The Final Battle

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With a slight delay, the revolutionary army still arrived at the capital, and was ready to capture it. The total number of soldiers of the revolutionary army was about half a million, including Teigu owners, who alone were as strong as hundreds of ordinary soldiers, and if we talk about the Night Raid, each representative of this unit could replace several thousand ordinary soldiers.

The capital was defended by about a hundred thousand soldiers who remained loyal to the Empire's power, and most importantly, Generalissimo Esdeath fought on the side of the Empire. She had recently been promoted to Supreme General, a position she deserved as she had been able to provide the capital with an additional army created with the help of her Teigu. In addition to a hundred thousand regular soldiers, the capital is now defended by a hundred thousand ten-metre tall ice centaurs, each ten times stronger than the regular soldiers, and now, the revolutionaries' chances of victory are not as good as before.

- Esdeath has a knack for unpleasant surprises. - said Najenda, looking at the army of huge ice centaurs that were guarding the southern gate of the capital along with the regular army of soldiers.

- Yeah, she can do that. - I looked at Esdeath, who was at the top of the protective wall of the centre of the capital, where she had created a throne for herself and was sitting on it waiting for the battle to begin.

- The dangerous monsters should be arriving soon, so let's start the attack. - The revolutionaries had two Teigu who could control the dangerous monsters. Unlike Yatsufusa, they only controlled living monsters, but they couldn't subdue super class monsters, however, even a couple of dozen twenty metre tall beasts would be able to help against the ice centaurs. However, as it turned out, the Empire also had a couple of Teigu owners who could subdue dragons, and as soon as our monsters appeared on the horizon, Esdeath sent subordinate dragons into battle, and since we didn't want to attack first, she sent her ice cavalry into battle.

- Okay, I'll take care of it myself. - I ran towards the centaurs, and after a few hundred metres, I leapt high and turned into a thirty-metre armoured tiger. It was the cyborg my schizophrenia was building in the domain.

As I continued to flee in this form, I crashed into the army of ice centaurs and began slaying them, with the revolutionaries supporting me with cannon fire, but the most effective slaying was done by Mein, who stayed with Najenda, Leone and me, while the rest of the Night Raid had to infiltrate the Imperial Palace and kill the Prime Minister and all the other ministers hiding there under the protection of the Guards and Esdeath. Right now, the guards in the palace were at their most minimal.

Najenda was the main general of the revolutionary army, commanding the capture of the capital, Mein would not be particularly useful in the palace, her powerful shots are more needed during the main battle, Leone thanks to the Nymean Cestus was useful in a mass battle. I, on the other hand, had to keep Esdeath busy so that the Night Raid girls could slaughter the Prime Minister in peace.

Me, Leone, Najenda and Mein were the fastest to reduce Esdeath's ice army, the centaurs were huge and numerous, but apparently to create so many warriors, she had to use magical ice mixed with ordinary ice created from ordinary water. Against normal humans, these centaurs were very strong, but we destroyed a hundred or even a thousand of them in a single blow.

Esdeath was rebuilding centaurs, but as you can see, her real limit was ten thousand three-metre centaurs made entirely of magical ice, still a formidable force, but in battle they were no longer as fearsome as a hundred-thousand-strong army of ten-metre tall horse-men.

Soon the army of revolutionaries and the army of defenders clashed, and with my support, we were able to annihilate the Empire's army quite quickly, but this happy situation didn't last long. Literally before my eyes, the imperial palace began to collapse, and from under its rubble began to climb out of the ninety-metre long armour-clad creature that looked like an ordinary knight, but huge.

This was the Guardian of the Empire, the forty-ninth Teigu, whose existence was considered a myth. Unlike all other Teigu, the Guardian of the Empire was kept under the imperial palace at all times, it was the one that created a protective barrier over the palace, and only someone with the blood of the First Emperor in their veins could activate the Guardian of the Empire in the hour when the Empire was in danger of collapse.

The Guardian of the Empire turned towards the revolutionary army and the crystal on his chest began to glow, concentrating energy that soon shot a devastating beam at us. I changed form, and from a cyborg in the form of a tiger, I myself became a ninety-foot armoured humanoid, with an energy barrier near my arms. This barrier was angled to redirect the Imperial Guardian's beam into the sky.

- Bummer! - I stood up to my full height, to the joyous shouts of the revolutionary soldiers.

- Prime Minister, what should I do? - turned to one of the towers of the imperial palace, which remained intact after the destruction of the palace. That was where the Prime Minister was now, and he wanted to enjoy the spectacle of the Imperial Guardian destroying the revolutionary army.

