88: Jolt

As Silver kept on walking inside the tunnel, he was constantly on guard in case of any sudden appearance of any beast.

Although he was in a much better condition compared to ten days ago, his condition was still not optimal to engage in a fight.

His left arm was still injured and it was through sheer will that he was able to move it at all. An average human would have preferred cutting off their left arm to relive themselves of the constant pain they were going through.

It had been twenty three days since his rite of passage. He had seven more days to return home or he would fail his rite of passage despite the beasts he had killed and all that he had gone through.

According to his grandfather, the reason why a Spartan had to go back home in a month's time on their own was to show everybody that the Spartan was capable of returning home to his family after a battle, war, or adventure.