Before the Battle

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The captured Budo appeared in the next cell from Mez's cell, after defeating that old man, I had to spend some time capturing Shishukan Fortress, and after that I had an orgy with the girls to celebrate the victory, only after that I went to the domain, where I played with Cosmina, and after that I went to the prison.

- Generalissimo Budo, you said something about execution, how about being executed yourself? I've already prepared the cross for you. But if you side with the revolution and help overthrow the Prime Minister, I'll not only spare you, but I'll even put your arms and legs back on. - I made a generous offer to Budo.

- So those crosses were your handiwork? I am a general of the Empire, and I am loyal only to the Empire, so I will not take your side. - said the armless and legless general proudly.

- I don't propose to go against the Emperor, only against Honest. Old man, are you completely stupid or what? Well, if you don't want to help as you please, welcome to the cross. If you think you're going to die honourably, without even screaming, I'm going to give you a chemical that won't let you die, and it'll increase your sensitivity to pain, so you'll squeal like a bitch. - I activated the containment fields in the chamber, and then I went in there and fixed Budo on the cross and injected the mixture of drugs into him.

- All right, test. - I poked the general with my claw, and he screamed in pain, - Great, I'll put you in the square opposite the palace, and you'll give your concerts there before you die in agony, you stubborn bastard. - I moved from Budo to the capital.

When I saw the execution of the Generalissimo, there was obvious panic in the capital, because it meant that revolutionaries would soon arrive in the capital, which even the supreme general of the Empire could not stop.

Back in the prison, I decided to ask Mez:

- How much time has passed here since the last time we met? Because in the normal world time flows differently, and how time flows here I don't really follow, I've already had two days there, we had time to conquer the fortress Shishukan and Budo. In five days we'll take the capital.

- It's been about ten hours. - replied Mez.

- Ah, well, then continue to sit, I hope I will have time to come to you on time, although if I am killed during the battle for the capital, I will have to resurrect for a couple of weeks, I hope you can hold out here so long. - I gave a thumbs-up and went to play with Cosmina again. After the reconstruction of the body, my libido has increased tenfold, and the ability to make love to a girl at any time, while spending a minimum of time of the outside world, quite useful.

A couple of days later, the news of Budo's execution spread all over the Empire, after which almost all the fortresses surrounding the capital joined the revolutionaries. What was supposed to be the capital's defence became the thing that helped the rebels take it in a ring and attack it from all sides.

After a couple more days, the revolutionary troops were near the capital, and decided to make camp before the final march. It was at this point that the camp was attacked by some insect-like mutants, as well as their creator Dorothea. The reason Dorothea decided to come to our Empire in the first place was to meet with Stilish, but we killed Stilish, but some of his research into making mutants out of humans was left behind for Dorothea, who combined that research with her knowledge of alchemy. Eventually she learned how to turn humans into these rather strong armoured humanoid bugs, killing ordinary soldiers by the hundreds.

Dorothea, on the other hand, was killing rebels by sinking her teeth into them and drinking their blood, along with their life force. She was the owner of the Absordex - Teigu, in the form of prosthetic fangs, which allowed her to suck the life energy out of her opponents like a vampire. In this way, one could maintain their strength and youth, as well as prolong their life. From the smell, this Dorothea was already about eighty years old, looking like a little girl, but she smelled like an old woman.

- Guin will have only one lola in his harem, and that's me! - Mein shouted, firing her cannon at Dorothea without restraint, annihilating the alchemist who had decided to attack the camp with her mutants.

The rebels who owned Teigu were able to kill these mutant bugs fairly quickly, but the regular soldiers died by the hundreds, before we dealt with all the bugs, a couple of thousand soldiers died, not to mention the wounded and maimed, of which there are still a few thousand.

This mutant attack was able to delay the attack of the revolutionary army on the capital for a couple of days, but in the morning, after the incident with Dorothea, one of the rebel generals decided to take revenge on the Imperials and suddenly attacked the capital himself. This general's name was Nuge, and he wielded a Teigu - 'L'arque na falt' - which is French for 'A bow that never misses'. Understandably, this Teigu was in bow form, with special homing arrows that would pursue a target until it was hit... or destroyed. Nuge decided to shoot Esdeath with this bow, but Esdeath simply destroyed the arrows in flight, and then destroyed the not-so-smart general who wanted to be Esdeath's victor, but instead died, killing a squad of a couple of thousand of his soldiers. Esdeath killed them all with icicles in a few moments.

