A Peek into Kyra's Past

Stephen left unfulfilled, yet happy that he met someone who looked like Lyra, something about her made him feel safe, this must be the same woman he found comfort in 5 years ago.

Back in his office, Stephen called one of the private investigator, to check Kyra's background for him.

Stephen's voice was low and serious as he spoke to the private investigator, John. "John, I need you to dig up everything you can on a woman named Kyra. She's the owner of a Taste of Heaven restaurant in Willowdale, and I need to know her background, her past, everything."

John's response was equally serious. "What's the situation, Stephen? You sound like you're looking for something specific."

Stephen's eyes narrowed. "I am. I think she might be someone I've been searching for, but she's denying it. I need to know if she's hiding something."

John's tone turned professional. "Alright, I'll get to work on it. But I need you to understand, Stephen, if she's changed her name, it might take some time to uncover her past. And if she's deliberately hiding something, it could get complicated."

Stephen's jaw clenched. "I understand. Just find out what you can, John. I need to know the truth."

John's response was crisp. "I'll get to work on it, Stephen. I'll be in touch soon."

Stephen waited anxiously for two weeks, his mind racing with possibilities. Finally, his phone rang, breaking the silence. It was John.

"Stephen, I've got something," John said, his voice low and serious. "It took some time, but I managed to uncover some information about Kyra's past."

Stephen's heart skipped a beat as he listened, his mind bracing for the revelation.

"Kyra's background checks out, but there's a gap in her history, about five years ago. It looks like she disappeared without a trace, and then reappeared a year later with a new name and a new life," John revealed.

Stephen's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities. "What about her past, before the disappearance?" he asked, his voice low.

John hesitated before speaking. "That's the strange thing, Stephen. Her past is clean, almost too clean. It's like she never existed before five years ago."

Stephen's grip on the phone tightened, his mind reeling with the implications. This was it, the proof he needed. Kyra was Lyra, he was certain of it now. But why was she hiding? And what had happened to her during that missing year? He needed to know more.

"Keep digging, John," he said, his voice firm. "I need to know what happened to her during that year. And find out if she's in any danger."

John's response was immediate. "I'm on it, Stephen. I'll get to the bottom of this."

Back again in Kyra's restaurants, Stephen met Kyra serving the customers by herself, happy to meet her like this without having to make appointment or wait upstairs, soon, Kyra showed up in his table, "you are here again sir, welcome, what can I see you today?", Kyra asked with smile plastered on her face as usual.

"I will like to have the most favourite thing on the menu", Stephen said, unable to pick a thing and wanted to start a small conversation with her.

"Um...", Kyra thought for few seconds before she replied, "Maybe you should try pasta and seafood risotto, it is my favorite, maybe you would like it",

"Wow, I will love to try it", Stephen said with excitement.

"Right away sir".

Minutes later, the food was served by Kyra with wine, "for trying my favorite food, this wine will be on the house, enjoy sir", Kyra said about to leave

"Thank you so much, but call me Stephen ",

"I will sir Stephen, do enjoy your lunch", Kyra said before leaving to attend to other customers.

Few hours later, Kyra was ready to go as she had dismissed her staff who went home excited with their monthly salary. In Kyra's restaurant, her employees were well paid and given a day off every first day of the month.

Kyra had locked the room upstairs, came downstairs to lock the kitchens, and close the windows as she gets ready to close for the day, she saw Stephen still sitting down at the same seat he sat earlier, this time, he was sleeping. Kyra was a bit scared that something might be wrong with the customer, she rushed to where he was, "are you okay? Hello?", Kyra asked tapping him.

Stephen slowly opened his eyes, a hint of a smile on his face. "Hey, I'm so sorry, I think I dozed off. Your food was amazing, and the wine...wow." He stretched, his eyes never leaving hers. "I didn't mean to overstay my welcome."

Kyra's expression softened, her concern dissipating. "It's okay, Stephen. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. But I have to close up soon." She glanced around the empty restaurant. "My staff has already left for the day."

Stephen nodded, his gaze still locked on hers. "I understand. I'll get out of your way." He stood up, his movements slow, as if he didn't want to leave.