48: It's The Young Prince

As the city of the Spartan capital bustled with numerous activities, a figure in black robe could be seen running down the streets of Sparta. The figure narrowly dodged the people in front of him, the obstacles in front of him, and also the Spartan guards which tried to apprehend him.

Whether the figure knew or not, his actions had caused a commotion on the streets of the Spartan capital. Behind the figure's back, six Spartan guards could be seen chasing after the figure with frustrated expressions.

"Fucking hell, who the hell is that bastard?"

One of the Spartan guards cursed as he pushed a passerby away from his front while chasing after the figure.

"The bastard knows the ins and out of the capital way too much. He's always taking the most difficult and crowded streets to increase the distance between us."

Another Spartan guard cursed as he jumped over a bunch of little kids that were in his way.

"Woahhh! Six flying monkeys!" The kids exclaimed with excitement, and when the Spartan guards heard this, they almost staggered.

"Should I go back and teach those kids some manners?" One of them offered with a threatening tone, and he immediately received a smack to the head.

"They're just kids. Do you want to embarrass yourself again? Focus on the most important issue at hand."

Another Spartan guard scoffed as he narrowly dodged an old man carrying a bunch of foodstuffs.

"I can't fucking stand this anymore! Should we call for backup?"

A different Spartan guard shouted with a frustrated and slightly embarrassed tone.

"Do you want to embarrass us?! We can all sense that this guy is just a mortal. Do you want everybody to mock us for the rest of our lives that six mid-level Initiates could not capture a single mortal?!"

The Spartan who had offered to teach the previous children some manners shot back with a tone filled with anger and annoyance.

His eyes widened when he saw the figure take a sharp turn like a cat, and a terrible feeling rose up in his heart. The other guards also had the same feeling when they realized the destination of the figure.

"That direction… Doesn't that lead to the royal palace?"

One of the guards gulped with a tinge of fear in his tone, and the others also gulped in fear.

"Let's split up. We'll catch him off guard. We'll be royally screwed if he's allowed to reach the royal palace."

A different guard said, and the guard who threatened to teach the previous kids a lesson glared at him.

"You still have time to make silly jokes?"

"What? I couldn't help it." The guard shrugged.

"Enough! Split up now! And make sure to catch that bastard before he reaches the royal palace!"

The largest guard out of the three guards shouted, and then he gave orders. A few seconds later, all six guards separated and moved to separate directions.

Meanwhile, the figure clad in black robe.

"Shit shit shit. I spent way too much time listening to the couple. Mum is definitely going to increase my punishment."


"Watch it kid!"

"Do you want to die?!"

"Do you know who I am?! I'm the son of the famous merchant, Sir-"

"Ahh! My sister's panties!"

Silver's expression was one of panic and fear as he ran towards the royal palace while ignoring every single curses, shouts, complaints, and anger that came his way. Though, the last shout he heard baffled him to his core.

The anger and curses of the people around him could not compared to what he'd face at home. In fact, just thinking about it made him shudder in fear. As for the guards that were chasing him and the chaos he had caused, he would find a way to deal with it in the future.

Just as Silver turned into an alley, a shortcut which he knew very well, he saw a guard standing at the end of the alley with a cold expression.

Silver raised his brows and briefly observed his surroundings. Apart from the two dumpsters, there was nothing else in the alley. A light smile appeared on Silver's lips.

Just as he was about to reach the end of the alley, two guards popped out from behind the dumpsters, and Silver scoffed.

Before the guards could touch Silver, he jumped to one of the dumpsters, and to the shock of the guards, he started jumping from one wall to the other in a zig-zag manner.

"What the fuck! He can wall jump as a mortal?!"

One of the guards exclaimed with a shocked tone.

"This has ruined most of the plan."

The guard who stood at the end of the alley appeared beside the two guards, but beside him were two other guards.

"It's a good thing we also planned for something like this."

One of the guards muttered, and the guard who stood at the end of the alley looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"We didn't you fool. Part of our plan was to have somebody stay at the top of the building and take him by surprise in case he escapes the five of us."

The guards all sighed, and then one frowned.

"By the way, am I the only one that caught a glimpse of what the person looked like under the hoodie?"

"Huh? You saw the person's face?"

A guard looked at the guard who spoke with a baffled expression, and the guard who spoke nodded.

"Yes I did. And…" The guard hesitated.

"And what? Give us a description so that the person would not be able to hide among the commoners."

The guard who previously stood at the end of alley spoke with a hint of urgency in his tone.

"I- I think the person is the young prince… Silver Morningstar?"


"Surely, the young prince's antics would not reach such a stage right?"

A guard questioned with an unsure tone, and the guards looked at one another. Although the young prince was a mischievous brat, his antics and pranks had never been this serious and had never caused such a commotion before.

"I don't think it's the young prince." A guard said, and another guard furrowed his brows.

"But what if it is?"

The moment the guard finished his words, a figure came hurtling from above, and they quickly created a space for the figure.


The guards looked at the figure who came crashing down, and they realized that the figure was the last member of their group.

He was unconscious and his face was swollen and bruised.

A guard crouched and slapped him multiple times until he woke up.

"Hey, what happened up there? How could you lose to a mortal? And did you see the face of the figure?" The guard asked

The guard with a bruised and beaten face weakly opened his eyes, and then he muttered with a tinge of despair in his voice.

"It's- It's the young prince."
