Searching for Answers

"Good morning mother," greeted Kyra as she walked into the kitchen stretching her arms.

Akua, who was already preparing breakfast responded with warm smile. "Good morning my dear, I hope you slept well last night?"

"I did mother and I hope you slept well too? Um... What's the plan for today?" Kyra asked as she set the table.

"I will be going to the class today, and if you will join me , I will love that" replied Akua, as she dished out the food.

Kyra was excited to hear this, she miss her students so much. "I'll love to, mother, I really miss my students."

Akua and Kyra enjoyed their breakfast and prepared to go to the school.

As Kyra and Akua arrived at the culinary school that morning, Kyra's heart swelled with pride. She had founded this school just a year ago, and it had already become a thriving hub of culinary learning.

As they entered the kitchen, Kyra's students turned to stare at her in surprise and delight. "Chef Kyra! Oh my gosh, it's so great to see you!" one of them exclaimed.

Kyra smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest. "Hey everyone! It's great to see you all too!"

The students rushed over to hug her and welcome her back. "We've missed you so much!" one of them said, tears in her eyes.

Kyra hugged them back, feeling a sense of joy and nostalgia. "I've missed you all too. It's so great to see how much you've all grown and improved."

As she looked around at the familiar faces, Kyra's eyes landed on one student who was absent - Lyra, her favorite student who had been like a little sister to her.

"Where's Lyra?" Kyra asked Akua, her mother.

Akua smiled. "She's assisting me with some special projects, dear. But don't worry, you'll see her soon."

"Okay, great!" Kyra replied, feeling a sense of relief. "I was worried I wouldn't get to see her at all."

As she chatted with her students and caught up on their progress, Kyra couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had built this school from the ground up, and it had become a true community of passionate and dedicated cooks.

After a while, Akua suggested they start the day's lesson, and Kyra agreed. She helped demonstrate a new recipe, answering questions and offering tips as the students worked.

As the class came to a close, Kyra hugged her students goodbye, promising to come back soon. "Keep up the great work, everyone!" she said, beaming with pride.

As they walked out of the school, Akua put an arm around Kyra's shoulders. "You've done an amazing thing here, dear," she said. "This school is a true legacy."

Kyra smiled, feeling grateful for her mother's support. "Thanks, Mother," she said. "I couldn't have done it without your help and encouraging words."

By the time they got home, it was already evening and kyra prepared a delicious dinner which they enjoyed.

After a warm dinner at home, Akua and Kyra (formerly Lyra) strolled through the garden, enjoying the evening breeze and the scent of blooming flowers. As the sun dipped below the horizon, they settled on a bench, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature.

Akua gazed at Kyra with a mix of love and nostalgia. "Kyra, my dear, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You've brought me joy and comfort in ways you can't imagine."

Kyra smiled, her eyes shining with affection. "I feel the same way, Mother. You've been my rock, my guiding light. I don't know what I would have done without you."

As they sat together in the fading light, Akua began to share stories of her late husband and daughter, memories she had long cherished. Kyra listened intently, feeling a deep connection to the family she had never known.

The night air was filled with laughter and tears, as mother and daughter bonded over their shared experiences and love for each other. In that moment, they both knew that their bond was unbreakable, a testament to the power of love and resilience.

Then Kyra brought out the note, she had carried that piece of paper with her intending to show her adoptive mother.

"I have been experiencing severe headaches for several days now with memory flashes of events I can't seem to put together," Kyra said, handing the piece of paper over to her adoptive mother.

"I remember the cliff, the fall, the darkness and I remember him," Akua read out the words written in the paper.

"What is this?" Raising her eyes to meet Kyra's gaze, "who gave it to you?"

As Kyra handed the note to Akua, her eyes locked on hers. "I found this in the park after I experienced one of those severe headaches. I don't know who wrote it or what it means."

Akua's expression turned serious as she read the note. "Where exactly did you find this?" she asked, her voice calm but concerned.

"In the park, on a bench," Kyra replied. "I had a headache and then...I don't know, it's like I blanked out for a second. When I came to, I saw this on the ground next to me."

Akua's eyes narrowed slightly. "And did you see anyone around you? Anyone suspicious?"

