23: Let This War End

The death of Commander Kael sent shockwaves throughout the Spartan ranks. His loss felt like a gaping wound in the heart of all Spartans. But amidst the grief and despair, his final act of courage and determination served as a rallying cry for his comrades.


It started with one Spartan.

Bang! Bang!

Then it became two Spartans.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then it became three Spartans.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then it became four Spartans.


Spartans all over the battlefield slammed their weapons, feet, fists, and any object they had on the ground or on a solid object.


An injured Spartan roared with emotions that all Spartans could relate to.





And immense battle intent.

Inspired by his example, every Spartan roared with similar emotions.

The image and valor of their fallen commander flashed in their minds, and they fought with renewed vigor and determination. Their hearts filled with a burning desire to avenge their fallen leader and protect their homeland at all costs. With each swing of their swords and each blast of their magic, they honored the memory of Commander Kael and the sacrifice he had made.

But even as they fought with unmatched ferocity, the odds seemed insurmountable. The Technotopians, emboldened by their victory over Commander Kael, pressed their advantage, their forces relentless in their pursuit of conquest.

Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope remained. For even in death, Commander Kael's legacy lived on, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who fought under the banner of Sparta. And as long as there were Spartans willing to stand and fight, the spirit of Sparta would endure. Unbroken and undefeated.

"Damn. The explosion was greater than I expected."

As the battle waged on, Major Kade hovered atop a floating disk in the distance. Very few Spartans knew of Major Kade's actual physical appearance without his unique mech suit, and as he hovered in the air, few Spartans who had the time to look at him saw his appearance for the first time in their lives.

Major Kade was a man of imposing stature and commanding presence. Standing tall at over six feet, he possessed a broad-shouldered, muscular frame that spoke of years of rigorous training and combat experience. His upright and confident posture exuded an aura of authority and strength.

Major Kade was clad in a sleek, tactical combat uniform designed for durability and mobility. The uniform consisted of a form-fitting, black tactical suit made of advanced, lightweight materials, which provided protection without hindering his movements. Reinforced padding and armor plates were strategically integrated into the suit, offering additional protection against ballistic threats and shrapnel.

Over the combat suit, Major Kade wore a tactical vest equipped with various pouches and compartments for ammunition, grenades, and other essential gear. The vest was adorned with insignia and patches denoting his rank and affiliation, further emphasizing his status as a military leader.

His attire was completed by rugged combat boots, designed to provide traction and support on various terrain types, and fingerless gloves, allowing for dexterity and grip while handling weapons and equipment.

Despite the practicality of his attire, Major Kade's appearance had an undeniable sense of style and professionalism. Every aspect of his clothing and gear reflected his commitment to excellence and readiness for any challenge that may arise on the battlefield.

Not only did Major Kade's clothing show that he was a man of style and professionalism, but his visage and demeanor were also worth mentioning.

His features were sharp and chiseled, with a strong jawline and piercing black eyes that seemed to miss nothing on the battlefield. His dark and closely cropped hair added to his no-nonsense appearance, framing his face in a rugged yet disciplined manner.

Major Kade's expression was often serious and focused, reflecting his disciplined mindset and unwavering determination. However, hidden deep in his eyes was a tinge of sadistic desires and pleasures that very few knew of.

Despite his formidable exterior which made it seem like Major Kade used more of his muscles than brains, only a fool and the inexperienced would think that Major Kade was anything of the sort.

Although it seemed like he had killed Commander Kael effortlessly, only he and very few, knew that it was only due to his strategic and cunning mind that he was able to kill Commander Kael.

Overall, Major Kade was a formidable figure, both physically imposing and mentally sharp, a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield.

Currently, Major Kade's expression was that of regret and pain as he gazed at the remains of his mech suits. He had spent quite a lot of military contribution points to improve his original mech suit, and also to get another mech suit.

If not because the military contribution points he was going to get for killing Commander Kael were greater than the costs of the two mech suits, he would have never sacrificed his mech suits just to kill Commander Kael.

No matter what.

Getting a mechsuit of such quality was immensely difficult.

Major Kade surveyed the battlefield and a sense of grim satisfaction filled his heart as he watched the chaos and carnage of the battlefield.

"After many years of constant battle. The Spartans would finally fall."

"Glory to Technotopia."

Major Kade smiled widely, and then he removed a metallic cylinder from his waist belt. The moment he held the metallic cylinder, a sword completely made out of light and energy appeared emerged from the metallic cylinder- A light saber.

"Time to use my most precious baby."

Major Kade chuckled, and with a soft grunt, he jumped off the floating disk and with a laugh, he plunged into the battlefield.


The ground cracked and dust and stones flew as a result of Major Kade's collision with the ground.

There was a pause in the battlefield, and the expressions of both forces experienced a change.

The Spartans had grim expressions as they gazed at Major Kade.

The Technotopians were excited at the appearance of their leader. Some cheered, some had gloating expressions, and some mocked the Spartans.

Meanwhile, Major Kade laughed out loud, and with a bright smile, he said:

"Let this war end!"