The Shattered Illusion

"Stephen," Kyra called out, shocked with her eyes locked onto Stephen, her voice ringing out as she called his name.

The sound echoed through the room, a stark contrast to the tense silence that had filled it moments before. The cigarette smoke wafted lazily from his lips, a stark contrast to the intensity of the scene unfolding. Kyra's mind raced as she took in the scene before her - John cowering in fear, Brownie's menacing grip on the scissors, and Stephen's calm demeanor. The shattered plates and abandoned food at her feet seemed to symbolize the fragments of her own illusions about Stephen. Had he lied to her about his job, his intentions? Was the man she thought she knew a mere facade? The questions swirled in her head as she turned and fled, leaving behind the bookstore full of stunned faces.

Stephen's cigarette felled from his hands as his eyes widened in surprise, he had never wanted to show this side of his to Kyra, he never wanted to reveal his business or identity, not knowing how to handle things or explain the situation to Kyra who turned and fled after calling out his name alone.

"Brownie, take him and lock him up, I will deal with him later," Stephen said, standing up, heading towards the door when Brownie called him, "boss, was that McDonald's daughter? The girl that is yet to pay up?"

"Like I said, take him and lock him up and don't ask me any further questions." Stephen's reply sounded almost like a warning, although he said so calmly.

Stephen hurried out of the bookstore and ran towards Kyra's restaurant, although her restaurant was a bit far, he could have drive in his car to make it faster but what could matter to him more than kyra at this point?

"You are lucky, johnny," one of the men said to John as he was dragged out of the bookstore, which is already a mess, with books shattered everywhere, shelves overturned and pieces of broken ceramic plates and food smashed on the floor.

John was dragged into the sienna and they drove away.

Kyra burst into her shop, her heart racing and mind reeling. She couldn't shake off the image of Stephen, surrounded by thugs and debtors. She felt betrayed, confused, and scared. She slammed her hands on the counter, trying to process her emotions. Minutes later, the door swung open again. Stephen stood in the doorway, his eyes fixed on hers, a mix of determination and desperation etched on his face. "Kyra, please listen to me," he began, his voice low and urgent. Kyra's eyes flashed with anger, her voice trembling. "Who are you? Who exactly are you Stephen?"

"It's not what..." Tried to explain but Kyra interrupted.

She shook her head, her eyes pleading for answers. "What right do I have to question your life, but all this time, I thought you were a company worker, I thought you were my friend, or should I say that I mistook you for a good guy, but it was all a lie, wasn't it?"

Stephen took a step closer, his eyes locked on hers. "Kyra, I need to explain. It's not what you think." But Kyra's defenses were up, her heart shielding itself from the pain. "Save it, Stephen. Your actions speak louder than words." The air was thick with tension, their emotions hanging precariously in the balance. Would they find a way to reconcile, or would the truth tear them apart forever?

"I appreciate your company but please leave," Kyra sounded more serious, with her hands trembling.

With her head bent and hands on the counter, she said, "why did you say that you are a company worker? Was it fun? Lying to me? And the person who came to the bookstore a week ago, was that you? Hold on, are you working for a loanshark? Do you beat up people?"

"I never made fun of you, I wasn't ready to talk about me that time and I am sorry, Kyra, I... don't beat..up people, that guy is my debtor, he took loan from me but he is not paying..." Stephen tried to explain himself but Kyra won't hear any of it.

"Oh a loanshark? You? And all these while for 11 months of our relationship, when were you going to tell me then? Huh!" Kyra asked with her eyes tearing up.

"Do you remember when you asked me to be your friend?" Kyra asked

"I do, what does it have to do with this?" Stephen got confused by Kyra's question.

"Do you remember that dinner date when you asked what kind of a man I would want to marry and I said..." Kyra's question scared Stephen so he interrupted her.

"I'm not a dangerous guy, Kyra, I know that I don't meet most of the requirements you mentioned but I will take good care of you."

"Stephen, I won't be happy if the man I love go about beating people," Kyra said, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't go about beating people, why are you concluding? Can you hear me out?" Stephen is starting to fear what Kyra might say next.

"Please leave, this whole thing is difficult for me to process right now, just go," Kyra said with mixture of anger and sadness in her tone.

Stephen's eyes widened in understanding, his face pale as he realized Kyra was recalling their conversations, their moments together. He took a step back, his hands raised in a defensive gesture. "Kyra, please, just listen-" "No, Stephen, I've heard enough," Kyra interrupted, her voice firm but laced with a hint of sadness. "I thought we had a connection, something real. But now, I'm not so sure. You've lied to me, hidden your true self. I can't process this right now. Just leave, please." Stephen's eyes searched hers, pleading for a chance to explain, to make it right. But Kyra's expression remained resolute, her arms crossed, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and hurt. With a heavy sigh, Stephen turned and walked out of the shop, leaving Kyra alone with her thoughts, her heart heavy with uncertainty. The door closed behind him, and Kyra felt a pang of sorrow, wondering if she'd ever be able to trust him again.