The capital bought itself a couple of days to prepare for defence, the streets of the city were filled with soldiers and guards, all the people barricaded their houses, and both armies started sending spies and saboteurs to each other. The Night Raid split into two groups and began to undermine the capital's defences, Esdeath knew that she wouldn't win a battle with me quickly, if at all, so she tried to attack the group I wasn't in. But as soon as Esdeath appeared on the horizon, the girls teleported to me and went to attack another target. After a while, Esdeath got tired of this, and she still came to fight me.

- Gin, I thought we would meet in the final battle, but so be it, we'll fight now. - Esdeath said, standing on the wall of ice that she created, surrounding me with part of the Night Raid.

- Fine, girls, you go play around and I'll take care of that ice bitch. - I stepped forward.

- Gin, I'll stay here and help you take her down. - Spear stood beside me, she had quite a lot of resistance to both cold and fire.

- Spear, protect Chelsea and Maine, I can handle this. - I sent an energy sickle into the ice wall, breaking through the passage through which the girls got out, -Come here, Esdeath, I'll kick your luscious ass! - I lunged at the blue-haired beauty.

- I'm glad you appreciate her, Gin! - Esdeath lunged at me with a smile, covering her rapier with ice and creating small ice crystals around her that were darker than normal ice.

≪The Ice Magic of the Assassins of the Gods, she added Darkness to her ice, making it stronger.≫

And her new ice was indeed stronger, as well as freezing anything it touched, but she couldn't create much ice like that. But the ice she had, she was pretty good at controlling it, attacking me from all sides, and of course, attacking me personally.

- Gin, after every time we meet, I try to think of some trick to defeat you and make you my slave, but you surprise me every time and become stronger too, and this attracts me even more, making me want to get you even more. - Esdeath said, attacking me with her sword and ice shards. I dodged the projectiles successfully enough, and even if a shard hit me, it just hit me hard, but if I didn't have armour, it could have frozen me.

- I have to get stronger too, after every time we meet. - I concentrated some of my Ki reserves into my sword, and struck hard at Esdeath, which she blocked with her ice-covered rapier. The ice shattered from the blow, but without the ice, the rapier would have shattered. The blow was so strong that Esdeath was thrown backwards and had to crouch down to extinguish the momentum.

- Well done, you're excellent, Gin. - Esdeath looked at me with a smile.

- You're good too, though you're a sick in the head sadistic maniac.

- Oh, Gin, you should know how excited I am right now, I've never been this excited before. I'm thrilled to meet a worthy adversary, and it's a man I like. Gin, I'm sorry that we are enemies, but on the other hand, if we weren't enemies, we wouldn't have met. - Esdeath said, looking at me with great desire and excitement.

- Esdeath, even though you killed my tribe and my friends, I can't hide the fact that as a woman I am also attracted to you, and I am sorry that we are enemies. But despite that, the fact remains that we are still enemies, and until one of us is defeated, we will fight.

- Yes, I'll fight until I defeat you and make you mine. Here's another trick I've been cooking up just for you. - Esdeath attacked me again, but now the ice blocks that were flying near her were shooting out chains of black ice, which I had to chop down, spending a lot of Ki.

At one point, Esdeath had me trapped in those chains, and then I wanted to use teleportation or escape to the domain, but I couldn't.

- You can't escape? Ha! You can't escape! I got you, Gin! - Esdeath rejoiced.

- You're not happy yet. - I began to accumulate ki, spatial energy and light energy in my armour.

- No, I definitely got you. - Esdeath smiled happily and took out a collar and put it around my neck, -That's it, Gin, it looks good on you. - She said, and the black ice chains fused together to form a solid crust of ice that covered my entire body up to my neck.

- Where are you taking me? - I asked as the ice flew up with me, and Esdeath, holding me by the leash, pulled me as if I were a balloon.

- I wish I could go to the palace, but it's too far, but your house is nearby. After you ran away, I bought it back, and I slept on your bed a few times, breathing in your scent that was left on your bed. - Esdeath shared, heading to my old house, which we arrived at just a few minutes later.

After dragging me upstairs to my bedroom, Esdeath began to remove my uniform, eventually leaving me in only my underwear.

- You're not going to rape me, are you? - I asked.

- That's exactly what I was going to do, Gin. - She sat down in the chair to make it easier to take off her tall boots.

- But to do that, at least you need to take off my armour. - I pointed out.

