I saw recently. For the last week, I was the most suspicious thing that happened in the city, so Gozuki, the teacher of this group of killer kids, decided to follow me tomorrow.

During the night I visited the revolutionaries' base in a mansion on the outskirts of the city, and it turned out that they weren't really revolutionaries, they were the Oaburgs, a clan of assassins named after the local god of death, Oaburg. This clan had been hired by the revolutionaries to eliminate a group of Imperial liquidators led by Gozuki. It turned out that this group of Imperials had already tried to kill the best members of the Oaburg Clan, but were defeated and died. The principle of the Oaburg clan is that if they have taken an order, they will fulfil it, if the sent assassins were killed, the Oaburgs will send new ones, but twice as many to complete the job. Chelsea, a red-haired girl with a Teigu disguise who had been sent by the revolutionaries to help the Oaburgs, had worked with the last group. This group of assassins was led by Merryde, a black-haired, frivolously dressed girl who could control the bugs that she used to control the area around the mansion so that no one could easily sneak in.

Because of the insecticide I had taken recently, the bugs were avoiding me, so Merryde didn't notice my presence near the mansion, even though I was still using invisibility.

Merryde had two maids, one of them was blonde, but not plain, she was very strong, judging by how easily she carried various large things around the house, and the other was a purple-haired girl with four arms, probably a mutation of some sort. Both of these maids were pretty, and both of them were Merryde's mistresses, and they tried to force Chelsea into their games, but she liked boys, not girls... but they didn't care about such subtleties.

There was an old man among the Oaburgs who loved the woman who had been sent to eliminate the Imperials the last time, and who had died on that mission. His beloved never accepted his feelings, but he never gave up, and tried to win her feelings while saving himself for his beloved... well, he was a sixty-year-old virgin, a fact Merryde used to use to tease the old man.

Oaburgs were very expensive mercenaries who didn't care who they worked for, now they served the revolutionaries, but a year ago they were working for the Empire, and were tracking down revolutionaries in one city.

≪And this Merryde is a good one, she's got herself a harem, and she satisfies her girls well, so learn from her. ≫

-... - I've been watching Merryde having fun with her maids... anyway, I've scouted the Oaburgs' base, I can leave now.

≪No, no, let's stay and watch their maiden orgy to the end. ≫

I started to walk away from the base back into town.

≪You should go to a brothel, because I'm getting worried that you're not a blue blood, you're too suspicious, he doesn't like redheads and he doesn't want to see a free sex show.≫

- I'm not going to a brothel, I don't want to catch magical syphilis. And not being a voyeur is fine. - I replied, while thinking about what to do. Soon there would be a fight between the Oaburgs and the Imperials, and I didn't want to participate in it, but it would be interesting to watch from the sidelines. I decided to stay in the city for now, maybe get a job as a blacksmith for a while, I don't really care where I make my artefacts.

≪By the way, the other day when we were 'fighting' a huge monster, I remembered how I once fought similar monsters while piloting a huge cyborg. I think I can build us one of those, it won't be redundant. We'll need more materials, but the ones we have will suffice for the time being. You can create artefacts for smaller battles, I'll link them to the Domain Core, which now holds the soul of that super class tiger, we can put Nubis in there if we can find him in Putra, in general we can put the souls of strong monsters in there to generate energy for us. ≫

I didn't have any imperial documents, so I lost my job as a blacksmith, I didn't have any money to stay at the inn either, but I had some gold, just in case, but it wasn't in imperial coins, but in coins of ancient Putra. It could be melted down into bars and sold, but I don't want to do that when I have imperial liquidators at my side.

I've decided to just live in the wild, not my first time. And continuing the theme of Akame thinking I was crazy, I settled down near the city under a tree and spent the day making things for myself. Gozuki watched me for a couple of days, but when he heard me talking to myself, he was convinced that I was just crazy. In the woods I was quietly making a firearm, or rather a revolver, and it should shoot not exactly bullets, but dense clots of Light, similar to bullets. Instead of cartridges, the revolver drum contained crystals that stored my Ki with a tinge of Light, and according to the plan, this crystal was to be charged after the shot. While I was firing off other 'cartridges', the first crystal should already be charged and ready for another shot. There were eight charges in the revolver, and if I didn't fire very fast, I could fire until I ran out of energy.

I wasn't very good at making magic pistols, but I thought my first revolver was pretty good, even though it took me a week to make it, and I could have made at least three swords.

≪I guarantee it'll blow up in your hand. ≫

- I don't think it should. - I went to test my revolver... which exploded on the seventh shot, destroying my arm at the elbow and showering me with metal shrapnel.

