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Judging by how easily the Oaburgs won the clash with the Imperials, maybe Madi will fly through with revenge on those assassins, and then I'll only have the Prime Minister and Esdeath to finish off.

≪For the umpteenth time, we're not killing Esdeath, we're enslaving her. ≫

- And I'm telling you for the umpteenth time, I'm not messing with that crazy maniac.

The Imperials hid from the Oaburgs in a cabin in the forest, and now they're hiding like revolutionaries. Overhearing their conversations, I learnt that they had asked the Prime Minister for help, and he had sent them his personal punishers - the Four Demons of Rakshasa, four of the strongest warriors of the Kouken Temple. Gozuki himself had once been one of the Rakshasa Demons, and now his daughter, Mez, took the place of one of the Prime Minister's personal punishers. And this Mez was all right, a dark-haired green-eyed pretty blonde that almost always walked around with her torso exposed, making her swarthy mounds visible.

≪So let's enslave her if you like her. ≫

There are plenty of these beautiful swarthy women in Putra, and they are not dangerous assassins in the service of the Empire, nor are they the daughters of a dangerous swordsman with a sword that kills with a scratch, nor are they in a group with three other dangerous assassins.

To help arrived all four Demon Rakshasa, in addition to the cute blonde, there was a woman, seemingly and cute, but it is obvious that with the head is not friendly. There were also two ambleys that can compete with each other for the most intimidating appearance in the team, both of them were pumped-up big men, with rather ugly faces.

Right now, I'd have bet on the Imperials, with that kind of help they'd probably kill all the Oaburgs, but I had to wait another week for the outcome. Two of the Rakshasa Demon girls had been scouting the Oaburg base, and it turned out that Merraid had implanted bug eggs in the kidnapped Akame and her sister Kurome, which she could activate at any time and the girls would be eaten by the bugs from the inside. Merraid didn't want to kill them, she was just now seducing them, she even slept with Akame a couple of times, threatening to kill her sister if she refused. In order to persuade Akame to go to the Oaburgs, Merraid also took the girl to the nearest villages, showing her how badly people live in the Empire, under the power that Akame is protecting.

The Imperials decided to hold off on the attack, and sent one of the Rakshasa Demons to the capital, to some Stileish, to prepare an insecticide against Merraid's beetles; it would be foolish to lose two of the Empire's strongest killers, considering that it didn't make much difference whether they attacked now or five days later, when the insecticide arrived.

Chelsea, who'd tried to kill me a couple of times, had left the Oaburg group, her spy skills needed by the revolutionaries elsewhere, which was why she'd survived, because once the Imperials were sure the bugs wouldn't hurt anyone, they'd literally wiped out the Oaburgs. Merryde's maids sacrificed themselves to hold off the enemies and let her mistress escape, but they were all killed, and Merryde herself was slaughtered by Akame. Before she died, the dying Merraid asked Akame for one last look at her naked body, and Akame, covered in blood, complied with her request and stripped herself... and then stabbed Merraid through the heart. After Akame got dressed, she buried Merryde, and even cried on her grave.

- Something didn't work out for this Merryde to re-educate Akame through bed games, and she was very much active in trying, but Akame still killed her.

≪Merride just didn't have enough time, you saw that Akame fulfilled her mistress' request, and she killed her very reluctantly, and mourned her death. If it wasn't for her sister, who was brainwashed by the Imperials with drugs, Akame would have probably joined the Oaburgs. ≫

- Yeah, she offered her sister to leave the Empire, but she refused. Yeah, looking at those Rakshasa Demons, you can see why the Prime Minister is the one who can do whatever he wants without fear, if he's protected by such monsters, no wonder he feels safe even when practically the whole country wants to kill him.

I'll be spread thin by these Demons too, I'll probably regenerate from that pancake again, but for now it's definitely too early for me to get in on the Prime Minister and his bodyguards.

Eating a super class tiger has made me a little stronger, a little faster, and twice my stamina. Regeneration is my main trump card right now, if my body isn't destroyed in an instant, I can regenerate almost any damage. I think my head can regenerate now too, my mind is only partially attached to my brain. But because I too often regenerate body parts from scratch, my strength and agility are obviously lower than they would be, assuming I don't grow brand new arms or legs with practically new muscles and bones, which are weaker than the past ones because they have less of my ki stored in them.

However, I wouldn't say it's a big problem, but one of Merryde's maids had incredible strength, and was able to wound two Rakshasa Demons and Gozuki, who was able to scratch her with Murasama, and died after fighting the Imperials for half a minute, though Murasama usually kills his victims within a couple of seconds. I think my regeneration might be able to overcome the Teigu's poison... I'm not going to test it myself, but I have a feeling I'll have to at some point.