- Or rather, it should be removed only from your groin, I will try to do it, with the help of my ice. - Esdeath also took off her stockings, and then she looked at me with expectation, or rather with expectation she looked at my groin, where the black ice was trying to tear off my armour, - Now, Gin, a little more and I'll eat you. Why don't you take the armour off yourself, because I wanted you to not only take my innocence, but also my first kiss.

- So you're an unkissed chick? You've never had a man at all? Then I can see why you're such a mean bitchy bitch. - I said, and Esdeath waved her hand, covering my helmet with black ice, while still trying to expose my groin.

- How stubborn, you'll still be mine. - Esdeath came closer to me, 'What are those? Cracks? Shit!' Esdeath jumped out the window and I exploded with a bright flash, destroying the black ice and freeing myself from the shackles.

- Every time I do that, it's a lot of energy. - I looked around the room where I used to sleep, now it was completely destroyed, the roof had been blown off by a stream of light that shot up into the sky in a thick, bright column that lit up the night sky, - I'll see you the day after tomorrow. - I looked in the direction of the palace, where Esdeath had fled in only her underwear.

I went to the girls, today our work in the capital is over, we have to rest before the final battle, so tomorrow we will have a full day of unrestrained intercourse in the domain. Before that I did check in with Mez though, if she agrees to my terms she will join our orgy tonight.

Apparently Mez had run out of pills, if she was actively trying to get out of the cell she had increased her intake of pills, now she was sitting on the floor with her head down.

- Mez, are you okay in there? - I entered the cell, and touched the girl, who looked up at me with a cloudy look, and was shaking like a drug addict in withdrawal, - Okay, you can't answer now. - I put the girl on the bed, and began to inject into her body Extract, from dragons, unicorns and kirin. The revolutionaries also brought all the Teigu they had in their storerooms, including Susanoo, an organic Teigu in the form of a horned man. I was able to activate this Teigu... but I don't need a horned man for nothing, but I could use the core of Susanoo in the form of a magatama, that is, in the form of half of the Yin-Yang sign. I refined and strengthened the core of the organic Teigu and decided to use it on Mez, turning her into my organic Teigu. After injecting the Extract into her body, I implanted the Teigu Core into her, which now looks like a triple Yin-Yang-Min symbol, if black Yin is Darkness, white Yang is light, then green Min is life.

- What have you done to me? - the dark-haired beauty has returned to normal.

- Something that will cure you. - I answered, and kissed Mez... yes, I was impatient after Esdeath's show, but Mez didn't like me taking her by force, -Well, you'll have to be patient, I promise I'll be gentle, and then you'll even like it. - I continued kissing her.

She was patient for a few seconds, but then she pushed me away from her and got up from the bed, she wanted to get away from me, but the Extract had not taken full effect yet, and Teigu's core was not fully fused with her, so she was still weak, and now she fell to the floor.

- Well, okay, I'm not really going to take the girl by force. - I decided to leave Mez behind, but schizophrenia took control of my body,' But I will, she's my Teigu now. - He took Mez and started undressing her completely. Mez's body had scars from torture before, and areas of lighter skin where she had been skinned before, but the Teigu Extract and Core was restoring Mez's body to its perfect state before his eyes, making her fully swarthy again. And the better she bonded with the Teygu Nucleus, the less negative she felt towards me.

- You were a bad girl Mez, working for a bad uncle, and doing very bad things that bad uncle ordered you to do. - I held the shapely mulatto to me, 'You'll get a just punishment, Mez. - I threw her body on the bed and turned her over on her back and spread her legs to make it easier to penetrate between her buns. The girl's ass and pussy were occupied by my devices, and I occupied her mouth with my tail-tentacle, and began to fuck Mez in three holes at once... I'll train bad girls, soon I'll have to train Esdeath in the same way.

I continued my marathon with Cosmina, and then I brought the rest of the girls here. While in the normal world it was the last day before the attack on the capital, I had a week-long orgy in the domain, after which it was not a pity to die, but I did enough to make sure that no one in the next battle would die from my loved ones.

For the decisive battle I had improved the Teigu Budo - Adramelech, I combined it with the Teigu Cosmina - Great Tremor, with the belt Leone - Leonel, and with the Shamshir - Teigu Sword used by the sword pirate from the Wild Hunt group, this weapon created wind sickles. From these implements I created a pair of battle lion gauntlets, the Nymean Cestus, that emit a devastating thunderous lion roar with each strike. These weapons will be used by Leona during the battle for the capital.