Plan to Visit Home

Kyra's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as she made her way back to her restaurant, her legs feeling like lead and her heart heavy with the weight of her memories. But despite the turmoil inside her, she knew she had to keep moving forward. She had to uncover the truth about her past, no matter how painful it might be.

As she pushed open the door to her restaurant, the familiar sights and sounds enveloped her, providing a sense of comfort and security. But Kyra knew she couldn't stay here, not now. She had to take a step back and focus on her own healing, her own recovery.

She made her way to her office, her eyes scanning the familiar space as she sat down at her desk. She pulled out a piece of paper and began to scribble down notes, her mind racing with ideas and plans.

Oakdale. That's where she needed to go. The idea to pay her adoptive mother, Akua, a visit struck her.

As she wrote down her plans, Kyra's heart raced.

With a deep breath, Kyra stood up, her eyes scanning the room one last time before she made her way out the door. She knew that visiting her adoptive mother might be a way of helping her recall if possible, but what could her past hold? Would she be able to handle it if she remember? No matter how the thoughts tried to scare her, she was ready to remember.

Kyra's mind wandered back to Oakdale, the small town she had called home for five years. It was where Akua, her adoptive mother, had found her and nurtured her talents in painting and cooking. Oakdale was where her success had first taken root, before she expanded her horizons to Willowdale.

But Oakdale also held painful memories. Kyra had experienced debilitating headaches there, which she had managed with medication. Yet, the headaches had always left her with a sense of unease, a feeling that something was off.

Now, as she grappled with the mysterious note and her fragmented memories, Kyra felt an overwhelming need to return to Oakdale. She needed someone to talk to, someone who knew her past and could help her make sense of her present.

But she couldn't turn to Stephen, not him. Akua, her adoptive mother, was the only one she could trust. Kyra's heart ached with a mix of emotions as she thought of Akua's warm embrace and gentle guidance.

With a deep breath, Kyra made up her mind. She would return to Oakdale, to the place where her journey had begun. She would confront her past, face her fears, and hopefully, find the answers she so desperately sought.

Kyra got home earlier that day, without having dinner, she took a quick shower, after recalling how stressful the day had been, she lied down quietly on her bed and doze off.

"Tik, tick, tick"

The beeping sound of the alarm clock woked Kyra up, ushering her into a new day.

Kyra slowly opened her eyes, groggily taking in her surroundings. Her bedroom was dimly lit, with only a sliver of sunlight peeking through the curtains. She felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, and she closed her eyes again, willing it to pass.

As she lay there, her mind began to clear, and she remembered her plans to leave for Oakdale. She had made the decision the day before, and now the reality of it was sinking in.

With a lazy stretch, Kyra threw off the covers and made her way to the bathroom. She flipped on the light switch and squinted at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes looked a bit puffy, and her hair was tangled from sleep.

She began her morning routine, brushing her teeth and washing her face. The cool water helped to clear her head, and she felt a bit more alert.

As she dried her face, Kyra caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She looked a bit pale, and her eyes seemed to hold a hint of worry. She took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling.

After finishing in the bathroom, Kyra made her way to her closet to pick out an outfit for the day. She chose a comfortable pair of jeans and a soft blouse, dressing slowly as she tried to shake off the lingering dizziness.

With her clothes on, Kyra headed to the kitchen to start her day with a cup of coffee. She poured herself a steaming cup and sat down at the table, taking a sip as she gazed out the window.

The morning light was streaming in, casting a warm glow over everything. Kyra felt a sense of calm wash over her, and she closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

But as she sat there, her mind began to wander back to her plans for the day. Oakdale. She was really doing this. She was going back to the place where she found herself 6 years ago; Oakdale.

Kyra's heart began to race as she thought about what lay ahead. She had no idea what she would find in Oakdale, but she knew she had to go. She had to face whatever was waiting for her.

Kyra finished her coffee and stood up, her mind made up. She headed to her restaurant and called a meeting with her staff.

"Good morning, everyone," Kyra said, as her staff gathered in the meeting room. "I wanted to brief you all on a few things before I head out."

Max, her head chef, looked up from his notes. "Head out, chef? Where are you off to?"

Kyra smiled vaguely. "Just a quick trip, Max. I'll be back before you know it."

She turned to the rest of the staff. "I want to make sure everything runs smoothly while I'm away. Max, can you oversee the kitchen operations?"

Max nodded. "Of course, chef Kyra. We've got it covered."

"Great," Kyra continued. "And, Sarah, can you handle the front of house duties?"

Sarah, her manager, nodded. "Absolutely, chef Kyra. We'll take care of everything."

Kyra looked around the room, meeting the eyes of each staff member. "I know I can count on all of you. Let's keep up the great work, and I'll see you when I get back."

The staff nodded, and the meeting adjourned. Kyra knew she could trust her team to keep everything under control while she was away. She felt a sense of relief wash over her as she headed back to her office to finalize her preparations for her trip to Oakdale.

As Kyra packed her bags and said her goodbyes, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She had been vague about her trip with her staff, not wanting to reveal too much. But the truth was, she was heading to Oakdale with a sense of trepidation.

As she drove away from Willowdale, the familiar streets and buildings gave way to rolling hills and countryside. Kyra's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. She had no idea what she would find in Oakdale, but she knew she had to face it head-on.

The drive was long, but finally, Kyra saw the sign for Oakdale. Her heart skipped a beat as she turned into the town, her eyes scanning the familiar streets. It had been a year since she left, but nothing seemed to have changed.

Kyra pulled up to her destination, a small cottage on the outskirts of town. She took a deep breath, grabbed her bag, and stepped out of the car.

Kyra arrived at the cozy cottage, exhausted from the long journey. The door was creaked as she opened it and entered inside. The cottage was dimly lit, but Kyra's eyes adjusted to it. She had come straight to her adoptive mother's home, hoping to find answers to the questions that had been haunting her. But as she entered the house, she was met with an empty silence. Akua, her adoptive mother, was nowhere to be found.

Kyra's eyes scanned the familiar rooms, feeling a mix of fatigue and frustration. She had been so eager to talk to Akua, to ask her about the past and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her discovery by the Riverside six years ago.

With a sigh, Kyra collapsed onto the couch, her body surrendering to the weariness of the journey. She closed her eyes, her mind still racing with questions, but her heart patiently waiting for Akua's return.

As she drifted off to sleep, Kyra's thoughts were filled with images of the Riverside, the place where her life had changed forever. She had always wondered what had happened to her before Akua found her, and now, she was determined to uncover the truth.

With a sense of determination, Kyra fell asleep, her heart ready to face whatever secrets lay ahead.