The Kitchen Assistant 2

"What do you do then? I mean your job", Kyra asked out of curiosity.

"I don't have a job, but I have applied to work for you", Stephen lied, not wanting to reveal his identity.

"How about you start working for me then? Only today and I will pay you, but please, don't destroy things for me, and tomorrow, make sure to start looking for what to do, I can't believe that you are jobless, you don't look like you are", Kyra offered, a bit concerned.

Stephen laughed, "Ah, you're hiring me on the spot? I like your style, Kyra! And don't worry, I'll be a model employee... for today, at least. But tomorrow, I'll start searching for a real job, I promise. And yeah, I've been lucky enough to have some savings to fall back on, but it's time to get back into the grind."

Kyra smiling, "Good! I'm glad we have a deal. Now, let's get to work. I'll show you around and teach you the ropes. And don't think you're getting off easy, I'll put you to work doing something useful, like cleaning the kitchen or waiting tables."

Stephen grinned and said, "Oh, wow! I can't wait to get started. And don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior... until the end of the day, at least."

"Go straight to that room by your left, change into something and tie your apron, and come help me here", Kyra said. Stephen excitedly replied, "Yes, boss! I'm on it!" (heads to the room, changes into a white shirt and black pants, and ties an apron around his waist) "Okay, I'm ready to serve! What's my first task?"

Kyra smiled looking at the way he looked, "Great, you look the part! Now, come help me plate these dishes and get them ready for serving. And don't drop anything, or you're fired!" (winks)

"I haven't even started working and I am receiving warnings, I hope I am safe, God help me", Stephen said, smiling.

Soon after, three customers walked in, Stephen served them excitedly, collected money before they left, showing that to Kyra, he said, "here ma'am, what should I do next?",

"Slice the onions and wash the vegetables please", Kyra said, pointing at a bowl full of onions.

Stephen's eyes widen when he saw the bowl, he hated slicing onions because they make his eyes peppery and watery.

Stephen nervously said, "Okay, got it! Slicing onions, no problem!" (begins slicing, but his eyes start watering and he blinks rapidly) "Ah, just... just need to get into the rhythm of it..." (struggles to slice evenly, his hands moving slowly and clumsily)

Kyra, noticing his struggles and said, "Hey, you okay there? You look like you're about to cry!" (teasingly) "Or are you just really passionate about slicing onions?"

Stephen forcing himself to laugh, "Ha, yeah! Just... just really passionate..." (continues slicing, still struggling)

"Okay, okay, I think I've seen enough! You're clearly not meant to be an onion slicer extraordinaire. Let me show you how it's done," Kyra said and takes the knife and onions from Stephen and quickly slices them with ease, "See, it's all about the technique!"

Stephen said (relieved) "Thanks for saving me! I think I'll stick to waiting tables. Onions are clearly not my forte."

Kyra assured him, (smiling) "Don't worry, I think we can find a way to utilize your skills better. Now, let's get these dishes ready and serve our customers!"

Kyra not sure if Stephen would be able to wash the vegetables asked, "what about the vegetables? You can't run off to serving when you still have something to do in here and get on it",

"Right away", Stephen dragged himself. Cooking wasn't his thing, how he got himself involved in it is what he can't explain.

Stephen sighing, "I know, I know. Vegetables, right. Got it." (walks over to the sink and begins washing the vegetables, his movements slow and reluctant)

Kyra watching him said, "You know, Stephen, I think you might be the first person I've ever met who doesn't enjoy cooking. You're like a fish out of water in here!"

Stephen,laughing "That's me! A fish out of water, or maybe just a disaster waiting to happen. I don't know how I got myself into this, but I'm hoping to make it out alive... and without burning down the kitchen!"

Kyra, laughing, tries to encourage him, "Well, I'm glad you're keeping a sense of humor about it! But don't worry, I'll guide you through it. And who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent!"

Stephen said in doubts, "I highly doubt that, but thanks for the vote of confidence! I think I'll just stick to serving and leave the cooking to the pros... like you!"

