56: Unfortunately

"I choose to undergo all three rite of passages."

Nine words.

Just nine words.

Very few could boast of stunning a crowd of one hundred and fifty thousand people (150,000) to stupor and silence.

And very few twelve year olds could boast of stunning a crowd of one hundred and fifty people (150,000) to stupor and silence.

But Silver Morningstar had just accomplished such an impressive feat.

Despite having said such words that stunned the entire crowd in the colosseum and the king especially, Silver maintained an utterly calm and composed expression.

His gaze shifted and then it landed on where his brothers were seated. He could see the stunned faces of Gabriel, Sebastian, and Nathaniel especially. He could see how speechless they were and how they could say no words after he proclaimed such words.

'I don't care if my talents are average. I'll surpass all of you and become the greatest Spartan ever.'

A burning and resolute gaze burned in his eyes as he gazed at his brothers. As he gazed at his brothers, he perceived a familair gaze and his gaze shfited.


Silver's gaze softened and a wry smile appeared on his lips when he saw his mother's expression that was full of shock, disbelief, and also worry.

He knew in a way, he had somewhat deceived her since he never told her he was planning on choosing to undergo three rites of passage instead of one. But he had no choice.

He knew that if he had told her, then there was a slim possibility that she would have tried to convince him to do otherwise. Although there was a high possibility that she would have not tried to convince him, she would definitely try to help him in any way possible.

And that was exactly what he didn't want and why he didn't tell her his plans regarding his rites of passage.

He wanted to pass his rites of passage without getting help from his mother or anybody for that matter. He wanted to be able to proudly and confidently tell everybody that he completed his rite of passage on his own

Although he had these feelings and thoughts, what he knew was that he was going to get in serious trouble after his rites of passage. His mother was definitely going to kill him and skin him alive.

'I seriously hope she won't use me to test some of her dangerous experiments.'

Silver released a soft sigh. Just as he released the sigh, he had a thought.

'I wonder…'

His gaze shifted, and a second later, it landed on his father.


Silver exclaimed inwardly when he saw his father look at him with a gaze he had never seen from his father.

Pride and Joy.

Although his father loved him and never mistreated him in any way or form, he couldn't remember the last time he saw his father look at him with pride and joy. It was a gaze that filled Silver with happiness and confidence.

'I believe in you son.'

His father mouthed to him with a smile, and Silver was able to understand what he said. A bright smile appeared on his lips and he gave a subtle nod.

"Are you sure about what you just said Silver?"

His grandfather's deep voice resounded in the entire colosseum, bringing out some people from their stupor.

The colosseum became noisy afterwards, and murmurs instantly resounded in the entire colosseum.

Although Silver's brothers, his mother, and his step-mothers all spoke and discussed during the time Abel Morningstar spoke, none of their voices could be heard.

Every seat in the VIP section had a formation on it where the person on the seat could speak to another person in the VIP section, and no other person would be able to hear it unless the person desired for others to hear it.

This was why Silver's brothers, mother, and step-mothers could speak so much despite Abel Morningstar speaking.

There was a rule in Sparta.

Unless you were of equal or greater stature than the king, one must not speak when the king speaks unless given permission to do so.

And neither Silver, nor his brothers, nor his mother, nor his step-mothers were of equal stature to the king. If their voices were heard when the king was speaking, they would have faced severe punishment.

But right now, despite the commoners and those in the commoner's section of the colosseum speaking and mumbling when the king had not given them permission to, none of them were punished for this.

That was just how shocking Silver's words were.

Silver looked into his grandfather's eyes with a determined gaze, and then he nodded.

"I am, grandfather."

Despite his words, Abel Morningstar had an unsure expression.

"Are you sure Silver? Do not tell me you decided this without thinking it through."

"Are you mocking me grandfather?" 

Silver's gaze narrowed and his tone became cold, causing Abel Morningstar to be taken aback.

"I'm a Spartan. I'm a Morningstar. Since I said I'm doing it, then I'm doing it."

Abel Morningstar observed his Silver for a few seconds, and then he smiled.

"Good. You have spoken well. Make me proud, and bring honor to the Morningstar name."

Silver smiled back, and then he bowed.

"Yes, grandfather."

Abel Morningstar nodded, and then he stroked his beard a few times.

"Just because you chose to undergo three rites of passage instead of one doesn't mean it'll be any easier for you. In fact, it'll be more difficult."

Abel Morningstar looked at Silver with narrowed eyes.

"You will not be given time to rest after you finish a rite of passage. Even if you're terribly injured and on the verge of death after a rite of passage, you'll still undergo your rite of passage without rest."

Silver's unwavering gaze did not change despite hearing this.

"Also, instead of you facing a single prisoner of war in the colosseum, you'll be facing three prisoners of war."

Silver's eyes widened slightly and he clenched his fists.

"It doesn't matter. Even if I have to face a hundred, I'll still do it. I'd rather die than be remembered a coward."

Abel Morningstar chuckled while shaking his head.

"Although it's good to be bold and courageous. Don't be foolish."

Silver frowned. He didn't really understand what his grandfather meant. However, his grandfather had no desire to explain what he meant by his words.

"Unfortunately, I have a piece of bad news to tell you."

Silver raised his brows.

"Winter is near. So that means the sea would be freezing cold and maybe even frozen. The sea would become much more dangerous during this period, and we never allow our young ones to undergo the sea rite of passage during this period. So, that means you won't be undergo all three rites of passage."

Silver's pupils widened in shock and disbelief.

"What? B-But? But?"

Abel Morningstar shook his head with a regretful expression.

"I would also love to see if you can actually survive all three rites of passage, but it seems fate does not want you to undergo all three rites of passage."

Silver stood there in disbelief, unable to give a single reply. He felt a tap on his shoulder, and he looked up.

"Why are you sad? Everybody knows how brave and bold you are so don't be discouraged. Survive the two rites of passage and come back a man."

Upon hearing his grandfather's words, Silver looked at the ground for a few seconds, and then he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"I understand grandfather."

Abel Morningstar grinned, and then he folded his arms.

"So, what rite of passage are you starting with?"

Silver replied without hesitation, "The second rite. I want to go to the forest."

His grandfather grinned, "Then what are you waiting for? Get going."

Silver grinned back, " Understood grandfather."