76: Edge Of The Heartwood

Despite trying so hard to cling unto the tree, Silver still found himself flying, which was not so surprising if one thought about it.

Silver's left hand was literally gone. Trying to hold on to the short sword with his left hand was literally impossible, and trying to hold on with only his right hand was more impossible since his right hand was not enough to prevent him from flying away.

Also and most importantly, the shockwave had destroyed the tree from the trunk which made all of Silver's attempts futile.

'Although I always wanted to fly like father, this is not what I meant you damn world.'

'Damn it. My flying virginity is gone.'

Silver did not know or why, but he still found it in himself to make a completely nonsensical joke. But when he pondered on his change in attitude briefly, he realized why he felt more relaxed and focused compared to before.

'Father's words.'

Silver smiled lightly as he kept on flying.

'Father said I should use my setbacks and challenges as stepping stones and never stop writing my story. A story should have a little bit of comedy right?'

Silver chuckled with a slightly relaxed expression. He exhaled softly, then turned midair so as to face the ground.

'That's a lot of fire.'

Silver's eyes widened as he gazed at the forest which was now in flames. He could barely see due to the billows of smoke that was released from the forest fire.

He could see the burnt corpses of some beasts and even some beasts in flames running around in a desperate attempt to put out the flames.

Although most of the beasts in the beast tide had died, Silver was surprised to see that about sixty percent of the beasts were still alive. However, they were not without injuries.

'Seems the crimson beasts focused most of their attacks on Hans and Joe.'

Silver thought, and a few seconds later, he finally felt himself descend to the ground.

Although he was relieved and it may also seem like Silver was comfortably 'floating' in the air, that was not close to the truth at all.

Silver had actually been moving at a relatively fast speed, and he knew that if he did not prepare himself enough, he was going to die from the crash.

Silver released a soft sigh, trying to calm his nerves.

"This is just a stepping stone and a part of my story." Silver mumbled.

He then observed his surroundings before trying to calculate the place he was most likely to land.

Deep in his heart, Silver wished he was going to land in a lake, pond, or even sea… that is if the forest had a sea which he doubted.

He just wished to land in a place where he would not instantly die.


"Damn my luck."

Silver cursed as he looked at where he was most likely going to land.

There was no lake, pond, sea, or even a body of water for that matter. The only difference between where he was about to land and the other parts of the forest was that there were a higher number of trees and these trees were close to one another and were also big.

However, these trees were on fire. And so was the ground. However, the fire was not so much and not every part of the trees and the ground was on fire.

'How the hell am i going to survive falling from this height?'

The gears in Silver's mind spun at the fastest speed possible. His gaze continuously shifted to every single part of where he was going to land, and after a few seconds, his eyes lit up when he thought of a way to survive.

He realized that the trees had massive leaves that much bigger than him. He could use the leaves to reduce his fall.

"It's going to be fucking painful. But as long as I survive, it's all good."

Silver exhaled once more to calm his nerves, and some seconds later, he got close to one of the burning trees.

'Hot!' Silver exclaimed internally.

A slightly anxious expression appeared on his face, and in the next instant, he stretched out his right hand.

His tattered cloth caught on fire, but Silver knew he must not panic if he wanted to survive.

He grabbed the nearest tree branch which was a thin tree branch. But just as he expected, the tree branch did not even last a second before it snapped, and Silver continuously tumbled in the air.

However, he was able to slow down his fall even though it was by a minute amount.

He slammed into several parts of the tree and wherever he got the chance, he grabbed a tree branch or a large leaf.

The tree was extremely high, and the upper parts of the tree were not on fire. But as he got to the lower parts, he also had to endure the flames.

After what seemed like forever, Silver finally reached the ground. However, the condition of his body could not be described with just one word.

Most of his hair was burnt off, he had terrible burns on his face with some burns almost reaching his eyes.

His left arm was unrecognizable, and his right arm also had burns with some parts having the skin torn off. His left arm and right arm also had splinters in them.

His left and right hand could also not be described. There was even a piece of wood in Silver's burnt right hand which Silver chose to remove.

His entire body was bloodied, bruised, and also burnt.

He was also completely naked. His clothes had been burnt to a crisp and his little brother was left out open. However, Silver could not even give two fucks about that.

Silver was currently feeling so much pain but he could not shout and scream. It was more like his brain chose to keep the pain at the back of his consciousness so that he won't pass out for his own good.

He could also not feel his left arm. He could move it, but he could not feel it.

'I just hope it's not a lost cause.' Silver thought.

He looked around, and tried to figure out where he was and also to find a place to hide and if possible rest.

As he looked around, his eyes slowly widened in shock, disbelief, and also fear as a light of realization flashed in his eyes.

"Trees with leaves that were as large as two adult Spartans."

Silver looked at the large leaves on the burning trees, and then he shifted his gaze to the distance where he noticed a change in the color of the forest.

Although the flames around him made it seem like the forest was red, but a some meters away from him were crimson red trees and also crimson soil, making the forest appear extremely ominous.

"Crimson red trees and crimson soil."

Silver mumbled, and then a pained and struggled chuckle resounded from his throat.

"What the fuck. I'm at the edge of the Heartwood."

Silver cursed.