The Imperials soon left the city, and I thought about staying here... but quickly changed my mind when a squad led by a strange half-naked masked man came to the city and took out a flamethrower and started to burn the city, where there were still many revolutionaries, but most of the burned in the city were ordinary peaceful people, not involved in the revolutionaries at all. The leader of the arsonist squad, unlike his subordinates, had a flamethrower that was clearly artefactual, most likely Teigu, the principle of its work was quite obvious if you look at the huge turbine behind the back of this flamethrower. The turbine sucked oxygen into itself, magically or alchemically transformed it into liquid oxygen, which went into the fuel tank, and from there it was sprayed out of the muzzle of the flamethrower in the form of a jet of flame. It was a flamethrower with endless fuel.

- Should I stay out of it now too?

≪Want to test your regeneration against fire? In principle, I don't mind you killing them all, but if any of them survive and tell on us, it won't be good. But there's no one there now anyway, everyone in the city is either burned or suffocated from carbon monoxide, there's no reason for us to risk it now. ≫

- This world is just too cruel.

≪No, it's a normal world, it's just that in your previous life you were relatively lucky to be born in Japan and have normal foster parents, but if you were born somewhere in Africa, we had a childhood similar to what we had in this life. It's a magical world here, which made all the animals more dangerous, but people here as you can see can be just as dangerous. But in the past world, if you took away all the magic, people did exactly the same things, made wars and exterminated whole nations. ≫

- That's true. I'm going to go hunt more monsters, somehow I like it better in the wilderness. - I decided to go east to hunt swamp monsters and try out my third revolver. The second revolver was working, it fired perfectly, but I had implemented an additional feature that allowed me to fire the entire accumulated charge at one time, resulting in an eight times stronger shot... just on the test of this function, the revolver and burst, but I realised that in order to implement such a function, it would be necessary to expand the barrel. As a result, I made the barrel double, when the usual fire is conducted, one barrel is involved, while during the maximum shot, two barrels work, releasing a powerful photon charge that explodes the heads of ten-metre monsters, provided that the shot came in the eye, or in the ear cavity of the beast. For killing flying monsters, just the right thing, although, after watching Teiga and Shinga of the Imperials, I thought of ways to improve the long-range weapon, and also in my mind I have some new knowledge, probably from my schizophrenia. This knowledge is also very useful in making artifact weapons and armour.

I decided to go to the swamps because they are always full of poisonous animals, and the more poisonous creatures bite me, the better my immunity to poisons, and the higher the chance of surviving a scratch from Murasama. And of course I wasn't disappointed when I came to the swamps, everything from the plants to the forty metre long black snake over there, its venom glowing green from the poisonous Ki, was poisonous.

- It's going to hurt like hell. - I said, trying to shoot at the snake that was coming towards me, but only the maximum power shots were doing any damage to the snake's scales, but it was only making it angrier.

≪It will only hurt if the venom eats away at the soul, and from the looks of it, it looks like it can do that... so yeah, it will probably hurt. But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. ≫

It's like this world is made for masochists, everything is made for your painful death, the system suppressed pain even as the poison was eating away at my soul, but it didn't do it very well, however, I've gotten used to being hurt and hurt and being swallowed, like now when I was too slowed down by the snake venom to be eaten. But I have quite a bit of experience in killing beasts from the inside, so when I was able to adjust to the venom and recover, I finished the snake, recycled some of it, the venom was particularly valuable in snakes, the rest was recycled by my schizophrenia, sucking the snake carcass into a dimension inside my soul, the soul of that monster went there too.

The poison damaged the soul a bit, which was visible even in the numbers, but the soul also has regeneration, so it's fine. And if you can still adapt to the poison, from fire to protect yourself with armour, but with the cold, which is controlled by Esdeath, a little more difficult. Magical cold, according to the idea should act on similar principles as ordinary cold, that is, it should take away energy and thereby lower the temperature of the object. Magical cold should also take away magical energy, and it turns out that Esdeath's ability does not waste energy, but rather replenishes it. Part of the energy should be spent on the freezing process, but even so, it turns out that Esdeath can use her ability almost without interruption. The same flamethrower I've seen recently sucks oxygen out of the air, and its efficiency will depend on the concentration of oxygen in the air, and during a fire the oxygen burns out, so it turns out that if everything is on fire, the flamethrower works only on fuel, which quickly runs out and is not replenished... which is not a big problem, because everything is on fire.

There's antifreeze to counteract the cold, and some monsters that live in the cold have some magical analogue of it in their bodies, and I should go to the north, kill some cold-resistant monsters there, and make antifreeze out of them for myself, so that I don't freeze from General Esdeath's ability... except that right now Esdeath is out there hunting monsters... or so I thought.

