2: Decision

"Young Master Wayne?"

The same voice resounded in the halls of the Wayne mansion and Andrew, the young master of the Wayne family turned with a disgusted expression on his face.

"What do you want… Edgar?"

Andrew eyes were filled with disgust and disdain as he gazed at a man who looked like the perfect butler. The man stood at 6 feet 2 inches. He had a somewhat lean, athletic build and his movements were precise and fluid as he walked towards Andrew.

The first thing a stranger would notice about the butler were his strikingly handsome face and his pair of green eyes which were always studying his surroundings with a frightening attentiveness.

The butler's dark hair was neatly trimmed and perfectly combed with not a single strand out of place. His butler's uniform was crisp and pristine without a single wrinkle or errant thread. From his carefully coiffed hair down to his highly polished shoes, every aspect of Edgar's appearance showed his wholehearted devotion to his duties as a butler.

Edgar looked like the perfect butler. But was any human perfect?

Andrew did not know. But what he did know was that Edgar was anything but perfect.

Edgar was a womanizer and a sex addict.

"I heard the doorbell ring. Was it you?" Despite the obvious disgust on his young master's face, Edgar maintained a neutral expression as he gazed into the eyes of Andrew.

"It's none of your business." Andrew scoffed and without waiting for a reply from Edgar, he grabbed the door handle to open the door but a 'large' hand stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Andrew growled and looked at Edgar with extremely cold eyes, but Edgar remained unbothered.

"I need to know who's at the door Young Master Wayne."

"Like I said, it's none of your business. Now leave me!" Andrew yanked his arm, but despite the force he used, Edgar's arm refused to budge, much to Andrew's irritation.

"Fucking leave me you piece of shit!"

Edgar was about to speak, but then a voice interrupted him.


The sound of hasty footsteps disrupted the tension in the room. Andrew turned, and his eyes widened in horror. Just as he was about to speak, a figure crashed into him, sending him down the floor.


"Papa always said you should stop fighting the big butler!"

Esther's soft voice flowed into Andrew's ears, and Andrew looked at his little sister with gritted teeth. The pain he felt from the fall was not little.

"I don't care Esther." Andrew glared at Edgar. "I'm still going to open the door for the beggar outside."

"Beggar?" Edgar frowned.

"Beggar?" Esther tilted her head curiously.

"What's a beggar big brother?" Esther blinked with her big innocent eyes, and Andrew was caught off guard.

"Huh… Hm… A beggar is somebody who is poor and cannot afford a house as large as ours and eat as much food as we do."

Edgar blinked.

"Ohhh… Where is the beggar? I want to see him."

Esther jumped off Andrew while looking around with an excited expression.

"He's behind the door." Andrew rubbed the back of his head as he stood. "I was just about to open the door for him since he said he was hungry. But, Edgar stopped me."

Andrew sent a glare at Edgar but Edgar's expression remained the same.

"Huh? The big butler?" Esther looked at her big brother, then she looked at the big butler. She walked closer to the big butler, and with large puppy eyes and the softest voice she could muster, she said:

"Big butler… Can I see the beggar?"

Edgar furrowed his brows. "...I received specific orders from your father and mother to keep the two of you safe. And-"

"So are you trying to say that you can't protect us from a beggar?" Andrew interrupted with unveiled disdain in his tone. "If you can't even protect us from a simple beggar, what use do you have aside from washing the toilets, cleaning, and cooking?"

Edgar frowned deeply.

"I can take care of my sister and myself. I don't need you to protect us." Andrew walked to the door and without waiting for Edgar's response, he grabbed the door handle.

Edgar's hand moved slightly, but then he stopped and chose not to do anything.

"Coward." Andrew scoffed, and then he opened the door.

"..." Esther.

"..." Andrew.

"... Huhhh? Big brother? Is that the beggar?"

"... I think so?"

"Is he dead?"

"... I don't think so?"

"Are you sure?"

"...I think so?"

"Then why does he smell so bad? Mom told me that only garbage and dead bodies smell this bad. That's why I always have my bath every day."

Andrew scratched the side of his head. 'Does he really smell that bad? The smell is not that bad right?'

Andrew thought while looking at the beggar who had collapsed on the floor. His gaze shifted to Edgar who had an unreadable expression.

"Do your job and bring him inside. Prepare a hot bath for him, and he'll have dinner with us."

Without waiting for a response from Edgar, Andrew grabbed Esther's hand, and Esther's expression changed slightly.

"Wait big brother. I want to see the beggar." Esther pleaded, and Andrew frowned.

"You can see him when we're having dinner." Andrew once again tried to pull Esther into the house with him, but Esther struggled.

"But, but, I want to see him." Esther pleaded while looking at the beggar with curious eyes. It wasn't sympathy she felt for the beggar, but pure curiosity.

She had never seen somebody so poorly dressed, dirty, and smelly in her entire life. So, her seeing somebody with all of these was something new for her.

"Didn't you say he was smelling? Do you want to smell also?"

Esther's expression changed when she heard her brother's words. Due to her mother, there was one thing she disliked more than anything.

Having a terrible body odor. She loved smelling nice.

Seeing that Esther had stopped arguing with him, Andrew pulled his sister into the house with him, and this time around, Esther did not struggle.

As Andrew was about to climb the stairs with Esther, he stopped, and then looked at Edgar with emotionless eyes.

"If you know what's good for you. You'll do your job properly."

After saying that, he climbed the stairs with Esther in tow.

Meanwhile, Edgar continued looking in the direction Andrew and Esther left for at least five seconds, and then he released a tired sigh.
