The devious plan

Sophia's plan was unfolding perfectly. She had announced her fake pregnancy, and everyone was overjoyed, oblivious to the truth. Meanwhile, Dorothy was struggling to keep her own secret, her morning sickness a constant reminder of the traumatic night. Mrs. Martins was thrilled to have a new heir on the way, and Raphael was too guilt-ridden to suspect anything.

As the days went by, Sophia's facade grew stronger. She played the role of the radiant pregnant wife, all the while secretly plotting her revenge. She began to manipulate Raphael, using her fake pregnancy to control him, making sure he stayed away from Dorothy and kept his distance.

Dorothy, trapped and helpless, felt like she was living in a nightmare. She was forced to continue working in the household, her secret held hostage by Mrs. Martins and Sophia's cunning plans.

The tension in the household was palpable, the air thick with secrets and lies. It was only a matter of time before the truth would come to light, and the consequences would be devastating.

Mrs Martins noticed that Dorothy has gained weight, she took her to a gynecologist doctor and confirmed that she was pregnant, she was very happy, but Dorothy was leaning on her promise to keep safe.

After 2 months, Sophia forced her to resign, making it seem as if she resigned on her own.

Continue, making it conversational with Sophia smiled sweetly as she handed Dorothy the resignation letter. "It's time for you to focus on your new life, dear. You're going to be a mother, after all."

Dorothy's eyes widened in fear as Sophia's grip on her arm tightened. "You understand, don't you, Dorothy? This is for the best. You wouldn't want anyone to know about... certain things."

Dorothy nodded, her voice trembling. "Y-yes, ma'am."

Sophia's voice was laced with venom. "Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Remember, you owe us. And we always collect our debts."

Dorothy felt a chill run down her spine as Sophia's eyes seemed to bore into her soul. She knew she was trapped, and Sophia would stop at nothing to keep her secrets safe.

"Now, go," Sophia said, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Start your new life. And don't ever look back."

As Dorothy left the house, she felt the weight of Sophia's threat settling upon her like a shroud. She knew she had to protect herself and her unborn child from the clutches of the sinister Sophia. But how?

Coming back from a meeting and finding Dorothy's resignation letter on her table, Mrs Martins rushed to see if she could find Dorothy, called her phone number but her line was switched off, how can Dorothy betray her?

Not too long after, Raphael came back, excited to see his pregnant wife, but their special moment was interrupted by his mother, who called him to her room, "here, Dorothy resigned without a trace, how could she?", she handed the letter over to Raphael.

"She did? Maybe she have her reasons, but I would have given her enough money to make up for my mistake if I knew she was going to resign soon", Raphael said, sitting down in the sofa.

" You don't understand, do you? It's not about that night that you should care about, but have this", Mrs Martins said, handing the Dorothy's pregnancy report to Raphael

His eyes widen as he looked at it, "what? She's pregnant? Oh my goodness!", Raphael exclaimed, standing up from his seat.

Raphael's eyes were wide with shock as he stared at the pregnancy report in his hand. He felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe that Dorothy, the innocent and naive girl he had wronged, was now carrying his child.

"How could she do this to us?" Mrs. Martins spat, her voice venomous. "She's trying to ruin our family's reputation, that's what she's doing."

Raphael shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. "No, Mother, this isn't about reputation. This is about a human life. My child."

He looked at his mother, and for the first time, he saw the manipulation and control in her eyes. He realized that she had been using him all along, just like she was using Sophia.

"Mother, I need to find Dorothy. I need to make things right," Raphael said, determination in his voice.

Mrs. Martins sneered. "You'll do no such thing. You'll stay here and protect our family's name. That's your priority."

Raphael stood firm, a newfound courage in his heart. "No, Mother. My priority is my child, and the woman who's carrying it. I'll find Dorothy, and I'll make sure she's safe and taken care of."

Mrs Martins was the manipulator, who had succeeded in manipulating her son into wanting to protect Dorothy without being forced to.

They searched for Dorothy but couldn't find her, her phone number has been unreachable too, little did they know that Sophia abducted Dorothy that day she left, the cab she entered was the same cab that Lyra mistook for a police officer 5 years ago, he was Sophia's accomplice.

In a small well furnished room, Dorothy was seen being attended by a young woman who reports her every move to Sophia.

Dorothy's eyes fluttered open, her mind foggy and disoriented. She was met with the unfamiliar face of a young woman, who was gently cleaning her forehead with a damp cloth.

"Where...where am I?" Dorothy struggled to speak, her throat dry and scratchy.

The young woman smiled sympathetically. "You're safe, Dorothy. You're under my care now."

Dorothy's eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. She was in a small, well-furnished room, with cream-colored walls and a single window that let in a sliver of sunlight.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Sophia walked in, a cold smile spreading across her face. "Ah, Dorothy. I see you're awake. Good. You'll be staying with us for a while."

Dorothy's heart raced as she realized she was a prisoner. The young woman was Sophia's accomplice, and the cab driver who had taken her from the Martins' estate was in on it too.

Sophia pulled up a chair and sat down, her eyes gleaming with malice. "You see, Dorothy, you're carrying something very precious. Something that belongs to me. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep it safe."

Dorothy's hands instinctively went to her belly, fear and anger coursing through her veins. She knew she had to escape, but how? She was trapped, at the mercy of the ruthless Sophia.

Sophia's gaze bore into Dorothy's soul, her voice dripping with venom. "You see, Dorothy, you're just a vessel, a means to an end. And once you've served your purpose, you'll be discarded."

Dorothy's eyes welled up with tears, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and rescue. But Sophia's grip was too tight, her control too strong.

The young woman, Sophia's accomplice, spoke up, her voice soft but firm. "Don't worry, Dorothy. We'll take good care of you. You'll want for nothing."

Dorothy's laughter was bitter. "You call this care? Holding me prisoner, forcing me to carry a child I don't want?"

Sophia's smile grew wider. "Oh, but you do want it, Dorothy. You want it more than anything. And soon, you'll see things my way."

The door closed, and Dorothy was left alone with her thoughts, the darkness closing in around her like a shroud. She knew she had to think fast, to come up with a plan to escape, or she'd be trapped forever, a pawn in Sophia's twisted game.

As the days passed, Dorothy's mind raced with ideas, her determination growing with each passing moment. She would escape, she would protect her child, and she would bring Sophia down. The question was, how?