The Deadline!

It's finally a week after Stephen had warned John Malachy to pay back his overdue debt, sadly, John didn't pay back, he neither pick Stephen's calls nor hid to his warnings.

Stephen's face twisted in frustration and anger as he glared at the ignoring calls log on his phone, all attempts to reach John Malachy met with silence. The week's grace period had expired, and John's disregard for his warnings was a blatant sign of disrespect. Stephen's mind raced with the consequences of John's actions, his business reputation and finances at risk.

Stephen's expression turned stern as he summoned Brownie to his office. "Brownie, John Malachy has failed to pay his debt despite my warnings. It's time to take action." Brownie nodded, his face expressionless. Together, they exited the mansion, flanked by a pair of burly thugs. Their destination was John's favorite read bookstore.

Stephen's car pulled up to the bookstore, and John's eyes widened in terror as he spotted them through the window. He quickly gathered his things and made a dash for the door, but it was too late. The bloodhounds, trained to track down debtors, had already caught his scent. They burst into the store, their fierce barking sending books tumbling off the shelves. John tried to outrun them, but the men were too fast. They pinned him to the ground, their jaws snapping mere inches from his face.

The thugs dragged John back into the store, where Stephen and Brownie waited, their faces unyielding and his struggles futile against their grips. Brownie looked up from his calculator, his eyes cold. "Ah, John. Trying to flee, were you? That'll add another 10% to the total." Stephen's eyes narrowed. "You should have taken my warnings seriously, John. Now, it's time to pay the price." The bloodhounds growled, their eyes fixed on John, as if daring him to try and escape again.

Brownie handed Stephen a piece of paper, his eyes gleaming with calculation. "Initial loan amount: $50,000. Interest accrued: $15,000. Overdue penalty: $10,000. Total amount due: $75,000." Stephen's eyes narrowed, his voice cold. "You've accumulated a substantial debt, John. And still, you try to flee. Unwise."

Stephen's face twisted in anger and frustration as he glared at John, who cowered before him. "You had your chance, John. You ignored my warnings, ignored my calls. Now, it's time to face the consequences." Brownie and the thugs closed in, their eyes cold and menacing. John's eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape, but there was none.

"Please, Stephen, have mercy!" he begged, his voice shaking.

But Stephen's expression remained unyielding. "Mercy? You should have thought of that before you borrowed. Now, it's time to pay the price."

With a nod, Stephen signaled Brownie to proceed. The thugs pinned John down, their grip like a vice. Brownie pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a pair of razor-sharp scissors. John's eyes widened in terror as Brownie advanced, the scissors glinting in the light...

Brownie grabbed John's finger and threatened to cut them off, "I will make it less painful, and this will be easy way to pay back without giving cash, what do you say?

"Please, take my bookstore, please, Stephen, please have mercy," John cried.

"Nothing you have in this tiny bookstore would be able to pay quarter of what you owe, and yet you had the guts to ignore our calls and attempted to run? Hahaha.. your fingers will pay for your debts, and I promise, Johnny, I will make it less painful." Brownie said in a mocking laughter, sending fear all over John.

Just then, Kyra, who had come to deliver free meal to John, heard the noise from outside and rushed inside.

Kyra, from last week when she helped to rearrange John's bookstore, had promised to give him free lunch to help him and she continued her act of kindness.

Kyra's hands trembled as she entered the bookstore, a tray of food clutched in her grasp. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the chaotic scene before her.

The tray slipped from her fingers, crashing to the floor as she froze in horror. The sound of shattering plates echoed through the room, drawing everyone's attention to her presence. Stephen, the man she had thought was a kindly company worker, her regular customer and then her friend, sat calmly in the corner, a cigarette dangling from his lips. But his face was twisted in a snarl, his eyes gleaming with a brutal intensity. Brownie, his massive frame looming over John, held a pair of scissors poised to strike. John's eyes were wide with fear, his face pale.

Kyra's mind raced as she struggled to comprehend the scene before her. The Stephen she thought she knew was a monster, and she had unknowingly stumbled into a dark world of intimidation and violence.