- Emperor, be strong and fight for the Empire! I have to get out of here. - replied the huge fat bearded man who was the Prime Minister, - Supreme Teigu, activate the secret weapon! - shouted the Prime Minister before leaving the tower.

The Sentinel of the Empire began to change, it began to enlarge as its armour shattered, releasing what was underneath it, and underneath was a huge one hundred and twenty metre tall mutant.

Originally, the Guardian of the Empire had the same build as my cyborg, that is, a flesh monster clad in armour that protected and contained it. The Prime Minister asked Stilish to modify Supreme Teiga, and after his death, Dorothea continued the modification.

- You fools, those who dared to oppose the Great Empire! As the ruler of this Empire, I will judge you all! - yelled the transformed Guardian of the Empire, who was supposed to be ruled by the puppet Emperor Honesta. He released rockets and plasma beams from his body, but only some of them were aimed at the revolutionary army, the rest of the projectiles began to destroy the capital.

- Yes, that's it, Emperor! Destroy them all! - shouted Honest, before the stairs out of the tower, but just as he was about to descend into the underground secret exit, Akame came up the tower to him.

- Hello, Prime Minister? - Akame and Kurome climbed up with Akame, -Now I'm going to cut you Masamune, and then Gin will hang you on a cross, and you'll suffer for a very long time, for everything we've been through with my sister!

- Girls, how convenient to be in range of my Teigu! - Honest had a tiara Teigu Eraston on his head, the Teigu that allowed him to control, disable or destroy other Teigu. Eraston is supposed to be built into the Emperor's crown, but Honest, after killing the last Emperor, took Eraston for himself to keep himself safe from Teigu users... and of course, Eraston had no effect on Akame and Kurome, as their weapons and robes were created by me, and simply ignored Eraston's activation.

Akame and Kurome looked at each other in bewilderment and attacked Honest, but he was trained at the Kouken Temple and was a fighter no worse than the Rakshasa Demons, but the girls were still stronger than him, and while they were there dealing with the Prime Minister, I was busy defending the revolutionaries from the attacks of the Imperial Guard.

- NOTHING!!! A NEW LIGHT THAT WILL SHINE OVER THE NATION AND BLESS OUR THOUSAND YEAR OLD EMPIRE!!!!! - yelled the Guardian of the Empire, gathering a ball of energy near his chest.

≪Similar to a Biju Bomb, one that can penetrate our barrier. I have an idea. ≫

As the Guardian of the Empire fired his attack at us, a huge ball of destructive energy flew straight at me, and a portal opened in front of my hands, where it went through without harming anyone.

- It's time to end you, puppet emperor. - I started going after the Imperial Guard.

Do we even have any weapons in there?

≪Yeah, a quantum knife.

The handle of this quantum knife appeared in my hand, which looked like a huge clerical knife, and a bluish glowing blade came out of it like a clerical knife.

A knife? Are you kidding me?

≪Of course I'm kidding. It's a quantum sword, I'm not stupid enough to give you a knife instead of a normal weapon. ≫

The blade of this knife extended even further to resemble a sword. The size of this quantum sword was about forty-five metres, and approaching the Guardian of the Empire, I began to chop this monster into pieces.

The puppet emperor couldn't resist me, he was hardly trained to fight, so after losing his limbs, he shouted hysterically:

- 'NO EMPEROR, NO EMPIRE! - and apparently triggered the Empire Guardian's self-destruct mode.

- The Emperor is dead, long live the new Emperor! - I threw the carcass of the Imperial Guardian high into the air, and then opened a portal in front of me, from where the orb that the Imperial Guardian had recently attacked me flew out. The ball hit the carcass of Supreme Teigu, and there was a nuclear-like explosion, because in addition to the ball itself, the Imperial Guardian's Nucleus exploded. To prevent the shockwave from destroying everything here, all available energy had to be used to create a huge protective barrier over the capital. But after creating the colossal barrier, my cyborg's battery died, and it needs time to build up energy before it can move.

- Gin, why are you frozen with your hands up, did you run out of energy? Bad timing, huh? - Esdeath shouted and attacked my cyborg with ice projectiles, but her huge arrows couldn't penetrate the armour.

- Esdeath, in a few minutes, I'll be able to move, and then you'll lose.

