13: Tears and Pain

"By the way, before you kill me. Have you forgotten about your young master?"


The instant Thomas said those words, Edgar came to a sudden realization, and he stood rooted on the spot for a second.

Thomas grinned, "Don't tell me you've actually forgotten about your young master?"

As Thomas spoke, Edgar's pupils shook, and he looked behind him, towards the garage of the Wayne mansion.

Meanwhile, when Thomas saw this, his eyes glinted, and he swung his right arm towards Edgar's neck with a light grin.



Thomas blinked while looking at his detached arm with a stunned expression. He looked at Edgar's face, and he realized that Edgar was still looking at the garage. His eyes had never looked away from the garage even for a split second.


Thomas was baffled. How was Edgar able to cut off his arm without looking at him?

His sneak attack on Edgar was flawless in his eyes. But just as his claws were about to reach Edgar's neck, all he saw was a flash and his arm got separated from his shoulder.

"I can't believe what a terrible day today is." Without looking away from the garage, Edgar spoke, and Thomas snapped out of his thoughts.

"I have always tried my best to be the perfect butler…"

Edgar tightened his grip on Thomas' head, causing Thomas to groan in pain and discomfort.

"But today I have failed… I am a failure of a butler."

Edgar looked at the floor.

"Not only could I not protect my master and his beloved wife. I have failed to protect the true legacies they have left behind."


Edgar's grip tightened once again, and Thomas' eyes widened as he grabbed Edgar's arm, trying to pry open the grip on his head. But his attempts remained futile.

"If you want to kill me, just kill me. You don't have to bore me with your useless internal monologue and emotions."

Thomas chuckled. Though he was in immense discomfort and pain.

Edgar turned, and when he did, his helmet dissolved into his skin. Thomas' eyes shook when he saw Edgar's expression.

It was not an expression of rage.

Nor was it an expression of utter calmness or an emotionless expression.

It was also not one of hate or disgust.


Edgar had tears streaming down his face.

His eyes were filled with tears, and his expression was that of pure sorrow as he gazed at Thomas. Though, his focus was not entirely on Thomas.

Thomas felt his entire body tremble when he saw Edgar, a growing man shed real tears, true tears unlike what he had shed in front of the children of the Waynes in their dining table.

He could sense the pure unbridled desire to do unspeakable evils to him from the eyes of Edgar. He felt like the chains that had chained a primal and ancient beast inside Edgar had snapped, and he was the cause of this.

'What is this?' Thomas found himself unable to look away from Edgar's eyes.

"From the deepest parts of my soul and heart, I wish to torture you beyond what the human mind can comprehend..."

Edgar spoke once again, and this time, Thomas felt like Edgar's hazy focus was honing more and more on him- This caused his heart rate to increase by several beats.

"... But unfortunately… I cannot do as my heart and soul desire"

Edgar turned to look at the garage.

"I have a duty to perform… I have to check up on the young master."


The instant Edgar said those words, a lightning bolt abruptly fell from the sky and landed on Thomas' body.


"Although I can't torture you to my heart and soul's satisfaction, that doesn't mean I can't make your death as painful as possible."


After saying those words, another lightning bolt landed on Thomas' body.


"It's good that your regenerative ability is not weak. You can be the cause for your prolonged suffering."

The instant Edgar said those words, the sky rumbled and lightning flashed.

"Kill me."

Thomas spoke with immense difficulty while staring into the emotionless and tears filled eyes of Edgar.

"Isn't that what I've been trying to do?"

Edgar tilted his head very slightly, and when he did, a much more powerful lightning bolt landed on Thomas' body.


And another lightning bolt.



And another…



And another…



And another…



And another…



And another…



And another…





Just as Edgar was about to summon another lightning bolt, he realized something as he held Thomas' body.

"He's dead."

Edgar spoke with an emotionless expression. He looked around, observing the immense damage done to the garden of the Wayne mansion and even parts of the mansion itself.

Usually, he'd have felt uncomfortable seeing the wreckage and destruction wrought upon the sixth mansion of his master. But now...

All he felt was immense pain and sorrow.

"We'll have to leave this place by tomorrow morning and reach the main mansion in three days… no… two days."

Edgar thought while grabbing Thomas' corpse by the arm and walked to the garage while dragging Thomas' corpse.

As Edgar approached the scorched and damaged garage doors, the doors automatically opened.

As Edgar walked into the garage, the beauty of the garage was revealed.

The garage was not just a normal garage where cars were parked. The garage was a sprawling, high-ceilinged space filled with the latest in automotive innovations.

The grounds were perfectly manicured, dotted with exotic flora, and there was a small stream that flowed around the garage.

Sleek, autonomous vehicles were parked in orderly rows, with their surfaces gleaming like mirrors. There were robotic arms that moved with precision, maintaining and servicing the cars. Holographic displays flickered to life as Edgar passed by any car. The holographic displays provided readouts on each vehicle's specifications and maintenance status.

Edgar walked without giving a single car a glance, his eyes were fixed on the center of the garage.

In the center of the garage stood an impressive array of luxury and performance cars, each one a work of art. Some were of the latest hover-car models, their engines humming softly as they hovered a few inches off the ground.

The sight of the garage's center would have garnered awe in the eyes of commoners, but there was something else at the center.

A young boy's head resting on the lap of a bloodied young girl with tears in his eyes.

The young boy was unconscious, his lips were parched, tears continuously flowed from his eyes even as he was unconscious, and his hands tightly gripped the clothes of the bloodied young girl.

Meanwhile, the young girl sat on a wooden chair with ropes around her waist. There was no part of her body that wasn't stained with blood. Deep and light cuts could be seen from the tattered clothes she wore.

Her head was hung low, with her long blonde hair covering her face. But from the grievous injuries and tortures, one could see on the young girl's body, one did not need to know that the young girl, who was no older than three… was dead.

Edgar paused and stared at this sight for a seemingly long time. As he stood, a new set of tears poured from his eyes.


{A/N: Check Author's note in the Author's Thought box.}