25: Silas Morningstar (1)

As Major Kade continued his relentless and wanton onslaught against the Spartans, a deafening roar echoed throughout the skies, sending tremors rippling through the ground beneath his feet. Instantly, he felt his psyche and body being pressured by a force he was familiar with.

"Gravitational force!" 

His eyes widened in alarm, and his heart pounded with a mixture of panic and fear. The presence of a Sage, a master of gravity manipulation, filled him with dread as he scanned the battlefield for the source of the disturbance.

'A Sage is here!'


Major Kade thought with a visible expression of fear as he looked in the direction of the source of the voice. But as he turned his gaze towards the direction of the voice, he realized with a surge of relief that the Sage was still some distance away.

Although he could perceive the Sage's spiritual sense, Major Kade knew this was his opportunity. Without hesitation, he dashed away from the battlefield. As he ran, the gears in his mind spun at full speed. He connected his mind to one of the drones in the air and controlled it to move toward the unknown Sage. He needed to know who was coming after him.

A few Spartans realizing Major Kade's plan to escape tried their best to stop or delay him. But it was all for naught.

"Get out of the way!"

Major Kade roared with a tone of urgency, and without wasting a single second, he brought out two guns and fired them at the group of Spartans who bravely tried to stop him from escaping.

Major Kade fired his guns with 100% precision and every Spartan that was shot either died or sustained grievous injuries that made them unable to stop his escape.

"You think you can escape from me?!"

The Sage shouted with a rageful tone, but Major Kade remained undeterred and calm. He ruthlessly cut down every Spartan that stood in his way and ignored every Spartan that was not a threat to his life, his movements became a blur of speed as he carved a path through the chaos of battle.

For the first time since the beginning of the war, he could not help but complain about his decision to choose the Nocturne's edge as the battleground.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. Just as he did, he received feedback from the drone he controlled. When he split his focus to observe what the drone was seeing, his expression experienced a massive change.

"Silas Morningstar!" Major Kade exclaimed with his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and dread.

"What is he doing here?!"

Major Kade could not believe that one of the most dreaded Sages in the whole of Nirvania, not only Sparta, but the whole of Nirvania! Was chasing him.

"Fuck it!"

Major Kade could not help but curse out loud when he realized that he had no chance of survival against Silas Morningstar. No matter what plans he made, no matter how cunning he was, he was not going to survive a battle with Silas Morningstar no matter what!

Major Kade decisively chose to ignore every Spartan that stood in his way no matter their cultivation base. His injuries increased, but his speed was a tad faster than before.

Just as Major Kade was about to evade an attack from a Spartan, he felt a chill run down his back and with his mind still in control of the airborne drone, he decided to look for the source of the chill.

Two seconds after he dodged the attack of the Spartan, he got another feedback from the drone, and his expression changed drastically.


His drone exploded, but not without performing its mission and sending a video of what destroyed it, and what was coming for its user.

Without hesitation, he brought out a metallic disk that contained silvery runes. He placed it on the ground and pressed a button by the side. The instant he pressed the button, the runes came to life and emitted a silver glow.

"Fuck. It has to charge?"

Major Kade exclaimed with a horrified expression, and then he looked around. He saw eight Spartans circling him like hyenas circling their prey and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. Knowing how important the device he placed on the ground was, he unleashed a flurry of rapid-fire on the Spartans, fully intent on protecting the device and surviving for as long as possible.

The Spartans already having seen their brothers die from the bullets of Major Kade all raised the shields in their hands, and protected their vitals.

Major Kade seeing that clicked his tongue once again, and he changed his aim from their vitals to their exposed legs.

Grunts and screams of pain echoed from the Spartans, and they fell to the ground one by one with their legs sustaining grievous wounds. Major Kade was not merciful in his shooting at all.

Before Major Kade could relish in the screams and grunts of the Spartans, his instincts screamed at him, and he looked to the skies.

Coming towards him with impeccable precision was an object that was akin to a meteorite. But Major Kade knew it was anything but a meterorite.

It was a spear.

A spear that was launched by a being akin to a god.

The spear was covered in a golden light, with lightning sparks and a blazing inferno around his body. As the spear approached the battlefield, every single individual, whether Spartan or Technotopian, felt a crushing pressure on their bodies and psyches.

Major Kade's expression changed when he felt the pressure, and with clenched fists and gritted teeth, he looked back at the metallic disk which was radiating more silver light than before. As the silver light increased, the space around the metallic disk distorted.


A deep hum resounded in the ears of every individual on the battlefield, and to Major Kade's horror, he noticed that the spear was no longer targeting him, but the metallic disk.

'He figured it out.'

Major Kade thought with a panicked expression. He glanced at the metallic disk, then the approaching spear. A determined expression appeared on his face, and without hesitation, he brought out his lightsaber.


[A/N: Don't forget to vote people.]