99: Increase Bloodline Talent

After Silver's walked on the path opened up for him by the citizens of Sparta in the Spartan capital, he reached the royal palace and there he met his grandfather, father, mother, step-brothers, and step-mothers.

Each of them had various expressions and thoughts. However, the major thought and expression they all had, was one of disbelief.

His grandfather declared before everybody that he needed immediate medical attention, and because of his current condition, he would not be partaking in the colosseum battle for his rite of passage.

He also declared that after he had received proper medical attention and he was back to full health, a feast and a celebration would be held to acknowledge his feats and accomplishments in his rite of passage.

When Silver heard this, he was pleasantly surprised.

Celebrations and feasts were not usually held just because somebody passed their rite of passage.