When I came to the port city in the east of the Empire, I overheard the navy officers saying that one of the Empire's generals had recently defected to the revolutionaries, it was General Najenda, who had been sent with Esdeath to suppress the Ban rebellion. After learning of Najenda's betrayal, Esdeath decided to return to the south to execute the rebellious general. It seems that that general got away, so the evil Esdeath decided to hunt for southern monsters... the city I was in was in the southeast of the Empire, very close to where the evil Esdeath was walking... anyway, I decided that my immunity to poison was already pretty good and it was time to increase my immunity to cold, so I took off north.

As a native of the hot tropical south, I felt fine at high temperatures, in Putra, which was a dry hot desert, I felt quite comfortable at medium temperatures, but I couldn't stand low temperatures, so I had to turn into a half-tiger with wool to keep warm, and I had to learn to raise my body temperature to stay warm. The first monsters I met escaped the cold in a similar way, they all had thick warm fur and their blood was very hot to compensate for the ambient temperature. But when I got to the places where the temperature dropped to minus sixty degrees, the monsters I was looking for began to appear, that is, those for whom extreme cold is the norm of life. The most frequent monsters here are ice dragons, and they are wingless like the earth dragons, and in general, they act similarly, but instead of the ground, these dragons move in ice.

I tried to make antifreeze from them, and something even worked, after taking antifreeze my blood began to freeze slower in the cold. Little by little I moved to colder places, finding new monsters, to my surprise I found here even some ice tigers or ice lions, their energy was well combined with mine, so the antifreeze created on their basis was better absorbed and gave better results.

At first I was very uncomfortable in the cold north, but with each new dose of antifreeze prepared from the ice monsters, it became easier and easier for me to bear this frost, while eating the corpses of these monsters, which was quite difficult, because the difference in sensations between eating ice and eating ice beasts was minimal.

Eventually, a couple of months of hunting in the north, raised my resistance to cold to the point where my blood didn't freeze on ice, at minus one hundred degrees. Of course, my resistance won't save me from the temperature of absolute zero, but at least I won't freeze instantly, and I'll have time to do something... like run away to a warmer place.

If the armour is heated, I think I can survive Esdeath.

In general, the north in this world is clearly harsher than in my previous world, and the main thing is that even in a region where the usual temperature is minus fifty degrees, people live, and whole tribes. In the south of the Empire, it's dangerous to live because it's full of monsters, but at least there's plenty of food, water, and the temperature is only slightly higher than the comfortable temperature for a normal person. How they survive in the north is another question. There's no vegetation, only ice, and the only food is monsters, which are few in number and many times stronger than those in the south. If Esdeath comes from this harsh land, it is clear why she is so strong, the weak cannot survive here.

The northerners, as it is clear, do not like to live here, as well as the southerners in their tropics full of monsters, so when I left the north, I heard that they decided to attack the Empire to get a warmer place to live, they even have a strong leader that organised them, a prince of a clan that lived near the borders of the Empire. His clan had organised raids into the lands of the Empire quite often, so he had seen that there were places more comfortable than the cold north. Well, good luck to this prince, for as I was walking near the northern fortress of the Empire, I heard that General Esdeath and her army were on their way here to suppress the Northern Tribes, and she has a grudge against the Northern Tribes, they once destroyed her Partas clan, which was on the northern border of the Empire. I feel that if the Northern Tribes had built ice ships and sailed across the ocean in search of new lands, they would have had a better chance of success.

I decided to go to the capital of the Empire, I had already been to other parts of the Empire, I had enough materials for artefacts, now I needed a comfortable place to work, I thought of just settling in some village, but again I changed my mind when I met a completely burnt village, and after a while I met another burning village. I'd rather settle in the capital city, the last place the Prime Minister would burn.

By the way, after interrogating a soldier near the burnt town, I unexpectedly learnt the fate of Madi, the last true Guardian from Putra. Near the city there was a den of bandits who were really revolutionaries, but before that they were all real bandits, and in general, even after becoming revolutionaries, they did the same thing, just now they sent part of the proceeds to the cause of the revolution. So they decided to liquidate these revolutionary bandits by sending a group of imperial liquidators, headed by Gozuki. Madi had heard about it somehow, he must have been in the capital and was spying there, so he decided to join the bandits to help them fight off the Imperial liquidators and kill those responsible for the deaths of the Guardians. Madi recruited more people to help him, who were also offended by the Imperial liquidators, among them were two young girls from the Oaburg clan, who decided to avenge Akame's murder of Merryde, and a revolutionary whose fiancé had once been stabbed to death by Akame.

Madi's plan failed, the Imperial assassins only lost one man, killing Madi, his group, and all the revolutionary bandits, and then an arsonist squad came and burned down the town that was near the revolutionary bandits' base and helped them in any way they could.

Well, just as I thought, it's impossible to kill them in a hurry, so before I eliminate them all, I'll prepare myself well.