Back to Oakdale

The clock ticked faster as Kyra waited in anticipation, few hours later, she woke up from her sleep, carried her bag to her room, did fewer chores and came outside the cottage to receive the evening breeze before Akua, her adoptive mother who had come back from her culinary school which Kyra handed over to her to handle a year ago, returned.

As Kyra stepped outside into the evening breeze, she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, feeling the stress and fatigue of the day melt away. The scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, transporting her back to a time when she lived at Oakdale.

Perceiving a familiar scent, her eyes flew open as she recognized the familiar scent, her heart skipping a beat in anticipation. It was Akua's signature scent, the same one that had filled their home with warmth and love for the past years.

Kyra's eyes scanned the horizon, her heart raced with excitement as she rushed inside the cottage and saw Akua, she rushed and embraced Akua, with feeling of safety watching over her.

"Kyra, why are you back unannounced? You didn't call me," Akua inquired, scanning Kyra's eyes to know if something was wrong.

"I'm fine, mother, I missed you and my friends and students too, so I decided to come and pay a surprise visit, and maybe I will see if my mother had forgotten about me and found another daughter," Kyra teasingly said, trying to maintain calmness.

Akua's expression softened, relief washing over her face. "Ah, Kyra, you always knew how to make an entrance," she said with a chuckle. "I'm glad you're home, but next time, please call me, my heart can't take these surprises!"

Kyra laughed, feeling a sense of normalcy return. "I'm sorry, mother, I just missed you all so much. And I have so much to tell you about my life in the city."

Akua's eyes lit up with interest. "Oh, tell me everything! I want to hear all about your success and adventures."

Kyra took a seat at the kitchen table, and Akua joined her. "It was long, but I'm glad to be here. I've missed you so much, Mother."

"And I've missed you, Kyra. But I'm proud of the young woman you've become. Tell me, how's your restaurant doing?"

Kyra's face lit up with enthusiasm. "It's doing great, Mother! We've been getting amazing reviews, and I've been able to experiment with new recipes and dishes. I'm even thinking of starting a culinary school to share my passion with others."

Akua's eyes shone with pride. "That's wonderful, Kyra! You've always had a gift for cooking. I'm so glad you're pursuing your dreams."

Kyra smiled, feeling grateful for her mother's support. "Thanks, Mother. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement and guidance. I've put my painting aside for now, focusing on my culinary skills and building my restaurant business."

Akua nodded understandingly. "That's perfectly fine, dear one. You can always go back to painting when the time is right.

As they chatted, Akua got up to make some tea for them, and Kyra brought the cookies from the jar. The warm and cozy atmosphere of the cottage enveloped them, making Kyra to feel safe.

As they sipped their tea and munched on cookies, their conversation flowed easily, covering everything from Kyra's friends to her favorite books and movies. It was as if no time had passed at all, and Kyra felt grateful for the sense of normalcy and comfort that Akua's presence brought her.

As the afternoon wore on, Kyra and Akua continued to chat and catch up on each other's lives. They talked about everything from Kyra's restaurant to Akua's latest cooking experiments, their conversation flowing easily and naturally.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the cottage, Akua suggested they start getting ready for dinner. Kyra offered to help, and together they prepared a delicious meal of roasted vegetables and savory stew.

As they sat down to eat, Kyra felt a sense of contentment wash over her. This was what she had been missing in the city - the warmth and comfort of a home-cooked meal, shared with someone she loved.

Dinner time, Kayak prepared a delicious meal and they ate, and continued to chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company. Kyra was grateful for this time with Akua, and she didn't want to ruin it by bringing up difficult questions or topics. She decided to wait until tomorrow, to broach the subject of her past.

After dinner, they cleared the table and sat down in the living room, sipping tea and enjoying the quiet of the evening. Kyra felt her eyes getting heavy, but she didn't want to miss a moment of this time with Akua.

As the night wore on, they talked about books and movies, sharing recommendations and reviews. Kyra was amazed at how much she had missed this - the simple pleasure of sharing thoughts and ideas with someone who cared.

Finally, as the clock struck nine, Akua yawned and stood up, stretching her arms over her head. "I'm getting old, Kyra," she said with a laugh. "I think it's time for bed."

Kyra smiled, feeling a pang of sadness that their evening was coming to an end. But she knew she would see Akua again in the morning, and they would have another day to spend together.

"Goodnight, Mother," Kyra said, hugging Akua tightly.

"Goodnight, dear one," Akua replied, her voice soft and loving. "Sleep tight."Kyra slept soundly that night, lulled by the comfort and security of being back in her home. She felt grateful for the warm and loving reception from Akua, and the ease with which they had fallen back into their familiar routine.

As she drifted off to sleep, Kyra's mind was filled with thoughts of the day's events, and the joy of reconnecting with Akua. She felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over her, knowing that she is safe.

Despite the lingering questions and uncertainties about her past, Kyra's heart felt light and unburdened. She knew that she would have to confront those questions eventually, but for now, she was just grateful to be home, surrounded by the love and warmth of Akua's presence.

As she slept, Kyra's dreams were filled with vivid images of her life at Oakdale, memories of laughter and adventure, of warm summer days and cozy winter nights spent by the fireplace. She dreamed of Akua's warm embraces, and the comforting sound of her voice.

When she woke up the next morning, Kyra felt refreshed and renewed, ready to face whatever the day might bring. She knew that she would have to confront the secrets of her past eventually, but for now, she was just grateful to be home, surrounded by the love and warmth of Akua's presence.