The Kitchen Assistant 1

As Stephen walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity. He had enjoyed their banter and her warm smile had left a lasting impression on him. He found himself wondering what she was like beyond their brief encounter and whether their paths would cross again soon.

The next day, Stephen made a point to visit Kyra's restaurant, eager to taste her cooking and see her again. As he entered the restaurant, he was greeted by the aroma of delicious food and the sound of sizzling meat. Kyra was busy in the kitchen, her hair tied back in a ponytail and a flour-dusted apron wrapped around her waist.

"Hey there, perfect gentleman!" she called out with a smile, spotting him by the door. "Welcome to my humble abode. What can I get for you today?"

"I am overwhelmed by the sweet aroma, I don't think I am still hungry", Stephen said jokingly, sitting down.

"I can't believe you are here so early, maybe you will bring more luck to me today", Kyra said, turning back to continue cooking, "give me few minutes, I will be deciding what to serve you", Kyra added.

"Ah, I'm in good hands, then! Take your time, I'm enjoying the ambiance. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be the one bringing luck to you today," he said with a grin, settling into his seat.

Kyra laughing said, "We'll see about that! Alright, let's see... what shall I serve the perfect gentleman today?" she mused, her eyes scanning the menu.

After a few minutes, Kyra presented Stephen with a steaming plate of jollof rice and grilled chicken. "Try this, and let me know if it meets your high standards," she said, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

"What if it doesn't meet my high standards?", Stephen said, copying her tone of words.

Laughing she said, "then I'll ask you never Tom come back here again."

"What? What if I am a food critic? Stephen asked

"Oh, then I'm in trouble! Well, in that case, I'll have to bribe you with a free dessert to write a good review," she said with a playful smile.

Stephen smiled, "Hmm, you drive a hard bargain, but I think I can be persuaded. But only if the dessert is as delicious as the company," he said, his eyes locking onto hers.

Kyra blushing, said, "Well, I think I can manage that. Now, stop flirting and eat your food before it gets cold!" trying to hide her smile.

"Yes ma'am", Stephen replied, before eating his food. What a wonderful meal to have for breakfast.

Stephen only knew how to prepare grilled cheese sandwich and few other meals, he doesn't eat regularly at home, he hardly cook at home too, he would order food or eat out, but enjoying this delicious meal, he made a decision to always eat in Kyra's restaurant.

Finishing his meal, Stephen took the plate to the counter, "thank you for the food, ma'am."

"You're welcome, Stephen! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And please, call me Kyra, not ma'am. I'm not that old yet!" she said with a laugh, taking the plate from him.

Stephen said, smiling back, "Okay, Kyra. And I mean it, this was the best breakfast I've had in a long time. You've got a new regular customer now."

Kyra's face beamed with smile, "That's great to hear! I'll make sure to save you a seat. And maybe next time, I'll even teach you how to cook something new."

Stephen grinning said, "I'd like that. But don't worry, I'll stick to my grilled cheese sandwiches. I don't want to ruin your kitchen with my cooking skills!"

Not wanting to leave yet, Stephen lingered, "do you have another favorite food to introduce to me," he asked.

"No, I think you should be going to work by now," Kyra said, not giving him room for excuses.

"Isn't that strange? You should ask if I have a job or maybe you can employ me," Stephen said jokingly.

"Employ you? Then my food will start disappearing without trace, I will employ anyone except you," Kyra replied playing along.

Stephen said laughing, "Hey, my food thief skills are highly underrated! But I think I can make it up to you by becoming your official taste tester. I'll make sure your food is top-notch, and I'll even work for free... as long as you keep feeding me, that is."

Kyra laughing too, "You're a sly one, Stephen! I think I'll have to consider your application. But for now, out you go! I have a restaurant to run, and you... well, you have a job to get to, I'm sure."

Stephen said smiling, "Alright, alright. I'll leave. But just know, I'll be back. And I'll be hungry."