- In a few minutes, you lose, Gin! - She began to shoot at me with thin spears of black ice, which scratched the armour a little, - I decided to try the stimulants, they don't last long, but I have just enough time to defeat you! - Esdeath popped some pills and started creating huge projectiles of black ice that started destroying my armour. But as soon as I had enough energy, I attacked this crazy woman, who was defending herself with her black ice from the blows of my huge sword.

- Dying in such a battle would be the best ending for me! I couldn't know love, but I'm glad I met you, Gin! - Esdeath shouted, shackling herself in a huge armour of black ice, in which she continued to attack me. But the time of the narcotic stimulants had come to an end, and another of my blows shattered Esdeath's armour. Esdeath herself fell to the ground exhausted, and over her I drew my huge sword.

- You're the craziest bitch I've ever met in my life. - I lowered my sword, 'victory is ours! - my cyborg shouted loudly, and all the soldiers of the revolutionary army began to shout with joy.

While I was dealing with the Guardian of the Empire, and Esdeath afterwards, Akame and Kurome were fighting the Prime Minister, and managed to completely exhaust the Prime Minister with Masamune's help. Soon Spear, Shelly, and Chelsea and Seriu climbed the same tower that had been killing the ministers in the palace, intercepting them at the entrance to the underground catacombs they wanted to use to escape. Taking the girls in my cyborg hand, I took the Prime Minister's body in my other hand and walked towards the main army of revolutionaries. There I set up a cross with Honest, and organised an auction of unprecedented generosity, anyone could come up and cut a piece off the Prime Minister as a memento. The entire revolutionary army queued up for Honest, and Honest was further enhanced by alchemy, and had good enough regeneration that his execution was extended by a fortnight.

The capital had taken a lot of damage during the battle, mostly from the attacks of its past now dead emperor. He was still a child, of course, but he was a child controlling a huge monster that killed thousands of people in seconds. There was no point in saving him in any way. I don't need this emperor, and the revolutionaries would have executed him anyway, because they didn't need him either.

After a while, the headquarters of the revolutionary army moved to the centre of the capital, near the destroyed palace, Najenda and the rest of the rebel leaders were organising a new government in the capital, and I was helping to remove the rubble of the palace with the help of my cyborg, but I did it remotely, I was on the surviving tower of the palace, along with the rest of the Night Raid girls.

- Gin, you know they want to make you the new emperor, right? - Spear asked, leaning against the stone rubble that had fallen here when the palace collapsed.

- I know, and I'm not happy about it. I don't like power, I like forging iron and having orgies with you. - I replied, resting my head sadly on my hand. I was in the shape of a half-tiger, and was sitting in the lotus position half a metre off the ground, with my tail resting on the floor. I'm trying to walk around in half-beast form more often, because they're not going to make the new emperor an animal... spoiler - they will.

- Gin, my sister and I will help you to become a good emperor, we will create a perfect state where you can do your ironwork in peace and have orgies with us. - Kurome said.

- Yes, you won't be alone, we'll all help you. I don't know of anyone who could be the new emperor besides you. - Akame added, they pretty much all agreed to talk me into taking that hemorrhoidal position.

- Hoo hoo, a few years ago I was an orphaned ragamuffin on the frontier of the Empire, and soon I'll be the wife of the new emperor. - said Mein.

- And the fact that the new emperor a few years ago ran around the jungle with a bare arse, and killed all sorts of animals, which he then ate raw, it doesn't bother anyone?

- Gin, no one will be interested in those details, the important thing is that you can control this thing. - Shelly pointed to my 90 metre tall cyborg.

- What's more important is not that he can control it, but that he created it, so he can create more. - Leone remarked, 'If we didn't have Guin, I don't know how we could have defeated the Imperial Guard at all. We'd probably all be dead. And it took that thing to defeat Esdeath, and it's a good thing you finished it off, Gin.

- Ha ha, Leone, you really think Gin killed her? I guarantee that lustful future emperor has her locked up in his prison and will fuck Esdeath in his world, just like Cosmina and Mez. - Chelsea muttered, being synchronised with Seriu. In the form of armour, Seru could discreetly caress her mistress, something Chelsea took advantage of by wearing fox armour almost all the time.

- Gin, you didn't do something stupid like that, did you? - Leone came over to look me in the eye.

- I didn't... schizophrenia did. Before the sword fell on her, schizophrenia had moved Esdeath into the prison, my pocket world.

- Damn it! Can't she even escape from there? - Leone asked worriedly.

- No, it's a separate dimension, where I can't be killed, and where I can strip even Esdeath of her powers, so she won't be able to escape.

- We hope so. - said the girls.