113: Invasion (2)


Standing in front of Corey was the unmistakeable figure of his grandfather. However, when Corey took a good look at his grandfather, he noticed cuts and some burns on his grandfather's clothes.

"You're alive. I'm glad."

His grandfather's voice drifted into Silver's ears, and he could not help but raise his brows in confusion.

"I tried to defend the attack from the sky, but it was stronger than I expected. And I also didn't expect for those bastards to launch so many of those attacks at once."

Silver had an expression of realization the instant he heard his grandfather's words. Although he never once thought about how he was still alive even after such a powerful attack was launched on the capital, it seemed his grandfather had taken a portion of the attack.

"Grandfather, are we going to win?"

Silver asked the main question that was on his mind ever since the drums of war had sounded in the capital.