A Familiar Face, A Forgotten Past

Kyra has stayed for a month at Oakdale, and has finally packed her bags, ready to say her goodbyes.

As Kyra boarded the bus to Willowdale, her friends and villagers gathered to bid her farewell. Akua, her adoptive mother, hugged her tightly and handed her a small package.

"Kyra, my dear, don't forget to take this medicine," Akua said, her voice choked with emotion. "The doctor prescribed it for your headaches. And if you happen to meet Stephen, ask him about...you know."

Kyra nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "I will, Mom. Thank you for everything. I'll never forget you."

Akua smiled and stroked Kyra's hair. "You're strong, Kyra. You'll do great things. And don't forget to take care of yourself."

As the bus doors closed, Kyra waved goodbye to her loved ones, her heart heavy with emotion. She took a deep breath and settled into her seat, the medicine and Akua's words echoing in her mind.

The bus pulled away from Oakdale, and Kyra gazed out the window, watching the village disappear into the distance.

She arrived later in the day at Willowdale and tired, rested at home. The next morning, she went to her restaurant, and was welcomed warmly by her staff, soon enough, they resumed the business of the day, with the chefs cooking and the waiters serving and the bartenders doing their job, while Kyra checked the record of the work for the past month.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson arrived again at Taste of Heaven restaurant, looking around nervously. They had been coming for four times already, trying to meet Kyra, but that day, they met her.

As they entered the restaurant, they saw Kyra, the chef, busy in the kitchen. She was laughing and chatting with the staff, completely unaware of their presence.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a nervous glance and decided to take a seat at a table, hoping to go unnoticed. But chef Kyra went upstairs to her culinary small class to teach her students, an hour later, she finished her classes and came downstairs, her eyes scanned the room and landed on them.

For a moment, their eyes locked, and Sophia and Ms. Johnson held their breath. But to their surprise, Kyra's face showed no recognition, no hint of anger or betrayal. She simply smiled and went about her work, taking orders and serving customers as if they were just any other patrons.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a confused glance, wondering if Kyra was playing a game or if she really didn't remember them. They had expected anger, resentment, or at least some sign of recognition, but Kyra's indifference left them baffled.

As they sat there, trying to make sense of the situation, Sophia whispered, "Do you think she's pretending not to know us?"

Ms. Johnson shook her head, "I don't know, but we need to be careful. We don't know what she's capable of."

Sophia nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Kyra as she expertly juggled multiple tables, her smile and laughter never faltering.

It was as if she had moved on from the past, leaving Sophia and Ms. Johnson to grapple with their own guilt and uncertainty.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson waved to get Kyra's attention, and she promptly came over to their table, her smile warm and welcoming.

"Hi there! How can I help you ladies today?" Kyra asked, her eyes sparkling with friendly curiosity.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a nervous glance before Sophia spoke up. "Actually, we're looking for someone. Her name is Lyra."

Kyra's expression turned quizzical, her brow furrowing slightly. "Lyra? That name sounds... familiar, but I'm not sure why."

Ms. Johnson leaned in, her voice taking on a hint of excitement. "Yes, Lyra! We thought you might be her."

Kyra's smile faltered for a moment, and she looked at them with a hint of confusion. "I'm afraid I'm not Lyra. My name is Kyra, and I'm the owner of this restaurant."

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a disappointed glance, but Kyra continued, her curiosity piqued. "But I have to ask, who is Lyra? And why do you think I might be her?"

Ms. Johnson hesitated before speaking up. "Lyra was a girl we knew... a long time ago. We thought she might have... changed her name or something."

Kyra's eyes narrowed slightly, her mind racing with memories. "Stephen... Stephen called me Lyra once," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, so that Sophia and Ms Johnson heard her.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a hopeful glance, but Kyra shook her head, her smile returning. "But I assure you, I'm not Lyra. I'm Kyra, and I've never been anyone else."

She leaned in, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "But tell me, what does this Lyra look like? Maybe I can help you find her."