Kyra: (smiling) "Fair enough! But for now, let's get these veggies washed and ready for the dish. And try not to drown them, okay?" (teasingly)

Stephen said laughing, "Hey, I resent that! I'm a great veggie washer... I think." (continues washing, still a bit clumsy but trying his best).

Just then, the kitchen door was pushed open and it was Max, the head chef, striding into the kitchen, he said, "Good morning Chef Kyra, Just came to grab my recipe jotter. Left it here by mistake."

Kyra in surprise, asked, "Max! What are you doing here? I thought you were off today."

Max replied (smirking) "Yeah, I was, but I needed my jotter. And looks like I arrived just in time to see... (eyes landing on Stephen) ...a new face struggling to wash veggies."

Stephen a little bit embarrassed replied nervously, "Hey, I'm... uh... just trying to learn the ropes."

Max said chuckling, "Well, well, well. Looks like we've got a rookie on our hands. Chef Kyra, you know I love a good underdog story. How's he doing so far?"

Kyra answered (laughing) "Well, Max, Stephen here is... enthusiastic. But maybe we can find a task that's more his speed."

Max grinning, "Oh, I don't know... I think it's entertaining just watching him try to wash veggies without drowning them."

Max picked his jotter, teasing Stephen before he left, "don't drown the veggies, new guy, hahaha ... You must have thought that the delicious meals you eat fall like manna from heaven", "that's enough, Max, now go", Kyra said, turning to Stephen, "thank you for your service ", taking the vegetables from him.

Stephen started laughing from Max's teasing words, "Hey, I'm trying my best here! And yeah, maybe I did think that food magically appeared on my plate... but I'm learning!"

Kyra smiling said, "I know you are, Stephen. And that's why I appreciate your effort. Let me take those veggies from you before they suffer any further."

Stephen was relieved, "Thanks, Kyra. I think I'll stick to serving food, not preparing it."

Kyra, who couldn't stop laughing, instructed Stephen, "That's perfectly fine by me. Now, let's get these dishes ready and serve our customers. You can impress them with your serving skills."

Stephen grinning, "Thanks for understanding, Kyra."

Kyra added smiling, "Don't worry, Stephen. I think we've established that cooking isn't your forte. But I have to admit, it's been entertaining watching you try."

Stephen, not sure of his performance asked, "Glad I could provide some comic relief. But hey, at least I'm trying, right?"

Kyra replied teasing him, "Oh, definitely. And I appreciate the effort. But since we're the only ones here today - thanks to the staff's surprise day off - why don't we focus on something else?"

Stephen asked curiously, "What did you have in mind?"

Kyra thoughtfully answered, "Well, I've been wanting to brainstorm some new ideas for the restaurant. And I could use a fresh perspective. Want to help me think outside the box?"

Stephen excitedly said, "Absolutely! I'm great at brainstorming. And I love a good challenge."

Kyra smiled, "Perfect! Let's get the creative juices flowing then!"

And with that, Stephen and Kyra sat down at a table, ready to come up with innovative ideas for the restaurant, enjoying each other's company on their unexpected day together.

The two continued helping each other while engaging in different conversations, and attending to the customers too.

Soon, it was 7pm and Kyra was ready to close her shop, being thankful for Stephen's assistance, she paid him as promised, "here's your pay for today, I really appreciate your efforts with everything", she said, giving him some money.

Stephen said smiling, "Thanks, Kyra! I appreciate it. But honestly, I didn't do much. You're the one who did all the heavy lifting today." (pauses) "But I have to say, I had a great time helping out and chatting with you. Would you like to grab dinner with me as a way to celebrate surviving the day?" (looks at her with a hopeful expression)

Surprised by the invitation, but pleased by his thoughtfulness, Kyra said, "Wow, Stephen. That's sweet of you to offer. And yeah, I'd love to grab dinner with you. But only if you promise to choose a place that doesn't serve anything I have to cook myself!" (laughs)