120: Invasion (9)

As Olivia ran to the room where her brother was located, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and the adrenaline produced by fear coursing through her veins.

Although the room her brother was assigned to was not far at all, it seemed like the distance between her and the room was like the distance between heaven and earth.

After running for what seemed like forever, she found herself in front of room, and the first inconsistent thing she noticed was that the doors were open.

This confirmed her fears that an enemy had approached her brother.

"Brother!" She screamed, and then entered the room.

However, before she could fully enter the room, she felt her leg hit an object, an then she found herself falling.


The sound a male child's voice resounded in her ears.

Before she could think about what was happening, or fully comprehend the situation she was in, she heard a bang and then a crack.
