50: Mother

After leaving Draco Agathinus, Silver entered the palace and stood before a wooden door with a fearful and indecisive expression.

He took in a deep breath and then he released it. After doing this multiple times, he closed his eyes and prayed to the gods.

"Ohh, save my poor soul o gods."

Silver inhaled once again, and then he grabbed the door knob. Just as he was about to turn the door knob, the door opened and he froze.

He shakily looked up, and a nervous smile instantly appeared on his face when he saw the person he feared the most.

"M-M-Morning Mother."

Silver stuttered with a nervous smile as he gazed at his mother who stood before him with folded arms and a chilling glare.

Silver gulped.

"Oh, so this is still morning to you?"

Silver froze, and it was at that moment, he realized he had fucked up.

"Uhm. Mother, I can expl- HOLY MOTHER OF MERCIES IS THAT A KNIFE?!!!"

Silver quickly took several steps backward as he looked at his mother holding a knife that was way too long and way too large to be a kitchen knife.

His mother took a step forward, and Silver panicked.

"Wait Mother, I can explain!"

Silver held out his hands while trying to look for a way to his escape his mother.

'She always acts like a refined and calm lady when we have family dinner or a family gathering. But when she's alone with me or wants to punish me. She's a CRAZY WOMAN!'

Silver cried internally while wondering what type of woman the gods gave him as his mother.

"How dare you think of trying to escape when you're in front of me?"

Silver's mother chilling spoke, and Silver shivered.

"Please calm your anger Mother. I said I can expl-"


The moment Silver was about to finish his words, he quickly bolted to his right while keeping his senses on his mother.

'She's definitely going to kill me even if I got her a gift. I have to escape!'

Silver thought as he ran. As Silver ran, he became baffled when his senses told him that his mother had not moved from her spot.

He took a quick glance at his back, and just as his senses told him, he saw his mother standing while looking at him with an extremely soul-freezing glare.

"Fuck. She's scary."

Silver cursed as he turned to face the front, and the instant he did, his instincts screamed at him.

To his horror, shock, and immense fear, he saw his mother's face directly in front of him. Her soul freezing glare bore straight into his eyes and Silver could have sworn then and there that his soul left his body and ascended to the highest heavens.

Silver tried to move, but he realized he could not. His mother was holding a fistful of his hair, and her strength was insanely high for someone of her stature.




"Fuck! That hurts!"

Silver exclaimed with a shocked tone as he held his swollen head while looking at his mother's hands. In her left hand was a rolling pin which she had used to hit his head.

"Where in the world did you get a rolling pin from? Weren't you holding a knife before?"

Silver asked, and his mother grinned.

"Would you prefer the knife instead?"

Silver quickly shook his head with a panicked expression.

"No Ma. The rolling pin is smooth, nice, and hits very well. It's a much better tool for a punishment."

His mother grinned, and then she slapped the rolling pin on her palm.

"So now you have a glib tongue and you think you're smart huh? Is that what you were learning when you stayed outside for so long?"

Silver paled, and the danger instincts he had developed towards his mum blared to life. Without hesitation, he placed his hand in his pocket and brought out the necklace.

'Mother is crazy! She's definitely going to kill me!'

Silver thought, and with the 'calmest' expression he could muster, he stretched out his hands which was holding the necklace.

His mother who was just about to deliver the most painful *boinks* to Silver paused and looked at the beautiful necklace with a confused expression.

"What's this?"

"The reason why I was late." Silver replied with a drop of sweat appearing on his forehead.

Meanwhile, his mother raised her brows with a confused expression, "Explain."

Seeing that his mother was giving him a chance to explain himself, Silver exhaled a breath of relief.

"I know I woke up late, but on my way here, I realized that I've never given you a gift so I got this for you. I wanted to find something as beautiful as you mom so I took longer than expected."

His mother blinked with a surprised and speechless expression. She was truly speechless and did not know what to say. Her son's words were true, and this was the first time he had gotten her a gift.

Also… she observed the necklace and she realized that it was really really beautiful, and she loved it at a glance. Although she knew her son's intentions for giving her the necklace as a gift, she just couldn't find it in her to reject her son's first gift to her. Especially a gift so beautiful.

"I- I…"

Seeing that his mother could not say anything, Silver saw a chance and he quickly moved closer to her. He grabbed his mother's right hand, and with a bright smile he placed the necklace in her hand.

"You can have it Mom. I bought it for you."

Silver smiled and his mother glanced at the necklace before shifting her gaze to her son.

"How much?"

"Huh?" Silver's smile froze.

His mother seeing this narrowed her eyes. Did he spend an absurd amount of money on the necklace?

"I asked how much Silver Morningstar?"

The instant he heard his mother call out his full name, Silver knew there was a high chance his next words could land him in some deep shit.

"Fi- Five- Five gold coins." Silver spoke softly while shrinking his neck.

Meanwhile, the instant his mother heard his words, a wide smile instantly appeared on her lips and her eyes glinted with a vicious light.

She raised the rolling pin, and the next thing Silver heard were three *Boinks*.