107: End of The Feast and Celebration (1)

"Bring out the slaves!"


Silver hiccuped and looked in the direction of his grandfather with a 'stunned' expression. Although he tried to look stunned, his drunken state made his expression extremely funny.

"Bring my grandson before me."

His grandfather's voice flowed into his ears, and Silver realized that his grandfather was calling for him. He shook his head and tried to stand, but he stumbled to the side and knocked down the plates and cups around him.

The Spartans laughed at his drunken state, and Silver could not help cursing out loud.

"Shut~the fu~uuck~up you damn~ ollld mee~ennn!"

The Spartans around him laughed when they heard his slurred speech, and before Silver knew it, he found his feet above the ground.


Silver's eyes widened, and he looked around with a baffled expression. A second later, Silver realized that he was on the shoulder of a Spartan.

He was being carried?!