19: I Don't Know

Although Major Kade could choose to attack Commander Kael while his mind was in turmoil and disarray, Major Kade chose not to. He was getting more satisfaction and enjoyment from toying with his enemy's emotions than he expected.

Like most Spartans, Commander Kael rarely showed emotions in battle, and this was one of the rare times he witnessed him showcase his emotions.

He almost got a boner from this satisfaction and enjoyment.

'How embarrassing.' Major Kade thought with a grin.

Meanwhile, as Major Kade was in his own world, Commander Kael became much calmer. He gazed at Major Kade, and his mind, heart and soul went through different emotions all at once.

With the primary emotions being that of sadness and resignation.

Commander Kael knew he had lost. He knew his soldiers would die, and just like them, he would also die.

Worst of all, he had failed Sparta.

To understand why Commander Kael had such an expression, one just had to look at Major Kade.

Major Kade was encased within a formidable mech-suit, a towering colossus of metal and technology that seemed to radiate menace with every step. The mech-suit was a marvel of Technocratic engineering, bristled with advanced weaponry and defensive systems, a testament to the military might and power of Technotopia.

Standing at over ten feet tall, the mech-suit dwarfed its pilot by a wide margin. Its sleek and angular design gave it a predatory appearance that struck fear into the hearts of its enemies. Its surface, plated with reinforced alloy and composite armor, gleamed with a polished sheen, adorned with markings and insignia that marked it as a symbol of the Technotopians.

Twin energy cannons were mounted on the suit's shoulders, their barrels crackling ever so slightly with contained power as they hummed with lethal intent. Along its arms and legs were mounted missile pods and plasma projectors, capable of unleashing devastating barrages of firepower with pinpoint accuracy.

The mech suit's helm, a sleek and streamlined visage of death, featured a tinted visor that concealed Major Kade's face, leaving only the glow of his eyes visible within. A series of sensors and targeting arrays adorned the suit's exterior, granting Major Kade unparalleled situational awareness and targeting precision in the heat of battle.

As Major Kade hovered above the battlefield, the air distorted and trembled beneath the weight of his suit's massive frame and the heat radiated by it. Jets of steam and exhaust billowed from vents and thrusters, allowing the suit of such a massive size to stay up in the air.

One might not know, but the mech suit could move with surprising agility and grace despite its formidable appearance. Commander Kael remembered the first time he battled somebody in such a suit.

He thought the movement of the suit would be slow and crappy beyond imagination. But, when the pilot maneuvered the suit, it moved with a grace and agility that was impossible for something of its size. Commander Kael knew never to underestimate anything that was created by the Technotopians.

They were brilliant monsters.

Although, Commander Kael hated to admit it, the creations of the Technotopians were impressive and extremely deadly. Despite their mystical powers and ability to control the elements, they still could not defeat the Technotopians easily.

Commander Kael was a grandmaster, and he had the ability to manipulate space to a certain degree. He had the ability to fly, to manipulate lightning, to manipulate fire, and he could move at a speed that mortals could not comprehend nor achieve.

But even with all of these, Commander Kael could not defeat Major Kade who uses external devices to battle. Fighting a single Major Kade in his mech suit was already difficult, talk less of fighting another person in a mech suit.

Although, as Commander Kael inspected the second mech suit, he didn't perceive any sign of life.

'It's probably controlled by an A.I'

Commander Kael thought, then he released a sigh.

'I don't know how he got another mech suit.'

Commander Kael thought while inhaling deeply and raising his greatsword.


A Spartan roar that would put most beasts to shame shook the battlefield, and every single individual, whether Spartans or Technotopians, stopped fighting.

The Technotopians felt their hearts and souls shake in fear. Meanwhile, the Spartans felt their hearts, blood, and souls beat in excitement. Their battle intents flared up, and to the surprise of the Technotopians, every single Spartan slammed their feet on the ground all at the same time.



The ground trembled and cracked, and some Technotopians lost their footing as a result.



'I don't know whether I'm going to live past today.'



'I don't know how many of my soldiers would be alive after today.'



'I don't know if my son would be a successful warrior in life.'



'I don't know how long my wife would grieve for my death.'



'I don't know how long it would take for my wife to marry another man.'




All Spartans, no matter how badly injured they were, roared at the top of their lungs and slammed their feet on the ground at the same time.

If a Spartan didn't have legs, they used their weapons.

If a Spartan didn't have hands to slam their weapons, they used their mouths to roar.

And if they neither had hands, legs, nor the voice to roar, their battle intents shook the very air and ground.

Every Spartan gave their all, and with renewed vigor, they fought the frightened Technotopians with unmatched ferocity and savageness.

'All I know is that, no matter what... I'll live and die for my nation, for my country, for my kingdom.'

"I'll fight for Sparta till my last breath." Commander Kael mumbled with a light smile as he watched his soldiers fight and tear apart the Technotopians like mad men.

A Spartan roared with an expression that resembled demons from the deepest parts of hell. He ran towards a Technotopian who stumbled backward in fear.

He fired his guns while roaring back in fear, but the Spartan grabbed a nearby Technotopian and placed him in the path of the incoming bullets.

To the Technotopian's horror, the Spartan appeared in front of him and swung the body of the Technotopian's comrade at his head.



The Spartan roared and grabbed the two corpses of the Technotopians and used them as weapons, killing more Technotopians.

This brutal scene and scenes more brutal than this continued for a few more minutes on the battlefield. But Commander Kael knew this was nearly not enough to win this war.

'I just have to survive for a long time and if possible, win or live by some luck or miracle.'

Lightning sparks appeared around his body and greatsword. He then took a step forward and positioned his body in a take-off stance.

"Do you think increasing the morale of your soldiers with a Spartan roar would make you win this war?"

Major Kade mocked while surveying the battlefield from within his mech suit's cockpit. Just as he expected and to his satisfaction, some Technotopians regained their senses and started fighting back the Spartans.

Major Kade nodded with a satisfied smile.

Commander Kael chuckled. "Who knows." and then he mumbled.

"Thunder Step."