105: Feast and Celebration (2)


Silver could not believe his eyes despite uttering this word. His eldest brother, Gabriel, had taken the initiative to speak with him?

Silver could not remember the last time such a thing happened.

He was at a loss for words, and Gabriel noticed this. He clearly knew his actions had stunned his youngest brother, but his expression remained the same- Neutral and somewhat stoic.

"Do you want to sit at the main table or you prefer standing here?"

Silver was shaken out of his stupor when he heard Gabriel's words. He looked at where Gabriel gestured at, and he noticed his grandfather, step-brothers, and step-mothers staring at him with varying expressions.

To his surprise and disbelief, his father and mother were also at the table. Although they both had a smile, he knew that his father was frustrated and in disbelief, he could sense it.

Silver glanced at Gabriel, then he nodded, "Thanks brother."