52: The Colosseum

In the south of the capital of Sparta stood a massive and imposing structure, The Colosseum.

The Spartan Colosseum was a colossal structure and arena that was larger and more imposing than any other arena in Nirvania. The entire Colosseum was constructed from massive blocks of limestone and granite, and it also had a diameter of two thousand (2,000) feet while its outer walls soared to a height of three hundred (300) feet.

The main entrance was a grand arched gateway, standing fifty feet tall and fourty feet wide. This imposing entrance was flanked by statues of fierce Spartan warriors with each statue standing thirty feet high, and their weapons and shields posised as if ready to leap into battle.

Above the entrance was a plaque with an inscription- BATTLE!

If one was weak and had a weak mind, one would find it extremely difficult to stay in the Colosseum even as part of the audience.

Inside, the arena was a vast expanse with a diameter of seven hundred (700) feet. The arena floor was covered in hard-packed sand, and although the sand seemed harmless and like normal sand, it was anything but harmless and normal.

If one took their time to carefully observe the sand, one would notice and realize that the sand was not just sand. Not only did the sand contain stones, the sand also contained bones of various sizes, broken finger nails, broken teeth, and even weapons.

If somebody chose to fight in the Colosseum, they would not only need to watch out for their enemies, they would also need to watch out for arena itself. Deaths caused by a person's failure to be mindful of the arena had happened a lot of times.

This was also one of the reasons why most people hated and chose not to fight in the Colosseum. It was just too dangerous and unwanted surprises could pop out of anywhere due to nature of the arena in the Colosseum.

Apart from the arena, there was also the seats of the audience. The seating tiers rose steeply from the central arena floor and was designed to provide an unobstructed view of the action below. The stands could accommodate an astonishing one hundred and fifty thousand spectators (150,000), making it the largest arena to ever be constructed in the world. The seats were carved from a stone, and there was a formation on every seat that made the seats extremely comfortable.

The lower tiers of the seats were reserved for nobility and the higher tiers for common citizens. There was also the VIP section which was located at the center of the lower tiers and was also the section of the family heads of the nine noble families and the Morningstar family.

Encircling the arena floor was a high protective wall standing thirty feet tall, designed to shielf the spectators from the fierce battles within. Torches mounted along the wall casted flickering light with their flames dancing in the breeze and adding to the dramatic atmosphere in the Colosseum. 

Above the seating tiers were a series of seventy five foot columns supporting a partial roof. The roof provided shade to the spectators in the lower levels while leaving the upper tiers open to the sky. Also, the columns which were uniquely carved, depicted past kings, heroes, and epic battles from Spartan history on their surface.

In one section of the Colosseum, a grand box was reserved for the entertainers and musicians. Here, drummers, flutists, and lyre players performed, their music setting the rhythim for the spectacular event that was about to occur in the arena, further heightening the excitement of the crowd.

Vendors moved through the aisles, offering roasted meats, fresh bread, and jugs of wine to the spectators. The scent of food and the buzz of conversation added to the vibrant atmosphere, making each event a communal experience. The vendor stalls located at the rear of each tier ensured that refreshments were always within reach.

"I heard the young prince is going to undergo his rite of passage today? Is that true?"

A commoner asked as he tore a large piece from a roasted chicken leg in his hands. He glanced at the VIP section and then he shifted his gaze to his friend who sat to his right.

"That's what the rumors say."

His friend nonchalantly shrugged, and the commoner took another bite from his chicken leg.

"But what if it's true? Isn't the young prince too young? Shouldn't he wait till he's sixteen?" The commoner said after swallowing the large chunk of the chicken he had bitten off. He glanced at the VIP section once again, and just like before, the seats of the Morningstar family were vacant. Only the nobles were present.

"Why are you so bothered about the thoughts and actions of the royal family and the nobles? They live in a completely different world compared to us."

The friend shook his head with dismissively waving his hand, and then he continued.

"Although the young prince doesn't have high talents compared to the other princes, compared to us commoners, his talents could place him ahead of us commoners by a wide margin."

"I would do anything to have a smidget of his talents and who knows just how much my life would change?"

The friend released a deep and envious sigh.

When the commoner with the chicken leg heard his friend's words, he was about to give a reply, but the loud sound of a trumpet which was then followed by an extremely loud voice disrupted his thoughts.



The second this announcement was made, every single individual whether it was the nine family heads, a rich and powerful foreigner, or a commoner.

All bowed and knelt as Abel Morningstar and the Morningstars walked into the Colosseum. None dared to look up or even dared to take a glance at the Morningstars. Not unti they were given permission to do so.

This continued for at least ten more seconds, and then…

"You may rise."

Abel Morningstar said with his voice resounding calmly in the entire Colosseum.