≪I told you. You made the barrel too thin, and the drum should be more massive, and everything should be more secure, you made a beautiful gun, not a weapon.≫

- Yeah, it blew up though... it wasn't pretty, especially in front of an onlooker. - I glanced at the large bird sitting in the tree, 'Aren't you tired of following me, Chelsea? - I asked the redheaded girl in disguise.

- How did you know my name? - The bird descended to the ground and turned into a girl, - And it doesn't bother you that you just had your arm blown off and everything shattered? I even had a couple of shrapnel flying near me.

- It'll grow back, like it's the first time I've lost a limb. - I answered, and having turned my finger into a claw on the surviving hand, began to pick metal splinters out of the flesh with it, - I'm going to make a revolver again. - My other hand began to shroud itself in light, and little by little to grow back. The new arm will grow quickly, but it will be very weak at first, but after a few days, the flesh will be saturated with my Ki and become as strong as it was.

- I've seen such rapid regeneration in a humanoid Teigu, are you Teigu? - The red-haired girl followed me.

- Go on your way, Chelsea. - I replied, -Stop peeking at me.

≪Since it's just the two of you in this woods, and she tried to kill you once, I think now would be a good time to lose your virginity to that redhead. ≫

- No, no, I'm not giving that redhead my flower, and I'm not picky or anything. And she doesn't have any breasts, I don't count a one as a breast. Yeah, well, I don't like undeveloped girls who look more like children than women.

- Hey, stop calling me flat-bottomed, I have normal breasts. - Chelsea got herself a size three boob job with the help of Teague.

- Don't listen to me, and get out of here, or I'll have a schizophrenic woman do you in this neck of the woods for sticking a needle in my neck last time. - my arm was back to normal, so I went back to making a new revolver.

- Are you really crazy? - The girl questioned me.

- Can't you tell?

- Well... considering the kind of psychos I have to work with nowadays, you seem the height of sanity... and besides, those psychos are always trying to rape me at the base.

- You're not my type, especially not with fake tits, get out of here, you redheaded flatfoot.

- You. IMPOTENT! - Chelsea pointed her finger accusingly at me.

- I'm not interested in girls who changed their looks with some weak Shingu.

- This is Teigu Phantasmagoria, not some Shingu.

- Thanks for the information, I'll know now. - I replied calmly... I didn't quite understand why Chelsea was still rubbing up against me,' Go home and stay out of my way.

- You know, you're annoying, and I think you're working for the Empire. - Chelsea pulled out a few senbons that she threw at me, one senbon hit me, and I rolled away from the others.

- You're clearly looking for a fight, flatfoot.

- No, I want to kill you. - She threw another fan of senbons at me, this time the poison was stronger, and I was paralysed for a moment, so I caught almost all of the next needles, which added more poison to my system and I fell to the ground.

- Huh, how annoying he was, I should report him to Merryde.... or don't, she'll hit on me again. - Chelsea checked my pulse, which wasn't there now, for the poison had stopped my heart. She made sure I was dead, then left the woods, removing the needles from my corpse.

- Why are they all so sick in this world? - I asked a rhetorical question, when in half a minute my heart started, in a few minutes the poison in my body disintegrated, and it took another ten minutes to restore the organs damaged by the poison.

≪Now we're gonna punish that redheaded bitch by cleaning out her chimney as hard as we can. ≫

- Fuck Chelsea.

≪Yeah, yeah, that's right. ≫

- I'll go to the moor, the saltworks is empty, I'll wait for the conflict to be resolved. - I moved to the marshes, where I continued making the revolver. In about a week the weapon was ready, and just at that time the Oaburgs attacked the Imperials.

The bug lady practically wiped out the entire spy headquarters, her bugs ate everyone but the elite squad of Imperial assassins, and that one girl from the squad she killed, Akame and her sister Merraid kidnapped her to sexually enslave them, and the rest of the Imperials ran away in fear, even Gozuki and Teigu Murasame had to retreat as he couldn't hurt Merraid because of her bugs she was covered in. The fight between the Oaburgs and the Imperials was spectacular, and showed me more than just the abilities of the head of the liquidator squad that he could kill me easily enough, for all he had to do was scratch me with his sword. After Murasama's poison, if I were to be resurrected, it would not be for a long time, and most likely in a new body.

When I saw how Merryde had dealt with the Imperials, I began to douse myself with insecticide as often as my body would produce it, for the sight of a beautiful silver-haired girl's skin bursting and beetles flying out of her wounds in swarms, leaving numerous bleeding wounds in their wake, was not very pleasant. The body of the imperial beauty served as an incubator for thousands of bugs that ate her from the inside. That's just how this Merryde deals with her enemies, hard and nasty.