67: Battle

After throwing the spear with all the strength he could muster, Silver jumped to another tree without looking at the effect his spear throw had on the savage wolf.

He brought out a spear crafted out of common steel and kept jumping from tree to tree.

Meanwhile, the savage wolf instantly stood from its sleeping position and bared its fangs in the position of the wooden spear.

It looked around, expecting an enemy to appear around it, but none appeared. Only the baffling appearance of the wooden spear which had woken it up from its sleep could be seen.

To the wolf's confusion, the spear that had woken it up was not even near it at all. It was beside a tree with parts of it broken.

Despite the fact that it was sleeping, part of its senses were always fully alert due to the danger of the greenbelt for it knew how weak it was.

When its sensitive ears heard the sound of something moving at a fast speed, it immediately woke up, expecting an ambush from a fellow beast.

But after waking up, it realized that the sound was not close to it at all, and the object that made the sound was not even targeted at it, but a nearby tree.

It looked around once again in confusion, and then it sniffed the air.

Its nose caught the scent of something appealing from the wooden spear in the distance.

Its curiosity was piqued, and it immediately moved closer to it. However, with caution in its gaze and steps.

Eventually, it got close to the wooden spear and cautiously sniffed it. Its eyes were brimming with confusion and also lust as it sniffed the wooden spear which had its spearhead smeared in a blood red liquid.

It kept on sniffing it, and as it did, the lust in its eyes increased.

Eventually, it licked the spearhead, and before even five seconds passed, it licked the entire blood red liquid on the spearhead.

The instant the wolf licked the entire liquid, it could no longer take it. Its eyes were clouded with intense lust and desire.


It howled madly, and just as it did, its ears picked up on three sounds.

Two loud, and one soft.



The wolf was taken aback and it instantly turned around and looked to its left and right.

It had just heard the loud sound of something hitting the ground to his left and right.

The wolf was immensely confused.

Not only was its mind clouded by lust and confusion, but also fear was slowly clouding its mind.

Usually, the fear of a powerful and large beast or even beasts unleashing an ambush on it would have thoroughly washed away the lust in its mind.

But that was if the lust was a naturally generated type of lust.


The wolf released a threatening growl while constantly alternating its gaze from its left to its right.



Two distinct sounds resounded in the wolf's ears with one being louder than the other.

The louder sound which sounded like a large object hitting the ground resounded to its right, but the soft sound which sounded like a twig snapping apart resounded from its back.

The wolf turned to its right, but just as it turned to its right, it felt that something was wrong. Its beastial instincts screamed at him, and every fiber in its body told it that it was in immense deadly danger.

It howled, and without caring about the consequences of suddenly executing such a sharp turn, the wolf quickly moved to the front and also to its left.

But it was too late.

Before the wolf could move to the front, a vicious and sharp pain hit it from its back.

It released a very painful whimper.

"Wow. Even with all of the lust, confusion, and fear, your instincts could still warn you of danger."

"Not only that, your speed, reflexes, and even body defense are way higher than mine. Do you know how much force and strength I needed to pierce your skin?"

"Savage beasts are truly way above my league."

A male and youthful voice resounded in the territory of the wolf, and the wolf released a threatening and also fearful growl.

It could feel itself growing weak, and immense pain was beginning to appear in its body. Its legs trembled incessantly. The injury on its body had turned black and greenish.

Silver lips curled into a light smile when he saw this.

"Although you're way stronger than me and would definitely rip me to shreds if it was a fair fight, you definitely had no chance against me since I've been watching and planning against you for days."

Silver pointed his poison coated spear at the wolf with the same light smile. 

The wolf had fallen with black blood coming out from its jaws and nose. A painful whimper was released by it.

"However, the person that truly defeated you was not me, but my mother. Without her teaching me about poisons, medicines, and herbs, I would have never been able to defeat you."

As Silver spoke, his eyes constantly watched and observed the wolf, especially the injury on its body.

Despite the fact that the wolf was in constant pain and was also dying, Silver did not lower his guard in the slightest and he didn't even bother getting close to the dying wolf.

He knew that a cornered rabbit was dangerous, talk less of a wolf.

If the wolf decided to risk everything and attack him while he was close to it, he knew his chances of survival would be extremely small due to the immense gap in the strength of the wolf and his.

Also, his mother even told him to watch out for animals that could behave like they were dead but they weren't.

As Silver waited and observed the wolf from afar, he did not rush toward the wolf even when it seemed like the wolf was no longer breathing.

He calmly waited, and approximately five minutes later, he changed his posture and threw the spear towards the wolf.


The spear passed through the wolf's head, and when Silver saw this, he was more or less assured that the wolf was truly dead.

"I did it."

All the tension in his body dissipated like smoke as he released a sigh of relief.

"I killed a savage beast."

He had the urge to laugh.

He had the urge to roar.

He had the urge to proclaim his victory to the world.

But deep in himself, he also had another feeling… Dissatisfaction.

Before he could ponder on this feeling, he felt the bushes in the distance rustle and he instantly became fully alerted.

He brought out another one of his steel spears with sweaty palms and an anxious heart.

What was it?

What was causing the bushes to rustle?

What was coming?

The instant the answer to these questions appeared before him, and when it did, he felt his heart skip several beats and a feeling of dread instantly engulfed his entire being.