Kyra shook her head. "No, I was alone. There was no one around."

Akua's gaze lingered on the note, her mind racing with thoughts. She knew that Kyra's past was a mystery, and this note seemed to hint at something significant.

"Kyra, can you tell me more about the headaches you've been having?" Akua asked, her voice gentle but probing.

Kyra nodded, her eyes clouding over. "They're just...really painful. And sometimes I see flashes of things that don't make sense. Like a cliff, or a darkness. It's like my mind is trying to remember something, but I don't know what."

Akua's expression softened with compassion. "We'll figure this out, Kyra. Together. But for now, let's focus on getting you some rest. These headaches might be related to your memories coming back, and we don't want to push you too hard."

Kyra nodded, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. She knew that Akua was trying to help, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her past than she was letting on.

"Do you believe that I can recall? I'm confused and scared, I can't focus at work with all of these happening," Kyra sighed, sadness and frustration could be traced in her words.

"When I found you 6 years ago at that riverside, I knew that something had happened to you, but my efforts to make you recall proved futile, and letting you live this new life was the only option I had back then." Akua stared at her daughter, "did you had a difficult time adapting to the city? Or did you meet anyone familiar, you said...all of these happening, can you tell more?"

"I met a guy in the city and I fell in love," just then, Kyra remembered that night, that kiss, her vulnerability and feeling embarrassed, she didn't want to continue.

"Really? tell me more about him, does he have a good job? What is his personality like?" Akua inquired further with excitement shinning on her face.

Kyra's face flushed as she hesitated, unsure how to share the details of her love life with her mother. She didn't want to reveal too much, especially the vulnerable moment she shared with Stephen, the kiss that still lingered in her mind. "Uh, well...I just met someone, that's all," she said evasively, trying to downplay the situation.

Akua's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Someone special, I presume? Tell me more, dear!"

Kyra's embarrassment grew as she tried to deflect her mother's probing.

"Mother, really, it's nothing," Kyra said, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. "I just...I don't want to talk about it right now, okay?" She looked away, her eyes welling up with tears.

Akua's expression softened, and she reached out to gently take Kyra's hand. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. It's just that I want to see you happy, and I sense that there's something going on that's got you all fluttery inside."

Kyra sniffled, feeling a mix of emotions swirl within her. She knew her mother was trying to help, but she just couldn't bring herself to share the truth about Stephen and their complicated connection. Not yet, at least.

"His name is Stephen... but...we are no more together," Kyra stuttered.

"Why? What happened Kyra?" Akua asked still rubbing Kyra's hands.

"I feel distant.. I asked him to go, I..." Kyra couldn't continue because of the tears

Kyra's voice cracked as she struggled to speak, but she didn't want to reveal the truth about her and Stephen's complicated relationship. "I...I just needed some space, that's all," she said, brushing away her tears.

"But, Mother, there's something else. Something strange." She took a deep breath, deciding to divert the conversation. "Stephen...he called me Lyra once. Like, he was certain that's my name."

Akua's expression turned thoughtful, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Lyra? That's an unusual name. Do you think he might know something about your past?"

Kyra's eyes widened, her heart racing at the possibility. "Maybe...maybe he does."

Akua's grip on Kyra's hand tightened. "We need to find out more about this, Kyra. If Stephen knows something about your past, we need to know what it is."

Kyra nodded, determination etched on her face. "I'll talk to him, Mother. I'll find out what he knows."

Akua's eyes gleamed with a hint of suspicion. "Be careful, Kyra. If Stephen is hiding something, we don't know what his motives are."

Kyra nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that she had to tread carefully, but she was determined to uncover the truth about her past, no matter what it took.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the garden, Akua stood up, her eyes still fixed on Kyra's face. "Let's head inside, dear. It's getting dark."

Kyra nodded, her mind still reeling from their conversation. As they walked towards the house, Akua placed a gentle hand on Kyra's shoulder. "You're strong, Kyra. You can face whatever comes your way. Remember, you're not alone."

Kyra smiled weakly, feeling a surge of gratitude towards her mother. She knew that she had to be brave, for herself and for her mother, who had always been her rock. With a newfound sense of determination, Kyra led the way into the house, ready to face whatever lay ahead.