122: I Can Teleport


Silver wore an expression of shock and disbelief as he felt the extremely disgusting and extremely vile liquid that was called a Saliva on his face.

Never had somebody dared to spit at him, talk less of spitting directly on his face.

It was the first time such a thing had ever happened to him, and his rage boiled.

He was Royalty, he was a Morningstar, and he was a prince of one of the greatest kingdoms on Nirvania.

He was all of these, and somebody dared to spit on his face?

Silver's expression slowly and very visibly, changed from one of shock and disbelief to pure rage.

In the blink of an eye, his right hand moved so fast that it almost resembled a blur.



Silver punched the Technotopian so hard that his head whipped to the back and hit the wall behind him.