"Can I Walk You Home?"

Kyra's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "You know, Stephen, you're a strange man. You come to my restaurant, eat my food, and then linger around like you don't want to leave." She smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Are you trying to get on my good side or something?"

Stephen chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Maybe a little. But honestly, chef Kyra, I just enjoy your company. And your food. And your restaurant." He shrugged, his smile still in place. "I guess I just like being around you."

Kyra's expression softened, her eyes filling with a warmth that Stephen hadn't seen before. "Well, I suppose I can't complain about that." She smiled, her voice low. "But I do need to close up soon. It's getting late."

Stephen nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I know. I'll go." He hesitated for a moment, then asked, "But can I walk you home? It's late, and I don't want you to be alone on the streets."

Kyra's eyes narrowed slightly, her expression unreadable. "I think I can manage to get home on my own, Stephen. I don't need an escort."

Stephen's gaze intensified, his eyes locked on hers. "I'm not just offering to be a gentleman, Kyra. I'm concerned about your safety. It's late, and this neighborhood can be rough."

Kyra's jaw set in a firm line, her voice firm. "I've lived in this neighborhood for years, Stephen. I can take care of myself."

Stephen stepped closer, his voice low and urgent. "I'm not doubting your ability to take care of yourself, Kyra. But I can't just leave you to walk alone in the dark. Something could happen to you."

Kyra's eyes flashed with a hint of defiance, her voice rising. "And what if something happens to me with you by my side? What then?"

Stephen's eyes blazed with intensity, his voice firm. "Then I'll be there to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, Kyra."

The air between them crackled with tension, their eyes locked in a silent standoff. Finally, Kyra relented, her voice barely above a whisper. "Fine. You can walk me home."

Waiting outside, just like 5 years ago, Stephen can't shake off the thought of Lyra. Soon, Kyra stepped out and locked her shop, together they walked silently, until Stephen broke the silence, "today is the first time I saw you serve by yourself, why do you choose to do it by yourself?", "aha.. I usually serve my customers just that I don't do it often anymore because I have my employee to do it for me", replied Kyra.

"How long have you lived here?" Stephen asked, "oh, I am sorry I lied earlier, I am from Oakland, that's my country, I came here not too long ago, and I'm glad that this city welcomed me", Kyra chuckled.

Stephen, surprised asked, "Oakland, that's a beautiful city. What brought you here?"

Kyra smiled softly, "Just a change of pace, you know? I wanted to experience something new."

"wow, but your cooking skills, do you mind if I ask... Have you been cooking for ages?" Stephen teased

"Ages?.. hahaha, you can be funny, I learnt from my mother how to cook", Kyra said referring to her adoptive mother, Akua.

Stephen excited continued, "Ah, that's wonderful! Mothers are always the best teachers, aren't they? My mom taught me how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich."

Kyra added hers, happy to meet someone who loves food, unknown to her, Stephen isn't that kind of man, "Ha! Well, I think my mom's jollof rice recipe is unbeatable. Maybe I'll have to make it for you sometime."

"That would be nice", Kyra said

"When next are you going to serve your customers by yourself?", Stephen asked

Surprised at his question, Kyra looked at him, stopped walking, "why?",

"I want to come by whenever you are going to serve by yourself", Stephen answered.

"You are really funny, aren't you? I will serve tomorrow because none of my employees will be at work, satisfied?", she replied before continuing on her steps.

"Satisfied? More than satisfied! I'll make sure to come by tomorrow. And don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior." Stephen replied with excitement, whatever it is, he just wants to stick close.

Kyra said, unsure why the sudden excitement "I should hope so! And don't expect any special treatment just because I'm serving alone."

Stephen saluting her, "Scout's honor! I promise to be a perfect gentleman."

Kyra said,. laughing, "We'll see about that."

"Perfect gentleman, although you don't look like one, that's my house over there", Kyra said, pointing at her apartment, she stopped, turning to thank him, "thank you for walking me home, I don't even know you, please don't mind my tone earlier at the restaurant, this is my first time having someone walk me home after settling here, and you are welcome anytime to stop by my restaurant".

" Hahaha, you don't need to thank this pretentious perfect gentleman", mimicking her words, Stephen replied.

Kyra said , laughing, "Oh, you're a cheeky one! I like that. Well, Stephen, it was nice meeting you. Don't be a stranger, okay?"

Stephen smiling said, "I won't, Kyra. And don't worry, I'll be sure to bring my best behavior... and my appetite. Goodnight, Kyra."

"Goodnight, Stephen. Sweet dreams."

(They share a brief smile before Kyra turns and heads into her apartment, leaving Stephen to watch her go before turning and walking back in the direction of his own home.)