Bon Appetit L'Amour

Stephen laughed, "Deal! I know just the place. They have amazing food and a great atmosphere. Plus, it's within walking distance."

Kyra smiled, and said, "Sounds perfect. Let me just lock up and we can head out."

(They walk out of the restaurant, Kyra locking the door behind them. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the street.)

Stephen stopped, gesturing to a nearby bistro, asked, "How about we try that new French place? I've heard great things about it."

Kyra love french foods, impressed by Stephen's taste, "You're a man of culture, Stephen! I like that."

(They enter the bistro, the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting vegetables enveloping them. They're shown to a cozy table by the window, and peruse the menu.)

Stephen looking at the menu, excitedly said, "Oh, they have escargots! And ratatouille! We have to try those."

Kyra eyebrows raised in surprise, "You're speaking French now? You're really pulling out all the stops, aren't you?"

Stephen grinning, "Hey, I'm just trying to impress the chef. Order for us, please?"

(Kyra smiles, ordering for them in perfect French. Stephen looks at her, his eyes shining with admiration.)

"I can't believe that you speak french too, what university did you attend?", Stephen asked, impressed by Kyra's fluency in french speaking.

Giving the menu back to the waiter, Kyra said, "no no, I didn't go to any university, my mother knows how to speak it, I learnt from her", again referring to Akua.

"Wow, you are really a good daughter to learn everything from your mother", Stephen said smiling.

"Yeah, thank you, and I must say that you are good with words". Kya paused when the food was served, and continued after the waiter left, "you always talk to me like we have been friends for ages, I don't really know you, but I appreciate your company".

Stephen, touched by her words,said, "Thank you, Kyra. That means a lot coming from you. I feel the same way, like we've known each other for years. Maybe it's because we've been through a culinary war together!" (laughs)

Kyra eating and smiling, "Yeah, maybe that's it. But seriously, Stephen, I appreciate your kind words and your help today. You're easy to talk to, and I feel comfortable around you."

Stephen eyes softened, (looking at her with sincerity) "I feel the same way, Kyra. You're an amazing person, and I love how passionate you are about your work. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous around you at first, but you've made me feel so at ease."

Kyra stopped eating, curiously asked,"Nervous? Why were you nervous around me?"

Stephen, was hesitant for a moment before he said, "Because I've had a crush on you for a while now, and I didn't know how you'd react to me being around you so much today."

(Kyra's eyes widen in surprise, and she looks at Stephen with a newfound awareness.)

Shaking off the idea, Kyra replied, "well, let's enjoy this dinner, you have been a flirt, and you are handsome too, I am sure women will be flooding around you, no".

"No? I don't have a girlfriend, I admit that women woo me and I do notice them, but I really don't have a girlfriend, I..." Stephen tries to defend himself before Kyra interrupted him with a cunning smile, "but you have dated a lot in the past and you don't have anyone now because maybe you are jobless".

Bursting into laughter, Stephen started eating without saying anything, more than anyone, he is enjoying the fact that Kyra thought him to be jobless.

Kyra asked, (laughing) "Oh, I've got you pegged, don't I? Well, I guess I'm not too far off, huh?" (teasingly)

Stephen replied chuckling, "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Thinking you've got me all figured out." (smirks) "But let me tell you, Kyra, you're not as spot on as you think you are." (winks)

Kyra was curious again, "Oh? Do tell. What's the truth, then?"

Leaning in, a mischievous glint in his eye, he said, "Let's just say, I have a job. A very interesting one, at that. And I'm not as available as you think I am." (pauses for dramatic effect) "But I'll leave that for another conversation."

Intrigued by his words, "Hmm, now you've got me curious. I'm not sure if I should be relieved or disappointed." Just said laughing.

Stephen, grinning said,"That's the idea. Keep you guessing, Kyra. Keep you guessing."

"Well, I suppose I'll just have to wait and see, then. But for now, let's enjoy this delicious food and each other's company."Kyra said with smile on her face.

Stephen said, (nodding) "Absolutely. And maybe, just maybe, I'll share some more secrets with you later." (winks)

(They continue eating and chatting, the conversation flowing easily. As they finish their meal and prepare to leave, Kyra reaches for the check.)

Stephen quickly grabbed the check, "No way, I've got this. You've done enough for me today, Kyra."

Kyra smile, "Thanks, Stephen. You're a gentleman."

(They walk out of the bistro, the evening air filled with laughter and possibility. As they stroll down the street, Stephen turns to Kyra with a thoughtful expression.)

Stephen had stopped smiling, his expression turned serious, "Kyra, can I ask you something?"

Kyra answered (curious) "Of course, what is it?"

Stephen looked at her intensely, "Do you believe in fate? Like, do you think some things are just meant to be?"

Pausing, her eyes locked on his, she replied, "I think...I'm starting to believe in it, yes."

(Their eyes hold for a moment, the tension between them palpable. Then, Stephen smiles, and the moment is broken.)

Stephen saying the same,(grinning) "Good. I think I'm starting to believe in it too."

Kyra said laughing, "Well, I'm glad we're on the same page, then." (pauses) "So, what's next? You've helped me out of a jam, fed me dinner...what's the plan now?"

Stephen thought for a while before he said, "Actually, I was about a nightcap? My place is just around the corner. I have a great view of the city, and we can keep the conversation going."

Kyra was hesitant for a moment, "I don't know...I'm not sure that's a good idea."

Stephen noticed her fear mixed with carefulness assured her, "Come on, Kyra. I promise I'll behave. We can just enjoy the view and each other's company. No pressure."

Letter guard down, Kyra said, "Okay, fine. But just for a little while. And don't think you're getting out of telling me more about this mysterious job of yours."

"Deal! Let's go."

(They walk to Stephen's apartment, the tension between them building with each step. As they enter the apartment, Kyra is struck by the stunning view of the city skyline. Stephen pours her a glass of wine, and they sit down on the couch, the conversation flowing easily once again.)

They discussed for a while before Kyra bid him good night and left, not wanting Stephen to see her off. What a day she had.